I feel a little guilty but not really...
By foxyfire33
@foxyfire33 (10005)
United States
July 5, 2008 3:39pm CST
I kept my yahoo messenger on invisible today for one good reason. Yesterday stepson's friend that joined the Army kept sending me messages...and in between messages he called. For a full hour I was stuck talking to him. He just graduated from Basic and is waiting to start AIT on Monday so guess he doesn't have much else to do. I know he's a little home sick and misses everyone but I just don't feel like talking to him again. Besides, it's not like I have much in common with a 19 year old single guy in the Army!
He's showing up as online right now, iand I'm sure he's hoping someone from here logs in but it's just not going to happen. The only way I "got away" from him last night was by telling stepson to talk to him instead with the excuse that I had to go to the store...i did have to go but it wasn't a dire emergency.
So anyway, am I a horrible person for ignoring a homesick kid or is it justifiable since I am trying to get work done and I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world on his friends list? Share your stories of ignoring people too if you'd like.
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15 responses
@koharukusumi (1539)
• Malaysia
6 Jul 08
Hello foxyfire33, I had a friend in Yahoo!messenger like your friend the army boy.Everytime I chat with this particular friend, she will keep talking about herself repeatedly and at first it was enjoyable but when she does that over and over again I began to find it annoying. Every now and then she'd be like,'you know I am actually the type of person who don't like what people do to me...bla bla bla'. Every topic that we chatted will end up with her talking about her. It got very annoying that now I appear offline to her using the Stealth Settings. :D
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
6 Jul 08
Yep, people who just talk about themselves annoy me too. I try to avoid them as much as I can...I admit I do the samething sometimes to but I think there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. I hope I do it the right way! It sounds like your friend was doing it the wrong way if it was enough to annoy you.
@koharukusumi (1539)
• Malaysia
6 Jul 08
Yeah. I also do not know if I talk about myself too much but I know I do not do it often.
@capirani (2840)
• United States
6 Jul 08
I do not consider setting your messenger to invisible the same thing as ignoring someone. If you were set to available and did not respond to messages he sends, that might be considered ignoring him. You can also set someone individually on invisible but have the rest of your list see you. Those settings are there for a purpose.
Also, you are allowed to tell him you have things to do and cannot talk very long. When the conversation starts, just give him a time limit and then stick with it. You could even start the conversation once in awhile just to let him know you know he is homesick. Just make sure you let him know your time is limited and that you cannot talk long. No one owns your time exclusively.
I used to feel like I had to answer the telephone everytime it rang, or the door everytime someone knocked. I finally realized that I have a right to not answer if I don't want to. Especially if I am busy, or sick, or just don't feel like talking to anyone. It is the same with the internet. You don't have to feel guilty for owning your own time.

@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
6 Jul 08
Your first line made me feel so much better! You are right, setting it to invisible was not ignoring anybody, it was just making myself unavailable to talk, which I was.
I've told him other times that I didn't have much time to talk...he used to call here a lot before he left too but he doesn't seem to get it. And knowing his whole family situation and everything else, I did feel bad for him but I can't be mom or whatever to every stray kid that needs one...would be nice but I'm busy enough with my own at the moment.
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
6 Jul 08
rotflmao Foxy, I think the better question here is why is he talking to you and not your son to begin with :))) LMAO. Hon if I turn on one of my messenger programs I stay invisible. If I did not all I would be able to do online is chat. I can not do 2 things at one time. I do not feel quilty about it. If I am chatting with someone I want to be able to devote my attention to that one person and not have to divide it up between several people. If I am mylotting I am mylotting and not chatting....
Its okay that you do not turn it on for everyone to see...... But I think a young man finds a certain someone FOXY! :))))
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
6 Jul 08
HAHA! You may be on to something there! OMG...you're probably right...stepson made the joke once about me being a Stifler's mom because all his friends would love to come over when I first started dating his dad LOL
Oh but to answer the question...we only have one computer at the moment and normally stepson isn't allowed to use mine since it was his fault s/o's computer and MIL's first laptop don't work anymore..he downloaded too many things from where ever and got them packed with viruses and all the other bad stuff. But while his friend was on I tried twice to get him out of his room but he didn't come out until the third time when I used the excuse of needing to get to the store.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Jul 08
LOL--NO, NO, NO...You're not being a horrible person. I've long ago completely switched off my Yahoo Messenger...I got fed up with being "pinged" every time a new email was coming in, or someone trying to reach me via messenger..particularly if I was in the middle of scanning photos, or writing articles.. I happen to have a friend of mine in Calif who used to live around the block from me...yes, I do consider her a good friend but she just doesn't GET IT. Prior to my getting my own computer last year, I was more "accessible"...that is could yak on the phone more...and my friend is the type that a "short" phone conversation is three hours...no kidding...well back then yeah I could swing it. Not now. I mean I have to admit I've gotten more reclusive because of my computer...I'm either writing articles, into my novel, doing photo scans...a LOT of work. I have my phone message which part of it says "I Shall get back to you as soon as possible"---I have my machine on 24/7...sure enough my friend calls me...and I just can't answer....part of HER message is.."Well call me back when you're not too busy." Problem is, I'm almost ALWAYS busy now. I kind of feel sorry for her cause quite frankly she doesn't have much to do with her time...she spends most of her time watching TV, yakking on the phone or reading but she does have other friends to call, which is the main thing she does with her life...yak on the phone and that woman sure does know how to talk!....she doesn't even have her own computer so I can't even send a quick email to her...I did write a letter telling her how busy I am and often am under deadlines also, that if anything dire had happened to me, I'd be calling her...she still doesn't GET IT. She even called me last night..and yes I was busy again....I did call her today, to tell her I'm still alive and well..LOL. But yeesh!
So nope you're not a horrible person....I think everyone of us have people that just doesn't get it and are kind of nudges...LOL

@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
6 Jul 08
I forgot all about setting it so I was only invisible to him...eh, doesn't really matter though my friends list is really small and two of the others live here too and won't ever message me when I'm on since we only have the one computer LOL!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Jul 08
No you are not a horribleperson for getting away from your stepsons friend, hes a kid and you are an adult, you were really sweet to take your time with him but there is a limit. we do not have much in common with kids his age unless they are our own kids or grand kids. I do not exactly ignore anyone I just do not always get around to answering my answering machine right on the dot. My best friend called and I was deep into something so I just called her back a little later.she understood and that was all that counted.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
6 Jul 08
That's exactly it...I have known him since he was 12 and he has lived here for several months out of the past year but he's not my kid...my (step)kid's friend maybe but that's as close as it gets. I know I always wanted to be the mom all the kids could talk to but your right that there is a limit to that.
My opinion is that answering machines are there for a reason, there's nothing wrong with letting them do their job. You called back when you could and that's all that matters!
@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I don't think you are a horrible person. I think the kid is just homesick and wants to talk to someone familiar maybe if you talk to him but at the beginning of the conservation tell him I only have 15(or whatever)mins. to talk then when the time is up just tell him you have to go that you will talk to him tomorrow.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I think I'm going to finish up here soon...well I know I am because the race will be on and s/o needs the computer...what I think is that I'll talk to him just before s/o and I switch, that way we'll still talk but I'll definitely have a good reason that he will understand for needing to keep it short. I do understand him missing us and needing to talk to someone from home...I just don't feel like I'm the best person, considering. I don't know maybe it's a mother figure thing.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
6 Jul 08
I guess you just do what is right foxyfire, it will not also be fair in your side to please him and neglect the things that you need to do..I have tried that with my close friend..She was so bored for jobless like 6 months and everytime I will open my YM, she is there and won't stop talking...Of course that time, I have a job and trying to utilize my time plus the household chores, so, I made another account..LOL! I will just send her one or two messages on chikka but will not open my YM where she was there since even if I will say I need to eat, she will not stop talking..
@whittby (3072)
• United States
7 Jul 08
Why is it when you have someone like this who is bending your ear on and on and on. And you tell yourself, be patient, listen, they really need to talk. So you use up time you really do need and listen. So after the conversation is over, do I feel like I've done a good thing - no I feel used up. Do I feel like I've done a good deed, no usually I feel bummed out. I think this is telling me I'm not helping them or me by listening way above and beyond the point when I can do so calmly without feeling panicky wanting to get away. ??
@rosema (1145)
• Philippines
6 Jul 08
Jo foxyfire33, If I dont want to talk with someone I just put in my status that I am Busy, and if we already start talking I will tell them that I have something to do, i will surely know that they understand me, its just really nice to be honest. and I think you dont want them to do that to you, right? have a nice day and keep smilling ^_^
@hiddenwing (3719)
• China
6 Jul 08
It happens. I kept my yahoo messenger on invisible almost everyday. Don't feel guilty. Anyway, I think u are kind since you just worry about others' feeling. In fact, so far as I am concerned. He will be OK!
@girlgonefishing (2174)
• United States
7 Jul 08
I've had something like that happen to me too. My 16 year old son has a friend on MySpace. She was home from school sick and requested me as a friend from my son's site. I accepted and then she sent me a message that just said "Hey". I replied back (big mistake) asking her why she wasn't in school. Well that started it. She messaged me about 10 times before I realized that this could go on all day so, I just said "I have to go to town" and then I logged out so I could get some work done. I felt guilty for a little while, but I got over it. LOL
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
5 Jul 08
I think the reality of it all has set in. He has AIT training for 6 weeks and then he'll have a 2 week home time leave before it all really starts. So basically he's a 19 year old with absolutely no idea yet where he'll be in just 8 short weeks from now or how long before he gets deployed...which is highly likely. I guess i just feel weird talking to him when I think he should be spending this time talking with his own family or actual friends...
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
5 Jul 08
I don't ignore persons because I wouldn't want someone to do that to me. If I am tired of talking with the same person then I will let him/her know that my brain is going blank for taking with one person so long. I am an outspoken person. Instead of ignoring him what you should in turn do is to encourage him to try and meet new friends either on line or at the army base. Sometimes person see someone and takes that person as a mother figure but instead of acknowledging and respecting the person views it is in turn view as annoyance. Why don't you suggest some of the social sites that you know he will be comfortable with.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
5 Jul 08
You are right in what you said...and that's the part that made me feel guilty. But the thing is, he doesn't "get it" when you tell him politely that you have other things to do or don't know what else to talk about. I don't know...he does need to settle in better where he is instead of relying on us. Typical teenager behavior...looking at the short term and not realizing that once he left for basic, he pretty much left home for at least a few years, not just for Basic and AIT.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
6 Jul 08
LOL I'm always invisible on yahoo for just this reason. I have a couple of friends on there who I do like, but who think whenever I'm on I must dedicate myself to talking to them only. Sometimes I will just minus the screen and then go back later and say oh sorry, got called away and forgot to respond, or say I had a phone call and was away.
@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
6 Jul 08
before logging in into my yahoo messenger, i make it sure that i log in as invincible lol. the reason for that is i don't wanna be disturbed by some people especially if i have something to do. if i wanted to talk on that certain person, i give them a buzz and just leave them a message. aside form that, my partner's also get a bit of jealous when he sees me talking to some of my friends especially if he's not that close to them