What was unique about the birth of your child?
By madebyrobyn
@madebyrobyn (616)
July 5, 2008 8:05pm CST
How was your babies arrival into the world
I have had four children and each have had
something totally unique happen at their birth
for me to remember, all were induced, all were
natural otherwise without painkillers:
#1 came 4 weeks... yes FOUR weeks late!
- ouch
#2 came out with her [b]hand on top of her
head [/b]so she was part way out and she had
to be pushed back in and birthed again!
#3 gave us a shock and suprise and was born
in less than 20 minutes! - thats from
first twinge to her shooting out into the world,
she was in such a hurry!
#4 was so relaxed and calm and easy and I told
the student midwife when I was pushing
"....that it feels great!" - well she asked!
So tell me what are your unique experiences
surrounding the birth of your baby?
How many babies have you had?
Did you get the birth experience that you
Natural or c-sections?

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16 responses
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 Jul 08
had 5. # 1 was natural, because we had just moved and the Dr. didnt know me and was mad at me all the way through! what an AH. #2 was easy, had some kind of shot knocked me out. didnt want the pain again. #3. had a sweet wonderful Dr., but he cut the heck out of me, because he didnt want tearing, even tho i told him id never been cut. # 4. was the most interesting and still is!LOL! she was a month late, so they induced labor and i had spinal injection, didnt feel a thing. # 5 was terrible pain. the dr. didnt believe in the spinal and only topical anesthetic.also, that one was BIG boy. 8lbs 10oz. chest was 15 inch wide. im told a baby gorilla is 16 inch wide.which gave him the nick name gorilla for years. ha!
@Marley76 (109)
• United States
6 Jul 08
I have had 3 Natural Births. The reason for this is because my longest labor was less than half an hour. Yes my first baby was delivered in like 29 minutes. The second in 20 min and the third no one got to time it. But it was exactly three contractions. So I quess I was one of the lucky ones. And all my childrens births have been very unique.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I only have one child. I was induced with him, around noon. His heart rate started becoming erratic around 330 pm, so they told me I would be having a c-section when my doctor got there at 4. The nurse told me to go ahead and start pushing, and we would see what would happen. While she was on the phone with the doctor, I could tell my baby was about to be born. By the time she turned back around, she was freaking out, telling me to stop pushing. That was hard to do, but I managed to wait until the doctor got there. He delivered my baby with only one glove on, because that's all he had time for. My son was born all in one push. His head was really large and swollen, so it was kind of like a cork! lol He had the cord wrapped around his neck AND tied in a knot. My doctor said he had never seen anything like that. In fact, he took a bunch of pictures of it to see if anyone else had ever seen anything like that. He had been delivering babies since the 80's (my son was born in 2006). My son had an extremely long cord, which was of course a miracle. If he had had a regular cord, it would have killed him, and possibly me as well. He's my miracle baby.
@4mymak (1793)
• Malaysia
24 Jul 08
i have 5 beautiful kidz.. and indeed... each pregnancy, each delivery is a unique experience in itself.
all my children were born by natural birth, but the most memorable delivery i guess would be.. my last one.. and that was in Feb.2003.
all my 5 kidz were born wayyyyyy earlier than they were due...
so i really dont know when to expect to go into labour..
but with my first four.. i had the 'signs'..
#1.. my waterbag broke six hours before she was born..
#2.. i had bloody stains on my underwear hours before he was born..
#3.. same - bloody stains..
#4.. also - bloody stains..
so.. i knew i had to get to the hospital right way...
#5.. no signs whatsoever.. i was just 'purging' (diarrhea) the whole day at work..
naturally, i had thought it was because i ate something 'bad'.. and i continued working until late that evening.. that it hit me.. i suddenly remembered when i was pregnant with #1.. my doctor did mention 'purging' could also be a sign of going into labour.. OH MY GOD.. only then did i panicked... to make matters worse.. my husband was having dinner with his boss... and may not be in time to drive me to the hospital...
but thank god.. somehow he managed to leave the 'party'.. come and fetch me, and off we were to the hospital.. it was from this point onwards that i started feeling 'real contractions'..
but the time we arrived at the hospital.. the contractions were unbearable long, painful and... very few seconds apart..
my husband almost jumped out of the car.. rushed in to get the hospital orderlys to help.. because.. i just could move anymore.. but - guess what.. only one orderly came out with a 'wheelchair'.. as soon as he got to my side of the door, my waterbag broke.. and i could feel my baby's head between my legs already... "God, she's coming out already !!!!..." i screamed...
The young orderly helped me onto the wheelchair.. pushed me like crazy.. while screaming "dont deliver yet.. dont deliver yet"...
somehow we managed to get to labor without the baby 'jumping out' just yet..
but as soon i laid on the bed, and the nurse helped to undo my underwear...
"Vooooshhhh!"... out she came...!! i didnt have to push her out...
That was a real 'drama' for me and my husband...
You cant imagine the lecture i got from the nurses + doctor.. they were really upset that i didnt try to get to the hospital much earlier... but.. how could i... i didnt even know i was going into labor...
Well.. Sarah is 4+ now.. beautiful, naughty, lively girl.. and i really, really thank god that even after that whole drama... she was delivered safely.

@wiccania (3360)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Well, I've only had one baby and he was a c-section. There were many memorable moments surrounding his birth.
First of all, we went to the doctor on a Friday for my regular check up. Since he still hadn't turned and I was due in about a week and a half, they decided to schedule the c-section. The doctor looked at his calendar and said "how's Tuesday?" um... ok... Then he said "on second thought, Tuesday's not good for me. We'll do it Monday." So on Friday, we were told we were having a baby Monday morning. That was an interesting appointment.
When he was born, there was a part of the proceedure where they (I assume) had to pull out the placenta and all that fun stuff. The doctor told me I'd feel a little tugging. My ex and I refer to that moment as "turbulance" because that's what it looked like I was experiencing.
My son (god I love this part...) peed on the nurses when they went to clean him up after he was born. Not once but TWICE. I was trying not to laugh while they sewed me back up.
Then there was the first moment I got to see him. I couldn't hold him right away, because I was strapped down with my arms out to either side of the table. But the nurse brought him over and held him down close to my head... he looked at me and then he made that "I'm going to cry now" face. So the first thing I ever said to my son was "Hey kiddo, there's no crying in baseball." It worked though, he didn't cry.
The next day, I was sitting on a glider in my hospital room and I was rocking him and talking to his dad. Looking down at him the whole time. There was one moment he looked at me and we made eye contact and this look of sudden recognition came over his face. It was like he was saying "hey, I know you... you're the mommy person!"
@jack_0306 (7)
• Australia
16 Jul 08
madebyrobyn, my mother in law shared the experience with us, and i don't regret it
in any way at all. It was wonderful having her there, for that extra support. Some
would think that it should be shared between my partner and I, but it was extra
special because she was there - she is like a mum to me! Also, she has a different
kind of bond with my son, she was there when he came into this world, and i think
that is something really special! He was what was considered a small baby (6pd
1oz) yet it was quite a difficult birth, resulting in a forcep delivery, so he had
the cone shaped head and some marks, but he was beautiful! I also had an epidural,
which i don't regret in any way. I do wish that i got to walk around a bit more
prior to having the epidural, shower, use an exercise ball etc. They started to
prep me for a c-section, however, let me go another hour, and thankgoodness by
that time he was ready (well kind of) to be born, and i had dilated enough!
@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
7 Jul 08
My daughter had part of her intestines and liver out covered with just a thin layer of skin when I gave birth to her. Yes, it is a congenital defect we discovered when she was 5 months in my tummy. She had to go about 16 operations just to make it right. Now she is a terrible two toddler. LOL! When she came out, a doctor friend of mine said my baby was also pregnant! LOL! It was scary at first. Looking at her now, I'd say everything is so amazing!
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
7 Jul 08
I have two children and they are both unique in many ways, but especially how they came to us. My son arrived on an airplane. That's right! The first time I met my son was at the baggage claim at an airport terminal. You see, both my children were adopted shortly after they were born. I met my daughter at the home of a woman who was caring for her until her adoption papers were filed and cleared. She had three babies that she was caring for and when I first walked in her home I didn't know which baby was mine. Very unique and very memorable indeed.
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
6 Jul 08
When one of my boys was born, he was the biggest child born on that day and he was male while all the other babies were females. This is something that you need to look out for when you're a new father because you don't want your kid mixed up and exchanged with another. My other boy was also the biggest one born in the hospital, even bigger than his older brother who was born 4 years ahead of him. He was bigger than any one of the month-old babies in the hospital nursery at one day old, so there was no danger of being mixed up and exchanged with another baby. Parenting is so complicated. Whew!!
@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
7 Jul 08
I only have two daughter and my eldest was born 3 days late so her "skin" had fallen off already. What made it memorable was when I woke up my hubby and told him that my water broke, he said "can I have a cup of coffee first?" (before I got the hospital since I had already taken a bath! Of yes, I was so calm that I had my bath before rushing myself to the hospital) My husband didn't realize at first what was I talking about and only after a few minutes that he had thought about the situation. As with my youngest daughter, I never knew that my water already broke the day before I decided to see my OB. I didn't feel any pain but I feel like my pelvis is getting heavier, much heavier than it used to. I went to see the OB but I was no longer allowed to go back home so I just phoned my cousins to bring the baby items needed and i was admitted and brought to the delivery room at once. It was an agonizing labor because I was having eclampsia, yet I did not even noticed it. I was given three shots of hot injection (magnesium sulphate) to prevent convulsion. After 5 hours in the delivery room, they decided that I must be opened up to get the baby out because the baby is in distress already and my BP is shooting up to 220/180.
I still opt to give birth naturally but for now, I must not get pregnant for the next five years...
@littleone3 (2063)
6 Jul 08
I have had 5 children all were natural births.
With my first i ended up with cramp in both legs while in labour then had to have a drip to speed up my contractions. When he came out he had the cord wrapped round his neck and was Grey but was ok. He was a day early.
My second i gave birth to fine but had trouble delivering the after birth took me about ah hour and half before it came out all this time my son is lying there sucking his thumb noisily. He was two days late depending on which due date you went by as they gave me three different dates.
With my third her shoulders got stuck so they turned me on my side and had to manipulate her out. When she finally came out she was rushed of and given oxygen which was very scary but she was fine in the end.
Had no problems with my fourth at birth but he had to go back into hospital at two days old with an infection. He was born on his actual due date.
My fifth and last was a week late the only one to come that late as the rest i had around my due date. I had no problems at all with him.
With all my children they have had to break my waters as they have never broke on there own.
@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
6 Jul 08
haha both were easy for me. both are natural births in my case and i did not use any epidural or even gas at all.
my first son came a month earlier. he was a premature baby and it was natural. my parents were going back to my home country and they really wanted to see him and it seemed like he listened to them. what's even more special was that it was christmas day and i've always been wanting chris in his name. my dreams, the guys always had chris for their names. so my son's name is chrisen.
for my daughter, we were hoping that she would come during the one week school holidays but she came when the school started on monday, a week earlier anyway. also, i delivered her within half an hour and everything happened really fast. i went to the hospital, immediately went for delivery, gave birth to her and had to wait for quite some time as there were no available beds in the wards as my admission process hadn't finished yet by my hubby and also, the staff didn't have 'early warning'.
hehe both were memorable for me. and yep, i definitely got the experience i wanted. it was tough but i didn't have to go into labor for really long unlike others.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
6 Jul 08
I guess several things were unique to me. First off my son was over a month late so he was able to do things very early. While in the hospital bassinett (sp?) he would raise himself up on his elbows and lift his head and look around. The nurses were amazed. Also, I was scheduled to be induced the next day but thankfully he was born the day before. And lastly, my mom listened to the entire birth on the phone from the waiting room. NOT something I would suggest again. LOL I was so afraid to scare her that I didn't feel I could yell when I really wanted to!
@latriciajones (846)
• United States
6 Jul 08
i had both of my sons natural, i had pain killers. my first son came out without any noise at all and his eyes wide open.now he is 4 and bad as ever. my second son came out screaming at the top of his lungs and sucking on his thumb. he is just 2 months and still cries and screams at the top of his lungs and still sucks on his thumb or pacifier.
@tarheelnancy (1317)
• United States
6 Jul 08
Well, I have two children a boy and a girl. The first, my son was pretty boring...nothing unique, normal contractions, in labor about 6 hours but not hard labor.
My second child, my daughter was an emergency c-section. We were on vacation in Mexico....was 5 months pregnant when started having pains, was told I could not travel or risk losing the baby had to stay on complete bed rest. (We were visiting my hubby's family so we didn't worry about where we'd be sleeping or anything)
I was so scared, I spoke very little Spanish and when it was time, I ended up having to have a c-section. With a spinal block (hated that feeling of not having feeling in my legs!) I had labor pains that NEVER went away it was one LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGG contraction, HORRIBLE!!!
Turns out my daughters cord was wrapped three times around her little neck and if they had decided to let her come naturally it could've possibly killed us both from the cord being wrapped and by the way she was positioned as well.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
6 Jul 08
My oldest was a planned c-section. Two days after the first test tube baby was born.
My second was a vbac. Back labor,had to turn the baby. I invented new cuss words.
The third was another vbac. A friend that worked at the hospital came and took pictures. My doctor's name is Dr. Sugar. Seriously.
That was the short and painless version. Add excruciating back labor to both for more ummph. LOL