Someone Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By mndricha2
@mndricha2 (76)
United States
July 6, 2008 10:56am CST
Hello, Im a fairly new mom. My daughter just turned a year old last week. My problem is all of a sudden she doesnt want to eat her food. She will eat cherrios and teething biscuits, but wheni put her in the highchair for real food she got absolutely crazy. I mean she has a fit like im hurting her. I just moved into a new apt and it scares me how she screams when i try to feed her. I dont want my neighbors to think something is going on. Other then those fits shes great. This has been going on for a few days now. She cries hysterically, and ive tried all kinda of foods thinking maybe she doesnt like what im giving her. But its only when its baby food, even mashed potatoes and she loves them. If i stick cherrios on the tray she gets HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP please.!!!
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14 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
6 Jul 08
All my kids went through exactly the same, and when it was my first and second child I would panic about it and try and make them eat and it would just end up being worse. Mealtimes used to be so stressful it was not funny. However by the time my third and fourth child arrived I learnt that this was going to happen and so what I would do is I would let them eat the food they liked but would add a bit of another food onto the plate too, if they want it they will eat it if not no problem. Your daughter is eating and that is the main things and the things she is eating are not that bad. I would continue that and just keep trying other stuff, but if she does not want it do not press the issue, the more upset she gets the more she will refuse to try anything.
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@mndricha2 (76)
• United States
6 Jul 08
lol.. thank you so much!!!!! it just get sme scared since she wassa preemie born at 2lbs that she needs her nutrients. I know cherrios are good for ya, but i coulodnt believe thats ALL she wanted. I also picked up some Veggie AND Apple Wagon Wheels. to change it up a little. I just dont know if shes full. DO i just let her keep eating until she stops?? she can really pack plz get back and thanks so much for letting me know this is ok.!
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@gemini_rose (16264)
6 Jul 08
She will let you know when she has had enough, as a rule of what mine are like they will only eat as much as they want too. Remember that a baby's tummy is only small, it is still growing and getting used to the changes that she is going through, let her guide YOU on what she needs to eat to feel full, it is often us parents that are guilty of overfeeding our children. She is only one so is still getting used to the fact that she is having to chew food now. Sometimes they can be a little scared of it, food with lumps in is strange to them and they can just get a fear of it, that is why it is best not to push them, the fear becomes worse.
My daughter is 2 now, she has just recently started to eat what is put in front of her. I never pushed her, it was put on her plate and if she did not want it she did not eat it. Another trick that I learned was when they feed themselves only put tiny bits on the plate, if they look at a plate of food and there is a lot there they do not always want to eat it, I only put tiny bits of food on my daughters plate and I would cut it into sizes that fit her hand. I found that if I put food on her plate that was bigger than her hand she would not pick it up. Just keep doing what you are doing, try her with different things but if she creates a fuss give her what she knows. But saying all this, a child can play on this, so as she gets a little older you have to be firm with her and tell her that she has to try something new, make it into a game with her let her see you eat something new or say if you try this you can have your cherrios after. That way she is trying the food and so is not just playing you up. You are bound to worry it is normal, I went through hell at first but you are doing just fine from what I can see, go with your instincts of being a Mum they will tell you all you need to know, trust what your instinct tells you!
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
7 Jul 08
Sounds like your little girl is getting teeth. She might need some relief in that area, but check with her pediatrician about that. I used to give my son a little infant tylenol periodically when it seemed like he couldn't bear the pain. The food actually makes babies salivate and the saliva actually burns when they are teething. You can try taking an ice cold wash cloth and letting her chew on that to help bring down the inflamation. In the meantime, let her eat what she likes. The crunchy cheerios and the teething biscuits are probably the only thing that helps ease the irritation of the new teeth breaking through the gums.
@mndricha2 (76)
• United States
7 Jul 08
your 100% right too. She top teeth just pushed through. I noticed when i was fedding her and she grabbed the spoon n took my finger instead and bit
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
6 Jul 08
I learned that when my kids would refuse to any thing but finger foods they it was because they decided that they were ready to feed them selves. Give her a plat and a spoon and let her go. You will have a very messy baby but a happy one. She will most likely eat with her finger and just hold the spoon in her hand but that is the way that they learn.
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@msmell (1378)
• Australia
7 Jul 08
Yeah I agree, all my 3 kids went through this stage when they were younger, so I too used to just give them a bowl of food and spoon and then they feel all independent and are more likely to pick the food and put it in their mouth and eat alot more of it.
Also I found that when my kids were younger and we visited other peoples house they would eat everything in sight... maybe they think the grass is greener who knows...
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@littleone3 (2063)
6 Jul 08
Most children go through this stage. I know that all five of my children did.
My two year old still has days where he does not want to eat anything.
But the next day he doesn't stop eating luckily he loves his fruit.
My son will not eat any sort of ready meals, it has to be home cooked otherwise he will not touch it.
Have you tried you daughter with home cooked food this might work although there is no guarantee that it will
I would not worry too much just let her eat want she wants and gradually introduce other food. Don't try to force her as she will eat it in her own time.
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@jasmine0728 (677)
• United States
7 Jul 08
I had this same problem with my daughter,I am afraid I didn't handle it well.If she didn't eat her supper and woke up during the night I would assume she was hungry and get up to make her soup or something which she wouldn't eat.Over the years I tried everything nothing worked.But with my daughter as she is 16 now I do believe she is just oppositional,you say this is the only time she gives you a hard time.It is mt guess she wants to do it herself,that is why the cheerios work.It is just a guess,but let her try doing it herself,it may be very messy but at least she will eat without screaming.
Hope this helps.
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@mndricha2 (76)
• United States
7 Jul 08
true, the cherrios are great i guess, i rather those them the puffed cheeto' she turns orange.
@mescue (64)
• United States
6 Jul 08
I giggle to myself when I read your problem. I was remembering when my 2 year old went through this phase. I was convinced that she would starve herself. I talked to her pediatrician about it and she said it was normal. Just keep trying different baby foods. It felt like forever for my daughter to start eating normal again. But that wasn't the only 'not eating' phase. She also got to where she would only eat fries and nuggets. Again her doctor said as long as she was eating something, she was fine. Being a beginner in motherhood is pretty much a learning experience. My daughter teaches me something new everyday!
@mndricha2 (76)
• United States
7 Jul 08
lol. im telling u i didnt get the right handbook i tell by the way shes gorgeous! and thanx so much
@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
15 Jul 08
I've raised 4 children and have 8 grandchildren and I have never heard of anything like this. I would suggest first of all that you ask your doctor about this, but my thoughts are to not worry about it as long as she is taking the Cherios and drinking her milk or whatever liquids you are giving her. Within time, she will begin to develop tastes for other foods, but I wouldn't stop giving her different things to try, even if it is off your plate as you are eating. She will eat when she is hungry.
@Gargoyle0134 (1257)
• United States
6 Jul 08
No problemo, mom!
Kids go through eating stages! I have 3 grown kids and they all did. My daughter went through a month where all she'd eat was liverwurst and cheese! YUCK! But we got through it. (She's married now and has a 2 week old!)
Just keeep offering alot of different tastes and in time she'll get wihtth a normal eating program again. But don't struggle, or she'll think it's a game. NEVER struggle at the table. Just offer and let them eat ehat they want, as long as a balanced meal is offered.
When kids are hungry..they will pick a balanced diet from instinct if one's offered. She may go a month or two with one thing? But in time she'll be fine again. It won't harm her. Ignore it. when she's hungry her body will instinctivelt have her choose the nutrients she needs! She'll be just fine! (It's YOU that will have a breakdown unitl she changes back! HA!-Part of being a mommy!? UGH!)
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@mndricha2 (76)
• United States
7 Jul 08
lol.. your tellin me! thank you so m uch tho, i was gettin really nervous. =]
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
7 Jul 08
My son went through this about the same time. The doc said there were two issues. Like you, we had just moved and his routine was interrupted. Also, he wanted more control over his eating.
My doc suggested that I allow him to eat more finger foods. Instead of baby foods, he got pieces of banana and pieces of cheese. We discovered toddler foods - meat sticks were his favorite. They were soft enough for him to chew.
He's 24 now and quite healthy. :-) He did finally get over the fussiness at eating time, when I let him feed himself all kinds of finger foods.
@mndricha2 (76)
• United States
7 Jul 08
awww.. lol.. i wanna try the meat sticks. She eats cherrios and such, when is a good time to try them?? she is on stage 3 baby foods and i give her canned carrots cause they're soft?
@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
6 Jul 08
Okay heres the thing, there is some reason that she is doing this, it may not be a good reason but there is in her mind a reason. My son did that (he lived on boost forever)until a doctor finally, when he was a little over a year old had allergy testing done on him, it turns out that the boy was allergic to almost EVERYTHING! The doctor said that when i would try to feed him that the ingredients that he was allergic to was making him itch and that was why he started pitching a fit when i would try to feed him.I was glad to know why but boy did it make grocery shopping an adventure!
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@honeydew82174 (1720)
• United States
9 Jul 08
I am guessing her teeth hurt and are coming in. It is painful because there is no hole already there. When they are bigger the holes are already there. She is going to be fussy and not eat much because it hurts. Give her a cold wash cloth to suck and chew on. She will eat when she is ready. teething is awful bussiness. those biscuts are great.
@nadams80 (77)
7 Jul 08
My daughter is 1 yr 9 months. She teethed (is that a word?) very late. She is only now getting back teeth. She eats everything but lately what she has been doing is spitting the food out. She will chew for a while and then spit out, then ask for more food.
She is still drinking milk an on the rare occasion won't spit the food out. I'm hoping it's a phase and waiting for it to pass.
In the meantime she is healthy and doesn't look like she's losing any weight.
Just hang in there!
@Rzelikman (141)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Has all your daughters teeth come in because if they have not she could be teething. I had a similar problem with my daughter she wouldn't eat for 3 days. Whatever I would give her she would turn her head away and would not eat. She only took her formula and that IT!! She wasn't sleeping to well either she kept waking up and screaming. I noticed a tooth was coming in and was giving her some tylenol to ease the pain. After the 3 days she went back to her old eating habits. Something could be bothering your daughter, kids don't just stop eating. DId you try giving her finger foods where she can feed her self, kids love that ....
@mndricha2 (76)
• United States
10 Jul 08
yea i have done the finger foods thing. i was just getting scared of her living on cherrios, and wagon shes doing better. and YES she just had both her top teeth poke through .. thanx so much, n every1 else who posted.
@auntdrandra (1)
9 Jul 08
I have an 18 and a 22 year old and I am an aunt 25 times over and a great aunt of 5. I only have one niece who didn't go through this stage. My oldest sisters son was so bad that she let him eat cherrios on the go because he threw a fit if she put him in the high chair. To this day (he is 17 now) he eats standing up. Just don't make that mistake. I say put your daughter in her chair and let her eat her cereal until she is full. Keep offering her other foods and sooner or later she will choice something different. Hang in there and don't get discouraged.