31 biblical virtues too pray over your kids!!!
By jesus777
@jesus777 (662)
July 7, 2008 8:34am CST
1 salvation lord let salvation spring up within my children that they may obtain the salvation that is in christ jesus,with eternal glory. is. 45 8 2 tim,2 10.
2. growth in grace i pray that my children may grow in the grace and knowledge of our lord and saviour jesus christ. 2 peter 3 vs, 18
3. love grant lord that my children my lord too live a life of love through the holy spirit who dwells in them galations gal 5 25 eph.5 2
4. honesty and integrity may integrity and honesty be there virtue and there protection psalms 25 21
5. self control farther help my children not to be like many others around them but let them be alert and self controlled in all they do 1 thess 5 6
6. love for gods word may my children grow to find your word more prescious than much pure gold and sweeter than honey from the comb ps 19 1o
7. justice god help my children to love justice as you do and act justly in allt hey do ps 11 7 mic 6 8
8. mercy may my children always be merciful just as their father is merciful lk 6 36
9. respect for self others and those in authority fartherg rant that my children may show proper respect to everyone as your word commands 1 peter 2 17
10. biblical self esteem help my children develop a strong self esteem that is rooted in the realization that they are gods workman ship created in christ jesus. eph 2 10
11.faithfulness let love and faithfulness never leave my children but bind these twin virtues around there necks and write them on the tablets of there hearts. prov. 3 3
12. courage may my children always be strong and courageous in there character and in their actions. dt 31 6
13 purity create in them a pure heart oh god and let that purity of heart be shown in their actions. ps.51 10
14. kindness lord may my children always try too be kind to each other and to everyone else. 1 thess 5 15
15. genorosity grant that my children may be generous and willing to share and so lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age. 1 tim 6 18 19
16. peace loving father let my chidren make evey effort to do what leads too peace rom 14 19
17. joy may my children be filled with the joy given by te holy spirit. 1 thess 1 6
18 perseverance lord teach my children perseverance in allt hey do and them especially to run with perseverance the race marked out for them heb. 12 1
19. humility god please cultivate in my children the ability to show true humility toward all. titus 3 2.
20. compassion lord please clothe my children with the virtue of compassion. col. 3 12
21.responsibilty grant that my childrenthat my chilndre may learn resposibility for eahc on should carry his own load gal. 6 5
22. contentment farther teach my children the secret of being content in every and any area in thier lives through him who gives them strength. phil. 4 12 13
23 i pray that faith will find root and grow in my childrens hearts by faith they may gain what has been promised to them luke 17 5 6 heberws 11 1-40
24. a servants heart god p[lease help my children develop servants hearts that they may serve wholeheartedly as if they were serving the lord and not people. eph 6 7
25 hope may the god of hope grant that my children may overflow with hope and hopefulness by the power of the holy spirit. rom. 15 13
26 willingness and ability to work teahc ym childrent oo value work and to work at it with all their hearts as working for the lord and not for people. col 3 23
27. passion for god. lord please instill in my children a soul that followeth hard after thee ps. 63 8 on that clings passionately to you jesus.
28 self discipline. farther i pray that my children will acquire a disciplined and prudent life doing what is right and just an fir in the eyes of the lord juess christ and not people. prov 1 3
29 prayerfulness. grant lord that my children lives willbe marked with prayerfulness that they may learn too pray in the holy spirit on all occassions with all kinds of prayer and requests eph. 6 18
30 gratitude help my children to live lives that are always overflowing with thanksgiving always give thanks to god for all that he has done is doing and is going to d. always having a thankful towards there saviour and lord jesus christ at all times. eph 5 20 col 2 7
31 a heart for missions lord please help my children to develop a desire too see your glory declareda mongst the nations your marvelous deeds amongst the people. ps. 96 vs. 1
farther god in the name of jesus i lift up every parent right now and i ask that you give them the wisdom and knowledge to raise there children up in the fear and admonishing of you and lord help them too be loving and compassionate towards there children . i lift up the single parents too lord because its not easy fot ehmt raise there children alone i pray that you bless them and give them the patience and guidance that they need too make it everyday have your way in the name of jesus christ i pray amen.
farther god in the name of jesus i lift up the children before you right now that they will walk in obedience to there parents and you jesus remembering that you are watching them at all times and that you know all and see all so help them too behave and [ay attention too there teachers and there parents in jesus name i pray amen.
the bible says too train up a child in a way that he or she should and they will not depart from it. but parents you got too pray over your kids and for your kids because the devil is busy and there is alot of stuff in this world too entice them so please parents pray with and for your kids it is important too spend time in prayer and the word with your kids so they have the word in there hearts so that they will not sin against god!!!! parents you all be blessed and i will continue to pray for you in jesus name and you will make it in jesus name dont give up look up too jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith he knows the beginning the middle and the end of your life and he will see you through it all just put jesus first in all that you say and do and he will work it out for you just cast all your cares upon the lord he cares for you!!!!!
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