By kayayee
@kayayee (38)
9 responses
@abhi_destar (764)
• India
7 Jul 08
Religion is something which comes from your heart. It's not something which is bound by rules and regulations. If you believe in God and pray to Him at your home itself, you have no need to go to the church as a formality. After all what is church, but a place for worship? If you pray to God from your heart, He will listen to your prayers regardless of the place from where you are praying to Him.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
7 Jul 08
Feeling guilty when you don't go to church is getting caught up in legalism... as if what you do will make you a "better" Christian. Nothing you can do or not do can make you more saved than you are if you know Jesus.
Of course, we need to try to do the right things because God says we should, but going to church isn't necessarily always the "right" thing at the time.
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
7 Jul 08
If you read the Gospels you will find that Jesus spends allot of time showing the powers that be in his day how silly their attachment to their legalities were. It's like he actually demonstrated that it was more godly to cure people than to let them remain sick on the Sabeth because it was against the law for people to do work on the Sabeth.
So, I think there's a lesson in here for all of us. We have to find God through our hearts, which in turn will guide our actions. If you are a real Christian, your faith in Christ will be with you and in your heart - and I seriously don't think Christ is personally going to come down and damn you just because you skip a Church service once in a while.
I mean, what is more important? You attend every Church service and do everything that the pastor tells you to do. Or you miss a few Church services but you have so much love for Christ that you actually live your life correctly and make it a point to go help those who are less fortunate than yourself - which is what Jesus does allot of in the bible.

@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
7 Jul 08
Not necessarily. It depends on how you feel about it mostly. It's how you feel about your religion and how you choose to worship, more than if you go to services all the time or not.
How your religion shapes who you are and how you act as a person and according to your beliefs. You can pray or talk to God without being in Church. You can be a good Christian and not go to church each time.
By the same token many people might go each and every time and not live their lives as good people, good Christians.

@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
8 Jul 08
It happens more often than what we would like it to happen. This doesn't mean that all people that go to church are not good Christians, just that you can be a good Christian and not to go church each time, and that some people might go to church all the time and not be good Christians - some times not even good people.
It's never good to generalize things.Religions is something that hopefully helps people to be better people, guides them and gives them the strength to live their lives in a positive path, be thoughtful of others, etc. Going to Church can certainly be a way to get closer to God, but it doesn't mean that just going for the sake of going, or for the others to see that we go will make us a better person. The same way that not going each time will immediately turn us into someone awful that will be facing eternal punishment. I'm sure God will be looking more closely at how e lead our lives than how many times we missed church.
Think about it, I'm sure you have seen people in Church that are not even paying attention, or are disrupting others that are trying to pay attention. They're there, but.... just in body and nothing of what is said there is coming with them. HOw is that any better than not going?
Personally I like to go to Church when there is no one else there. I go in and I feel close to God and nobody disturbs this closeness.
In any case I'm not saying don't ever go to church, but if there are times you don't go, it should be ok too. Your relationship with God is what's important and who you are as a person.

@t1ln0b2 (25)
• Canada
8 Jul 08
Yes its wrong to stay home from church.Yes its place of worship and we need to fellowship with others and you get strength from other believers in the church.There is verse in the bible that tell you about going to church and that verse is Hebrews 10:25 not forsaking assembling of ourselves together,as the matter of some is;but at exhorting one another:and so much more as ye see the day approching.
@kayayee (38)
11 Jul 08
I do believe that people in church can give help and support and I will still go to church just sometimes I need to be alown with God rather in the company of others who are distracting.
So people have different views on this so I will study the Bible untill I have my answer.
Thanks for all the help.
@marmeanders (10)
• United States
8 Jul 08
Well... the Bible teaches that we are not to forsake gathering together with other believers; throughout the Bible, we are instructed on how to live "in community". Others can build us up and we can have the same effect on them. "Church" is not just for worship... as others have said, that can be done anywhere. All of life is to be an act of worship for the true believer!
While it is true that we will one day answer for all the ways we failed to honor God while we walked this earth, we will not be sent to hell for not always attending church. Why not look for ways to be of help in your local church and in that way fulfill your purpose. We are to use our lives encouraging other believers and being encouraged by them. We are to pray together, to take communion together, and so on.
@kayayee (38)
8 Jul 08
So God will ask why we didn't go but we will still go to heaven.
I should be more active for God.
I always feel stupid when I take part in church activities. Like when my family went out on a walk with the church and handing out leaflets it just made me feel embarassed.
@marmeanders (10)
• United States
8 Jul 08
Handing out leaflets to interested persons shouldn't embarrass you if you love God and wish others to know about him. Were you worried your friends would see you and think poorly of you? Perhaps you weren't ready for that kind of activity... it takes a strong, mature believer to have confidence to reach out to others.
It may be best for you to work on building your devotion to God first:
Read/study your Bible, meditate, pray with another Christian. Do work within the church: volunteer to work in the children's programs, do clean-up after a church supper, clean the Sunday School rooms, work in the church office, etc.
Take it one easy step at a time. God loves you and will guide you.

@gobiyuma (32)
• United States
9 Jul 08
Maybe you should consider switching to a different church? There is no point in going to church if you are not there because you want to be there, and to worship God. Another way that you might get more out of the service is to get more involved. For example, I sing in the church choir and I love it, I think it is really fun... it really makes me want to get up and go to church on sunday mornings, even after being up late on saturday night! :)
@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Let me first introduce myself. I have been a pastor of a church for the past 6 years. So let me guide you from that perspective.
My first suggestion would be to go to your pastor and talk to him about your question. Remember God has placed him over that body of believers and if you are a member of that body of believers you fall under his authority.
As far as your question "Do I have to go to church to be a Christian?" (I know that is not exactly your question, but it is close)
NO! You do not.
Now let me ask you another question. Have you ever played sports, or have you ever worked on a team? If you want to be a pro basketball player, let's say, do you 1) Stay at home and watch basketball all day. 2) Get out of your house and consume your self with the game. Do you 1) hang around with a bunch of golf pros or do you 2) rub shoulders with pro basketball players?
You see if you want to be great Christian it is best if you are around those you want to be like. The Word of God states "Do not forsake the assembling of each other together as some are in the habit of doing. Spur one another on toward love and good deeds, even more so as you see the day approaching."
Now from what you are saying, you just want to miss a service once in a while, not on a regular basis, right? Our salvation is not based on works. I know people who have gone to church all their lives, but never had faith i nthe name of Jesus for salvation. Without Jesus they will not go to heaven. Going to church does not make you a Christian any more than walking in to a garage makes you a car.
Here is my suggestion. On the services that you want to take off, do so but do not make a habit of it. I just started a discussion on "Church Services" Read it and see what you think. Also as someone has already said "get involved". Don't make it a legalistic tradition make it a time where you can serve others. Jesus said if you want to be great in the kingdom of heaven you must be a servant of all. Believe me when you start to serve your outlook will be completely different.
@adoremay (2065)
• Philippines
26 Jul 08
Our faith and relationship to God is really not based on how many times we go to Church. However as a Christian it is our duty to go to church. somehow, as Christian it is our obligation to go to church. going to church, praying and praising God is not based on our mood basis. If we feel it we pray. If we don't fell we don't. Even in our good times our bad times we have to strengthen our relationship to God. By saying that you are Christian you are proclaiming that you are indeed for Christ and somehow you must be an abider to what a Christian is supposed to do.
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
7 Jul 08
Do you feel it is wrong not to go to church on Sunday? That's the question we have to ask ourselves.
God is supposed to be everywhere, so I feel I can worship Him anywhere. Why do I go to church then? For fellowship? Or listen to sermons? I am sometimes so disheartened by the church members, that I'd rather talk to God alone, without the crowd in a church. Anyway, this is only my opinion. Right or wrong, it's up to you.