Your thoughts on woman BISHOPS? The Vatican is upset

@ersmommy1 (12588)
United States
July 8, 2008 10:21am CST
about this decision.Move a rift to apostolic tradition of ordaining only men as bishops, says Vatican Church of England's General Synod passed resolution allowing women bishops Some traditionalists threatened to leave Anglican Church for Roman Catholic Church First consecration of a woman bishop could potentially happen in 2015. Christina Rees, with the pro-women lobby Women and the Church, described what was at stake as "an acceptance by the Church of England of women on equal terms as men in the ordained ministries."
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8 responses
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
8 Jul 08
I never understood this about the Catholic church. I was baptized Catholic, and when I found out I was unable to be a bishop or allowed to preach the word of "God" because I'm female...that's when I started to doubt the church. How can you be a part of something, that discriminates against you? They try to say that they are accepting and loving, but they don't even have respect for the women of their religion! So how can you honestly believe in this God, that apparently puts the worth of men above women? Even from what I've read in the Bible, it appears everyone has missed the message. Jesus talked about his message and said it wasn't about him, don't worship him, he didn't want songs in his praise but it was about the place that he came from, the "father" he came from...that we all came from... Even his relationship with Mary has been undermined. Read the words, read the stories, regardless of how they want you to interpret know what is real.... It's interesting how the Church seems to pick and choose what they believe they should do "according to His word" Sorry, too bad the Bible was written by a bunch of men...
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@Bugsey (775)
• United States
9 Jul 08
I meant Joyce Myers Ministries :) lmao! Another typo! *bangs head*
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
9 Jul 08
Lol...gotta love those typos. I just never thought that being a part of a religion, that takes centuries to get with the times, was a wise idea. Times change for a reason. And being female, I don't understand how another could want to be part of a religion, that obviously does not hold them in the same respects as other followers of their religion... Is she really? I haven't read much about her, but I thank you for bringing her to my attention! I'll be looking into her, thanks :)
• South Africa
8 Jul 08
I saw a "bishop" the other day. He was obviously a fraud. He didn't move diagonally at all. But on a serious note, I don't see why women can't be bishops if they want to be. They are people too. They are members of the church too. Why exactly can't they be in any positions of power in the church?
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@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
9 Jul 08
lol...that's funny...:)
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
24 Jul 08
Seems that men don't want us woman to rule the world..Looks what is happening we almost had a woman president..and woman are standing up and showing them the people we are just as good as men at their jobs or in some cases better. So I say it is time to bring things into the future and let us take a stand and be equals and let woman prove they can do it.
• United States
8 Jul 08
Hrm. I find it wrong to deny a person priesthood based on their race or nation of origin. So does the church. I also find it wrong to deny priesthood to a person based on their gender. The church makes a special distinction. It is said that the Sacrament of Ordination is male-centric in its symbolism because Jesus only selected male Apostles. However, I think that in the modern age, one should not treat women as lesser than men. If you want men to be priest and women to be nuns, then nuns should be able to do the same things as priests. There is no Godly reason I can see to decide that a person is unfit to be a priest because of dangling flesh between their legs. To my way of thinking, denying women an appropriate role in the church is a lingering remnant of misogyny. I believe that some of the people who have entered the priesthood (vowing Celibacy) are secretly intimidated by women. It may be that they had their heart broken or even that they have some form of autism or aspergers which prevents normal social interaction with women. What better place for such a person to hide than in a priesthood which has forsworn women? I think the Church leaders need to pray on this, because the current policy causes the entire church to suffer from a male-centric bias in their point of view. It is best to look at an issue from many angles (points of view) and determine the truth objectively, in my humble opinion.
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@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
9 Jul 08
Absolutely beautiful.
• United States
8 Jul 08
I think you have to take a look at the historical time in which Jesus lived. Women could not hold leadership roles. I mean they would be practically stoned if they showed any part of their body in public. Women had no authority in that time period. Thus, Jesus could not logistically have had women in key roles. In the early Church, women regularly served as deacons. The apostles may have been selected based on the constraints of the time. It doesn't mean Jesus meant for women to be permanently excluded from ministerial leadership. Both men and women should serve the Church in the way God has called them.
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
8 Jul 08
Exactly, it has to do with the time period they were in. What about the time period that the Bible was written in? What was going on then? Isn't the Bible a book? Aren't authors influenced by their time period? Should we take everything so literally from a time period that could not fathom the environment in which we'd be living today? If someone is religious, I believe they have every right to practice their religion (with no harm to others...which includes animals unless you need to eat...) to the fullest extent. Meaning, I believe they have the right to teach others who want to learn about their religion. I don't understand how a chromosome...X or Y, or a different reproductive system, could change who is allowed to practice and teach about the religion. Regardless, doesn't it take two to create everything the religion is based on? The people, the lives, the stories, family....these can only be made by TWO PEOPLE ONE MALE and ONE FEMALE..... How can someone believe their religion is different? In order for everything to function properly, we need balance.
• United States
9 Jul 08
I think that itis wrong for a women to be a bishop. It s not a womens place in the church. If god waned a women to be a preacher, or bishop or something like that he would have stated that in the bible. Did he do that? No he didnt. Can women spread the word of jesus yes they can. But as far as preaching notha is not their place.
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
9 Jul 08
Who wrote the Bible? Was it God with his supernatural wonderful hand, writing those words? Did he say "Go, live your lives, the way I tell you to?" I don't believe that was the case. Men wrote the Bible. Not a God. People. Sorry, the Bible is just another book, from a seriously outdated time....
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
24 Jul 08
Prophets were called by God at various times in history to convey a particular message that God wanted to deliver. Prophets, both men and women, are special emissaries with great responsibilities for God. A prophet is required to speak what God has told him/her to say, or suffer the consequences (Ezekiel 3:17-19 I got this information from
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
9 Jul 08
I believe that there is really nothing wrong with having women as bishops. I was raised a Catholic and I respect the Catholic church but I do not agree with those church leaders who think that priesthood is only for men. Why can't women serve the church and spread the gospel like the men?
@rev1wendy (611)
• United States
8 Jul 08
When I read the story of the woman at the well, I get the idea that it is okay with our Heavenly Father for women to be a part of spreading the word of God. Jesus told her to "go and tell" not go find a man to tell it for you. I think women in the Catholic Church are long overdue for their right to be ordained into any part of the church. Rev.Wendy