Things I hate and don't like
By darkangel079
@darkangel079 (1488)
United States
July 8, 2008 5:09pm CST
I'm sure everyone has their pet peeves or things they don't like or hate. One of the things that gets on my nerves is very bad drivers, the type that doesn't pay attention on the road usually they are on the cell phones and don't turn right away when the green light shows and I don't like crazy rude drivers that have the tendency to cut people off wild they don't turn their signal lights on. I remember one time I was driving close to the intersection at a stop light then all of a sudden some crazy driver cuts me off at the edge.
It got me so mad I got out of my car went up to the person's driver side and went off on him saying "Are you nuts or something? Does this look like a freeway to you?" Yeah I got out of my car I wasn't going to tolerate such stupidity on his part. Yeah guy was petrified alright and apologized. If he tried to pull off a smart move I wouldn't be having it.
If it were to say what gets me angry would be those things. I wouldn't say I have extreme road rage but yes I admit I do rating it 5 out of 10. Besides that I don't get mad that much on other things.
But one thing for certain is I don't like it when people have such an arrogant attitude or have a attitude thinking they are so high class, prideful they think they are better than anyone else. I don't tolerate ignorant people especially those that cross people the wrong way on purpose.
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15 responses
@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
9 Jul 08
I hate to see people getting rude unnecessarily on rather trivial issues, or people unwrapping their hidden teeth and nails to defame others. I also dislike anyone poking nose in my private affairs. Bad driver, sure, they irritate me less but scare me more. I always advise the driver to keep his cool but who cares!
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
8 Jul 08
I hate it when it rains, because for some reason every moronic driver thinks they need to run to the store or just drive in general....or the idiot that tailgaits you and never passes because they are so cool....sometimes I would love to step on my brakes and let them buy me a new car.
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@darkangel079 (1488)
• United States
8 Jul 08
Honestly I don't know if the DMV are doing their jobs correctly but I bet there is a lot of bad drivers on the raod that don't have a driver's license and insurance. Watching the news month ago the cops did an inspection on the road for people who had car insurance they caught over 30+ drivers that had no driver's license, never registered for one in their lives and no insurance.
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
8 Jul 08
Well, I know, or knew a guy....he's a loser, but anyways he has not had his license for about 15 years....lost it for mulitple DUIs and he keeps driving his wife's new cars...and keeps getting caught....and he keeps getting out and has loads of warrants on in him in almost every county around me....and on New Years he totaled another new car of his wifes trying to lose the cops
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Are you from Kentucky? LOL Yeah they call the schools here when there is the slightest drift of snow. I can understand the county (people living out of the city limits), but the city...come on. I remember my grad date was pushed back until June 2 because of all the snow days...wimps. I am orginally from Chicago, and when I was in college at NIU they only shut the campus down one time for blizzard like conditions, otherwise I really did walk five miles to class through a field of snow. LOL
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@Wizzywig (7847)
8 Jul 08
Yeah, a lot of people turn into idiots behind the wheel! I tend to just swear and make getures at them from the safety of the inside of my car tho'. But I just love it when a car roars past me & then has to stop so they can see me smirking in their rearview mirror... or the ones who sit beside me at the lights revving, ready to cut me up as we pull away - & then they stall (yeeesssss!)
@darkangel079 (1488)
• United States
8 Jul 08
Exactly or the mid finger works all the time.
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@fxcash (105)
• Canada
9 Jul 08
I was actually going to respond here by saying that I agreed with you on the fact about bad drivers, but you know something I think your final statement actually has much more depth, I too hate it when people think that they are better than everyone else and that somehow just by being them they get special privilege over others, dumb drivers is not nearly as bad as someone who thinks that their own crap dont stink and that others are beneath them, this is one thing that I have never been able to tolerate from others, although for the most part I am a very easy going guy.
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@darkangel079 (1488)
• United States
9 Jul 08
I don't see where this comment is going since it doesn't apply to my discussion.
@bronie123 (4587)
• United States
9 Jul 08
Drivers is my number one to!!!!! I hate it when someone drives fast then slow changes there speed to much like for ex
yesterday on my way home from work i was behind this truck on every straight area or somewhat straight area the person would go 65 to 70mph then slow do to about 50 around slight curves and hills ugh that tears my nerves up because i didnt want to drive 80 or higher to get around the person ugh !!!!!Im so up in a knot when i get where im going in a car sometimes
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@k1tten (2318)
• United States
8 Jul 08
I hate, hate, hate stupid drivers. The ones that go exceptionally slow are some of my most hated. If it's a 45 to 55 mile per hour zone you don't go freaking 25 miles per hour! Gah! I hate those people. The people with cell phones piss me off too. Those are about equal. If I had the chance I'd restrict them all off the road.
One of the things that get's on my nerves also are the people who think they have nothing but in all truth have more than everyone else. They always get there way no matter what and mummy and daddy pay for everything. Irks the heck out of me.
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@darkangel079 (1488)
• United States
8 Jul 08
Yeah I hear you on that. That too super slow drivers that don't go the MPH they should. I just speed a little up and honk my horn for them to speed up if they don't they I just cut through and pass them.
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@SHUGA81 (220)
• United States
9 Jul 08
I can't stand stupid and rude drivers. It is one of the reasons I hate driving sometimes. I cant stand it when you think the car in front of you is going to straight and you are turning left and about to pull in and they just cut in so fast that you break hard.
I cant stand it a driver cuts in front of me and doesn't give no kind of signal but as soon as they cut in front of you, they look at your reaction through the mirrors. I don't know why they want to do because in the front or in the back, me and tht driver are getting to where are going at the same time.
I cant stand it when I am on the freeway going to the actual speed limit and there is the turtle in front of you who is driving at the surface street speed. If people cant hit 65 on the freeway, they shouldn't be on it.
I can't stand those merge lanes before you know what, it brings out the "duh" in some drivers. Have you ever been on the freeway and it has the merge left arrow on it and drivers are supposed to merge in that direction? Well if you live in California and you have taken the 105 east freeway at bumper to bumper traffic then you know what i mean. Some drivers actually do a minor off-road and just start cutting in front of other drivers.
I can't stand the parking lot speed racers. Again, I see alot of this in Inglewood, CA. Yes, I am being specific about the city because that is where i see it the most. You walking to your car and you see an SUV just barreling down towards and you really have to jump out of the way. You are backing out real slowly to make sure you dont hit anybody or any other car and what do you see, a sedan backing out at break neck speed. You think im joking? Come and visit Inglewood and see if you don't get into an accident about 2 times in one month.
I can't stand stop sign run-over drivers. Again, in Inglewood, I see that alot. I work in that city. They don't see stop signs. They just keep driving. If I was a cop, I would meet my quota for the month. It makes me mad because the sign is there bright as day and yet these drivers dont see it. Its a habit. I always stop at a stop sign. I would rather be there for 3 seconds than catch a case in court.
Sorry, this had me going and I just had to let it out.
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@bianca0531 (427)
• Philippines
8 Jul 08
One of the things which I really hate about is when things don't go in my way. I would be very upset and went to my room to chill out. I often listen to music whenever I'm upset to avoid myself from being streesed or depressed.
@mscott (1923)
• United States
9 Jul 08
Bad drivers get everyone. Funny thing is we all do stupid things while driving but we never talk about those. But some people are just bad drivers all the time. I don't like when people act totally like someone they aren't. Like when I see teenagers trying to act all tough wearing their pants down at their knees and hats turned all side ways and stuff. And then they try to talk all gangster like, that stuff drives me crazy. I also don't like when people complain bout things all the time but yet do nothing about it. My biggest example of this is at work. We have some guys that complain all the time about our union or the government, yet they wouldn't go to even a meeting and haven't voted in years. They think that just sitting around trying to make everyone listen to how miserable things are is going to change things. people change things, but not by back room complaining. Big talkers who take no action bother me.
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@vivianchis (60)
• Colombia
9 Jul 08
I hate people who are not blunt... I really hate hypocrisy, I prefer people to tell me that they don't like me; I can't stand people smiling to me in my face but talking about me when I'm absent.... so if you don't like me , please tell me that's better ;-)
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@cherriholicxx (168)
• United States
8 Jul 08
I hear you on that, and I don't think the headset law will really lessen the amount of horrible drivers on the streets. My friend once got his car wrecked cause the person in front of him. The car in front of him didn't have the turn signal on, and ugh. It was going forward, but then turned suddenly so they both got in a wreck. It was horrible. - -;
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@frogo_123 (17)
• Canada
9 Jul 08
What really drives me of my rocker is like, annoying little kids who piss you off, and u get blamed, while ur walking down, lets say a park. then they throw their friken ball at u, and start crying, and their mothers scold you for no good dangit reason!
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@ebhjboo (121)
• United States
9 Jul 08
Bad drivers irk me too. The worst is those who don't use turn signals and at the last minute slam on their brakes to turn. These also tend to be the same people who pull out in front of you and drive under the speed limit! Ugh!
I also cannot stand people who want to spend all day gossiping about other people, but never look at themselves in the mirror. I have a co-worker who does this and it drives me crazy!
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
10 Jul 08
mess with 'em start a's funny when you get them riled up, and sometimes it'll shut them up. There is a place for gossip, and then there are gossip mongers....trouble makers.
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