she doesn't visit or call....what should i do?
By filthyrich
@filthyrich (13)
July 8, 2008 5:49pm CST
i'm in love with this lovely girl but i seem to be the only one doing the work, i call her almost everyday, visit her like once a week.....and buy her stuff when i'm bucks up... but it seems i'm just wasting my time cause she doesn't call(i send her recharge card often only to be told that someone else has use her credit), she doesn't visit(she's always giving me excuses why she can't come). my problem is that i love this girl and cant stop thinking of her....what should i do?
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18 responses
@renitaperrone (547)
• United States
9 Jul 08
Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you've probably heard this many times by now. This girl doesn't seem to love you back. And, however painful it may be, the sooner you let it go, the better off you'll be. Sounds like she's just taking advantage of you by accepting your gifts. Sadly there are many people like that in this world.
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@filthyrich (13)
9 Jul 08
Thanks but is there anything i could do to win her ?? is there anything i could do to make her love me? to make her care for me?? she means a lot to me .
@Adhawkeye (29)
9 Jul 08
I think you need to lay it on the li feel abouw youne tell her hot her and tell her your going to back off for a while and let her think about how she feels about you. Be prepared to feel awful but if you have good friends they'll stop you from contacting her, sometimes people don't realise they can't live without you until their living without you, if not then at least you'll know where you stand and have started down the road to getting over her.
@Adhawkeye (29)
9 Jul 08
sorry my laptops playing up the first line was supposed to say lay it on the line and tell her how you feel about her.

@filthyrich (13)
9 Jul 08
thanks liulin, but i've talked this thing over with her and she kept promising me she love me but she keeps acting otherwise...i'm kinda confused cause i love her.
@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
9 Jul 08
It's hard when your love isn't returned by someone you love so much.
A relationship should be a two way street and it sounds like you are not getting anything out of it. She doesn't return the favour basicly and if she loves you she would make time to visit you at least once in while or call you.
It sounds quite harsh but it's better to ask straight away where she stands in this relationship and that you feel like she's not making an effort. If she does love you she will try and change and if she doesn't want to make the effort at least you know where you stand.
Good luck, these situations are allways hard :(
@filthyrich (13)
9 Jul 08
thanks you i just wish and hope all she want is more assurance.....on being patient i am and i'll definitely continue to be patient cause she means a lot to me.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
8 Jul 08
It sounds like this girl is willing to take what you offer but is not willing to give anything in return. Do you really want to invest more of your time and your heart on her? I understand that you feel what you feel for her but by continuing to focus on her, you might be missing out on meeting a girl who will appreciate you and who will give you love and attention in return. Don't you think you deserve that?
@filthyrich (13)
9 Jul 08
Thanks lol, it's just that i just feel hopelessly hopeless with the thought of getting her out of my heart.........i don't know...... i want things to change not lose her...
@heero1103 (322)
• Philippines
9 Jul 08
I think you should go and find another girl worthy of your attention. I experienced a similar situation, and now that I think of it, I feel like I am a fool.
@alori61 (344)
• United States
9 Jul 08
Well let me give another view on this. I'm a female and here's another possability. My boyfriend doesn't wait for calls from me he knows he won't get one. I was raised that good girls don't call men and it's never been something I've been able to do. Even when the relationship gets serious I still do not call them, I only make the call in an emergancy. As for her never coming to see you are you sure she has the ability to? I dated a man that lived 17 miles away and the fact was my vehicle couldnt make that kind of trip it had over 300,000 miles on it. When we saw each other he had to come to me until I got a new car then we shared the visits. At first I was embarrassed to tell him I couldn't afford it so maybe it's not a personal thing maybe she just dont know how to tell you
@Remembering1996 (2219)
• United States
9 Jul 08
It's nice that you have a deep heart to be like you are towards this girl and have feelings for her the way you do. From the sounds of it you go out of your way to do all you can to show your appreciation for her and and get nothing back in return. To me it sounds like she isn't interested and just is leading you on to make you think she is interested. I hate to see people like yourself get so deeply involved to only end up getting mislead and hurt in the end I have been there and it truely hurts. I don't think she is serious about this whole thing with you for she would be returning your calls,not makeing up excuses of why she can't make it,ect. I honestly would have one last chat with her and be out front telling her that you want the honest trueth on how she feels and not to just tell you what you want to hear but honesty.
You will have to understand her wishes if it is the case of she wishes to not continue and move on. Don't get down on yourself if this is the case for you have tried to make the effort work and she didn't on her end. You will just have to try again with someone else.
The key factor is to never give up but follow your true heart instincts. I wish you the best of luck take care.
@morningrain (21)
• Canada
9 Jul 08
sounds like you should start lookign to love some one else. if she is like this now you are not gonna change her and it will get worse
@MrHappyAsthma (212)
• United States
9 Jul 08
Well comming from a guy that doesn't know much about relationships, I am going to just give my opinion. My guess is she is just milking the relationship for whatever she can get. If you like her as much as you say, I'd sit down and talk it out (girls love to talk about there feelings and stuff). If it isn't gonna go any where, why waste the time, money, and effort.
@XDarkBoyXX (97)
• Canada
9 Jul 08
what i say is to find a new girl... she is probably just taking an advantage of you.... Maybe she doesn't actually love you... and she is just using you so she will get free stuff...Most people in the world are like that....
@phenon123 (5)
• United States
9 Jul 08
the same thing kind of happened to me. what i did is just try to forget about her and its kind of working even though i miss hers alot
@travibabiesgirl (1690)
• United States
9 Jul 08
I think that it is best you move on and find some one that can love you back. I know it is hard to move on but you can do it and the rewards will be greatly worth it when you do find the one for you. Love is give and take not take take take by one and give give give by the other. Find other things to do with your time and eventually you will quit thinking of her as much.
@lemuel17us (13)
• Philippines
9 Jul 08
why dont you just let it be..
i mean try letting her miss you.. if she miss you then it means you have made a mark in her heart that can start as seed and grow some day. but if she wont bother missing you then dont hesitate to ask her bout you plan of courting her , you might hear that as a heartbreaker so "just brace for yourself for possibilities that may arise.
dont give stuffs. you dont even know what she likes and what she loves. give her food (chocolates, something that may remember you when she eat same food again) money can be found anywhere, the possibility is just small of being you and her. so gamble but dont waste too much. keep something for you pride...
@kissie34 (2294)
• Philippines
9 Jul 08
I think the girl doesn't love you.. You are the one who is in love in the relationship.. If I were you, stop making communication with her, seeing her, and giving her the stuff that she wants.. Let see if what will she do... I think she just wants you because your giving the things that she wants.. Even though she will not give you in return, you it her show that it is ok with you and you still follow what she likes.. Don't be stupid!! Don't let her fool you and be her slaves... No matter how much you love her you need to think what is right or wrong and how stupid she is for fooling you.. Show her that you are tired of what she is doing with you.. Try to know if she also love you.. Make some plans that she will able to show you that she loves you... In this way, you would know whether she is really love you are just need you...
@relundad (2310)
• United States
9 Jul 08
Maybe you should speak to her and ask for some clear definition of her take on the relationship. It is possible that you assume that you are involved in a romantic relationship and she consider you only a friend. If she has no intentions of taking the relationship to the next level, you are just wasting your time. If this is indeed the case, no number of calls or visits will escalate her feelings. She probally feels that she is being clear by not responding to your advances and gestures. But it seems that you may be the type that needs it spelled out for you. Good luck and be prepared that she admits that she is not on the same page as you are.