My cat is pregnant~@@@$ who is the father????
By kwenge
@kwenge (2487)
10 responses
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
9 Jul 08
Vets can spay you cat up until the time she goes into labor. Of course the sooner it is done the better.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
9 Jul 08
Hehehe, kwenge. Congratulations on your cat to be pregnant! It is simple to figure it out. Follow the cat and you will find with whom she loves to play recently. So it won't be long before you will have some kittens. I love kittens because they are so cute and playful.

@williamjisir (22819)
• China
9 Jul 08
Oh, no. Please don't, otherwise she will lose the right to be mummy of her kids, if she does not have a kid of her own.

@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
10 Jul 08
I do not think you need not worry about cats getting pregnant. I am pretty sure the cat knows what she will do when the time comes. Well right now it is not important knowing who the father is as for them it is irrelevant in lives who impregnated them.
But if you really worry about your cat then maybe a vet would probably the best that you can consult on these matter as they know best about animals.

@ifglan (1152)
• China
10 Jul 08
Haha,.....we don't now the father,you can only ask you pet to know the answer,have you ever got a cat,if so,i think you have experience,and maybe you are new,then you can turn to the animal's hospital for advice and also turn to neighbour or friends here or in the real world for answer,i can't tell you,becuase my pet is dog,not cat,maybe they are different,hehe...
@yaksters (79)
• United States
9 Jul 08
Cats like a safe place to give birth, like a hall closet will do. Set her up with several closets so she can have a choice. Place a cardboard box in the closet and place many towels in it or if you have it an old blanket will work. Show her the place and make sure she can go there anytime she wants. Many cats like to check out the birthing place many times, and then will choose the best place that suits them. As her time comes, keep the house quite and if she will let you, stay with her. Make sure she isn't having problems durning the birth. Once the babies start coming they should pretty much come within minutes of each other. Sometimes if the kitten is too big they will get stuck in the birthway. If your cat seems stressed and it's been a while between births, take her at once to the vets. Or if you don't want to deal with all of this, as her times nears talk to your vet and arrange for her to give birth there, where she will be looked after with great care. After all the kittens are born, you will need to supply her and her babies with dry, clean bedding. Good luck.
@kwenge (2487)
• Kenya
10 Jul 08
Hey yaksters, thanks alot for your well put advice. I dont think I can watch the cat when giving birth, i think i will be soo scared to see her in pain. Do cats scream when giving birth or its a quiet affair? I will do all the proceedures you gave me but I wont be anywhere near her......
Thanks for your response.

@yaksters (79)
• United States
10 Jul 08
You need to watch your cat during this time. The birthing is a quite affair and really wonderful to watch. If you have children let them watch too. It is a learning experience that they will never forget. When the kittens are born they are in a sack that mommy cat licks away and then she licks them to get them breathing. If she doesn't get the sac off right away, the kitten may die. If she doesn't lick the kittens they may die. She licks them to get them to go to the bathroom. Keep clean towels handy just incase you have to remove the sack and if be craddle the kitten in your hand and gently rub it in the towel until it crys and starts to move. Then just place it next to mommy and let her take over. You need to be there if mommy cat starts having problems. If you can't watch then take her to the vets.
@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
9 Jul 08
here is a link to a site that tells you all about caring for your momma to be, the steps for her giving birth (including when you should step in and help), caring for the kittens (proper feeding and weaning etc. etc.)
it also tells you how to recognize trouble and when to call the vet.
(the second link is just from the left hand side of the homepage)
hope that helps!
@fluffnflowers (1594)
• United States
9 Jul 08
I'd suggest taking her to the vet and see if you can still get her spayed. I know it's murder; but, unless you're going to be able to keep all of the kittens forever, they'll probably end up being destroyed anyway. If they can't/won't spay her, get her spayed as soon as she has the kittens! They come in season shortly afterwards and you'll have another litter to deal with, if you're not careful.
@KittenKitten (71)
• China
9 Jul 08
Do you want she have a big family?
If you dont, why not go to pet hospital for help?