Would you teach your child to be a bully....
By snoopy04
@snoopy04 (718)
United States
July 9, 2008 2:16pm CST
I was at the park last week with some other moms and I was absoulutly appauld at what I saw and heard. For me it cut straight through my heart because my son Logan is autistic. There was a group of ladies who were watching their kids play in the sand and another lady was playing in the sand with her little boy. The little boy had Downs Syndrome and the mom was trying to get some of the other kids to play with her son. Well Zac went over to her little boy along with Logan and Nicki and offered this little boy his extra shovel and pail. Well my kids started playing with him and were having a fantastic time. We went over and started talking with the mom who was raising her son on her own. So the mom came over to where we were because I had to go get some drinks for my kids. When my kids got up and came over to where I was sitting, this other group of kids went over and took the shovel and pail and a few other toys from the little boy. He looked at him and said my mom said it was ok for me to take these toys because your a stupid little freak. So I am playing with these toys retardo. Well Zac heard this and went over and took the toys from the kids and said it wasnt nice to bully other kids. He gave the toys back to Sean and said that he would have to go through him to get the toys. Well the mom rurned to her friends and said that is why women get abortions so that freaks like Sean wouldnt have to born. She would have terminated her pregagncy if she had to be saddled with that. Well when she said that I walked over to her and said would you let your kids play with my son Logan. I pointed him out and she said well of course I would why, I looked at her and said Logan has a form of autism and I would never have aborted him if I knew in advance he would have problems. He is special and so is Sean and he may be a freak to you but he is my son and you need to keep your big fat igniorant mouth shut. Well she had no remark for that statement and shortly after she and her friends left.
Well my sons and I made a new friend and I have realized how stupid some people can be. There is no excuse or reason to teach a child hatred or to be a bully and its awful to think what the world is coming to.
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17 responses
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Bravo to you! You taught your own child a very valuable lesson. There will be times in life when all children have to deal with bullies, and the best defense is having friends to support them.
Unfortunately, for that other little boy, he will have a very difficult life ahead of him. He too is disabled because of his mother. He will have many burdens in his own life, but hopefully, he learned a little something that day about acceptance.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
9 Jul 08
Well, good for you for standing up to that adult bully. Props to you for having courage. I think that lady must be socially retarded because she should know better than to say terrible things like that in mixed company without offending someone. If she's going to let nonsense fall out of her mouth, she should at least know to do it in the privacy of her own home. If I had been sitting and talking to that woman, I would have been completely offended...even if my child didn't have a disability. I just can't believe her "friends" didn't say anything to her. That's a terrible thing to say. I would also never allow my child to behave that way towards other children, but I guess that's just a reflection of me. I don't believe that I should hurt other people physically or emotionally, so I wouldn't let my child do it either. It's not surprising that this woman's kid is a bully, given her harsh attitude towards people that are different.
@WANDALIE44 (888)
• United States
9 Jul 08
forgive me for what i am about to say. first of al if my child wouldve heard that boy say that to the little boy sean, my daughter woouldve smacked him across the face, as for that women she better remember that thier is a god and he is loooking upon us so her fate will come and she will look back on that day and say i shouldve never said. i have worked with children that have down sydrome, its heart breaking but they are wonderful children eager to learn and wanting to be normal. i would put people in thier place when they sai or snickered at the children. and if i was seans mom( i know violence is not the answer) i wouldve kicked her butt!!! something you just dont do and you keep it to your self.and as far as that ladys son as sad as this may sound but someone will be bullying him one day. cuz what goes around comes around!!!. good for you for standing up to that wicth!!! lol
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
10 Jul 08
It is sad that their are so many parents out there teaching a child that it is okay to be a bully . You will in life come across many kids like that and it is sad , because their parents made them that way . On the other hand a child may learn with and wrong from a good role model . You have to remember that there also are good parents and kids in the world that never would of said anything like that , and would of loved the company of your child . No matter what special needs a child has they should be respected and taught to stand up to theirselves. I am so happy you told that women off . Maybe next time she will teach her kids respect , and learn a thing of 2 herslf.
@aimseeker (112)
• Pakistan
10 Jul 08
woo. dats a new one...who can just teach his child such things???its better if he's a good person all by himself but still am not goin to do that...expecting same from everyone...
@frogo_123 (17)
• Canada
10 Jul 08
I don't have kids, but I don't believe in abortions, neither in teaching hatred like that.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
9 Jul 08
You handled it very well. I probably would not have been so tactful. I do know that children are easier to get to accept them than parents. We have had that many times.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Wouldn't hurt that woman to get a little dose of karma. What happens if her son grows up, marries and has a down syndrome child?
@teka44 (3420)
• Brazil
9 Jul 08
Hi snoopy. Some women would not have childs because they cannot teach right things to their kids because they have wrong minds. How someone can teach their kids to steal toys from other kids? How someone can teach their kids to have preconceptions and hurt a child? It is a illness of mind and those are the women that would not have a child if they would can think well. It is why the world comes wrong day after day and we see every day kids killing others. Those kind of mothers are criminals and teach their kids to became a criminals too. Most of the big problems in the world in all the times come from prejudice and millions of people had been killed because this.
Have a nice day.
@srpkinja (375)
• Canada
10 Jul 08
I wouldnt say "bully". I would call it defense. I would teach my child to defend himself or herself and be a strong person who doesnt take anything from anyone else. But bullying is too far. Kids should only defend themselves when a situation has become so bad that they cant handle it. But not bully someone for something stupid, whethere if the other kid is disabled, not like every other kid or a different race. I would no tolerate that and would punish my child for doing something like that.
@snowbitz (487)
• Philippines
10 Jul 08
Absolutely not!!! The kids is already having a hard time coping with things why give them a lot burden?It is more than a parents could bare.I apologize to for the people who are so ignorant.You know what ?Your child are lucky to have you because there this mother who will surely raise them to be a good person.And to those mother who teach their kids to be mean I think they are the one who got problems.
@MrHappyAsthma (212)
• United States
10 Jul 08
That lady needs a serious attitude adjustment. I have a great-uncle who has downsyndrome so I know what its like. First off, you shouldn't be teaching a kid to hate. Second, you shouldn't be hating yourself.
@adamturner2007 (83)
10 Jul 08
That is disgusting. People like that are what make the world a horrible place to live!
They should be ashamed of the standards that they set their children.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
9 Jul 08
wow that is terrible. i think it takes an amazing person to give birth to a child with defects. if i were in that situation i'm not sure i could do it. i don't think they are freaks, but i don't think my marriage or myself is strong enough to raise a disabled child. it is horrible that a mother would teach her child to say those things and have that attitude towards someone. and even worse that she would say it herself. i teach my kids that everyone is born different but that we are all human beings and should be treated with respect.
@shlooper (309)
• United States
9 Jul 08
That is horrible! Good for you to stand up for him. I do not understand why people teach their children intolerance that way. I hope that some day she can come to appreciate how wonderful every child is, but I fear that she wont anyway. It makes me very angry to hear stories like this. I am glad you mad a new friend and I hope that her children grow out of the intolerance that she is teaching them.