If you won the lottery do you think that wold solve your problems??

United States
July 9, 2008 10:02pm CST
Sometimes I sit and think, if I won the lottery it would solve all my problems. But then I think to my self you always want what you don't have. I feel that if I did win it wouldn't solve my problems but maybe even give me bigger ones. Most of the time I feel like no day goes by without something negative happening. I feel like there is no peace. When was the last time you had a nice easy smooth going day??? Either you got a ticket,or you have to pay a bill,or someone calls you and gives you bad news, or you try to help someone and in the end it turns out negative etc Most days are just so hectic and a problem has to pop up. Money would definitley help but I feel somewhere along the line there would be other problems as always , what do you think?
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48 responses
• United States
10 Jul 08
money is not going to make every thing better but just help out. If I won the lottery I would pay off my debt and share the wealth with others.
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• United States
10 Jul 08
Same with me . Finally have a peace of mind being debt free, and it would be such a great feeling to be able to give back ,and help the people who mean the most to you in this life .
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Jul 08
Only you can solve your problems, one being a negative outlook which sounds close to depression. adopt a new outlook, and view life as positive, this day is going to bring something good, I am going to feel serene and happy.. I have had lots of days with smooth sailing and some with hecticness but if I am positive then I had handle the little things without a lot of stess. money would be a big thing for me. do not look for trouble look for good.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
10 Jul 08
well, it might but it would definitely create new ones!! Like family wanting money, feeling entitled, blah blah, so while it might solve some it would probably create more!
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Money can't solve anyone's real problems. Like you, I think money would probably cause more problems. In a situation where there's any kind of dysfunction, money will only make things worse. It can certainly pay the bills and get you a better lifestyle, but in the greater scheme of things, that's not going to make you any happier.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Do you ever wonder how "lottery money" becomes such a large amount? Because so many people think, "well someone will win it and it could be me!" One good thing about money_ it protects you. The amount of money someone has is not the source of the discomfort. I know people who have a lot of money. I only have a little bit, but the people with the big money worry more about money than I do! What if they lose it? Ease of living is in a person's attitude. I tell myself that the money I have is more than enough and it's true. If I told myself I never had enough money, that would be true as well. It's not the amount of money, it's how we feel about the amount of money we have.
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@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Hi , I think about this alot and I think the money could help agreat deal in paying off debt , and end much stress . Money really can be that evil root if you let it be .
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• United States
10 Jul 08
It would solve financial problems undoubtedly. I could get my house done, fix my grandmothers house and get some medical stuff done with me. Would other problems come from the windfall? I'm sure there would. Not sure what it would be but knowing my luck it would be the very exact opposite of good.
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
17 Jul 08
It would solve some problems and create others. But such is life. I would love to win the lottery though cause i know exactly what I would do with it. It would make life a lot smoother and easier to deal with problems that crop up.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
11 Jul 08
If all your problems (and I mean every one of them) was financially based then I guess it would, but news flash no person in the universe has problems that are entirely based on money. Winning the lottery wouldn't fix your family or friend relationships if those are strained. In fact, it might put more strain on those relationships. Winning the lottery is not going to make someone love you if they don't unless they're a gold digger which you don't want anyway. While winning the lottery would of course be helpful to me as I have a lot of debt and an art career (two things not so good in combination) it wouldn't fix everything in my life. Our culture is too focused on money anyway. For the most part we fail to realize that certain problems we have would be problems anyway even if we were rich.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
10 Jul 08
Money doesn't solve money problems unfortunately! But winning the lottery would certainly give you more choices in life and it would definitely be wonderful to be able to make life choices that were not influenced by wondering whether you could afford to or not! I am not sure of the exact statistical numbers or where I originally read about them; but apparently a very high percentage of people who have won the lottery are no better off 5 years later than the day they won! Says a lot really. And winning the lottery would also mean that your "long lost" friends and family would suddenly appear on the horizon too I feel! If I DID win the lottery I would keep it quiet!
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@youless (112898)
• Guangzhou, China
10 Jul 08
I don't think that money can solve all my problems. But at least it may give the life easier. You may be able to do something you like and you don't have to forced yourself to do something you don't want. I love China
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• China
11 Jul 08
I'm also usually dream of winning a lottery like most of normal person, for there are lots of problems which are all concerned to the money. But after thinking it over seriously, I think that whether winning a lottery would solve your problems or bring you more problems depending on how you look upon the easy money. Since you get it easily, it would also evaporate easily. It really can solve the problems at present, but it might make you depend on this way to solve the future problems as well. If you have a good attitude about it, it would really help you solve the problems.
• China
11 Jul 08
It wont solve all problems, but most of them. i need my own house,a car,plenty of time to travel,money is the essential thing. you bet i'd be happier than now if i won the lottery.
@92iqbal (121)
• India
17 Jul 08
of course most of my problem will get solved,if i won a lottery.but i won't let it play havoc with my life.
@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
11 Jul 08
Winning the lottery will definitely make a big difference in my life but it will probably not solve all my problems. LOL Anyway, if I win the lottery, I will save most of my winnings for future use. It would be nice to prepare for retirement as early as possible.
@kissie34 (2294)
• Philippines
11 Jul 08
If ever I won a lottery with a big amount of price, for now I can say that it will really solve our problem since money is really our problem.. It is always our problem on how to earn so much money to but all of the debts of my brother.. So, if ever I won a lottery it will really help us to solve our big problem.. But of course I know that even we already pay all of his debts then there will be another problems will come because I know that we human being cannot live in this world without any problems, since we never contented of what we have.. Maybe, our next problem would not be money but in other things.. For now, all I am thinking is how to earn money so that somehow it lessen our problem...
• United States
11 Jul 08
Winning the lottery would solve all of my financial problems if the amount was over $100,000 dollars. Anything less than that would be gone too soon and my stress over money would start all over again within a few years. This amount could help me do a lot of things as well as make more money off of the money I've won. My problems are more than money though. Money will not bring my daddy back to life, would not help me make good grades, and would not have more children for me. As much as people think that money will solve all their problems, it's not that simple. Happiness comes from within just like peace.
@akrockz (306)
• India
11 Jul 08
Money made without hardwork never lasts too long.. They just destroy the peace and happiness around us.. Winning the lottery is only by luck... So if i win a lottery at any cost, i would better donate all tat money to an ashram or orphanage or handicapped schools...
• United States
11 Jul 08
i think i could handled it because i would be careful with the money. some people who win the money think they can do it again and only get further in debt. the problem i wouldn't like is the attention the media would bring. then everyone would hit you up with their financial problems or give a sales pitch. i would want to help people but i can find sincere needs. i don't want to be swamped with the troubles of the nation and around the world.
• Ireland
11 Jul 08
Well, one day I decided to blow all my savings doing something I always wanted to do. It took me 18 months to go poor. The strangest thing is, I became healthier and happier right through those 18 months. The most interesting thing to me was, now being broke I thought life will be miserable, but in fact it was the opposite. The pressure of taking care of my previous career and possessions, insurance for everything I owned, the number of 'friends' who I had to keep in touch with at work and socially etc now no longer was a problem. Today all I have to look for is my dinner and a simple place to live and any friend I make, its a true friend as I don't have anything. From Gandhi to the John Paul II are examples of those who lived the life they chose without possessions and wealth, leaving their sandals, glasses and clothes at the end. So as for me, I have more friends now than I had before, lived in a van for a year, and lived with the feeling of freedom. I have never bought a lottery ticket, and I have no intentions of buying one now. :-) Thank you for such a great question, and for making my day be reminding me how rich I am.