How can I stop ants from crawling in my dog's food bowl?

United States
July 9, 2008 10:22pm CST
I feed my dogs outside lately and these stupid ants are allover their food bowls and water bowls. What is a safe way to get rid of them. It is starting to get really annoying!
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5 responses
• United States
10 Jul 08
Perhaps you could find the ant hill which should be near by and poison around the area. Bait the ground outside the ant hill with something to make the ants want to come out. But don't spray the ant hill directly or they will simply abandon the hill and go underground to an alternate ant hill.
• United States
10 Jul 08
Thats interesting. I dont know if it will work, but try garlic. I do know that it helps cut down ticks and fleas. So maybe ants too... Heres a funny story though. I have a friend whose dogs bowl is gettin robbed by birds... I've actually sat and watched them do it too. The birds will come down sit on the bowl, the dog doesnt do anything just watches them, and then they will pick out the piece they want, dip it in the water and take off... how crazy. my friend said that she goes through a lot of dog food b/c of it. I told her she should feed Abby inside instead of outside... Anyway, hope it works... Gizelle
@kaleegirl45 (1515)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Hi alessadry, If you sprinkle powder around his bowls, this willkeep them out. baby powder would be the safest. I know they also have this chalk, they sell it at the chinese stores. If there is a store near you ask them, and believe this works wonders. If you do get it, mark a circle around 2 feet from the bowl. do the same thing with the baby powder, around 1 or 2 ft and put them bowls inside the circle. Let me know if this works
@zeroflashx2 (2491)
• Philippines
10 Jul 08
Hey there! Yeah, they're pretty annoying at times. When you see it there's only one of 'em, then give them a few minutes and they're crawling all over. What you can do is to put the bowls on top of another bigger bowl. Just put some water in the bigger bowl so the ants would have a hard time reaching the bowl with the food. Just picture it like a small bowl (food) on top of the bigger one. Like an island surrounded with water. Hope those ants give you and your pet a break.
• United States
10 Jul 08
Hi alessadry! I am not sure what you can do either. I feed some cats that are outside my house and if they don't eat it all the ants are on it within a little bit of time. Maybe you could only feed them a little at a time. Make sure that they eat it and then give them a little more. This will allow them to eat without ants in their food, allow you to save on food, and also allow you to not overfeed them. Hope this helps.