Why do the worst parents insist on giving parenting advice?

United States
July 10, 2008 7:14am CST
Have you ever noticed this? There are some people who are not really good parents but they insist on dishing out parenting advice. And of course, their advice is always bad! And they expect you to take it. I used to have a friend that did that. She would tell me what a good mom she was and how I should do all the things she was doing. She was full of all kinds of crazy parenting tips. And then she would admit to going out on Saturday night and leaving her baby home alone so she could get falling down drunk. I didn't really want to be her friend after that. How could you possibly trust any kind of advice coming from another parent who thought getting drunk and leaving their kids home alone was a good idea, right? Do you know someone like that? They're not really good parents, but they think they can do a better job of raising your children?
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29 responses
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
10 Jul 08
I have a friend that gives advice that annoys me. She is the type of mom that isn't right next to her kids where as if we are at the park I need to be able to see my daughter at all times. I am always looking to make sure she is right where I can see her. My friend will say just let her go or shes fine. Then there is food. I don't let my daughter eat any thing with peanuts yet. The doctor said to wait till she was at least one years old but others have told me two years old. Whats one more year? So I make my daughter jelly sandwiches or skip trail mix. The friend will say my kids were eating peanutbutter before one. Its no big deal. My response is its no big deal if you don't have an allergy to it. Also there is soda. My daughter doesn't drink soda. She has a sip here and there but thats about it. Her kids drink more soda then I as an adult do! Same with candy. Candy is a treat its limited. Every one in a while I will give her a piece but thats it. The friend says I'm mean! Anyway I just do what I think is best for my child - she does what is easier. When we are out in public my daugher 19 months and her daughters 3 and 4 are SOOO different. My daughter is well behaived and when I say no she understands and listens to it. Her kids run wild and repeatedly ask for every thing in the store even if she said no. All I know is I do what I think is the best. It may not be right but when people compliment my daughter for being so good it makes me think I am doing some thing right.
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
10 Jul 08
You are doing lots of things right, and by the way, the info I have on peanuts is two years. Mine ate it before that, because we did not know better. I think trail mix for nineteen months is a big choking hazard. The old saying was "pretty is as pretty does" applies here. You can see that you are doing right.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Thank you for the compliment! And the peanut thing varies from doctor to doctor. Some say kids can have it when they can talk, because they can tell you there is a problem. For my daughter that would mean she could have it now. Others say its because if they have peanuts before they WILL become allergic. Either way I feel like whats 2 years with out? Its not hurting her NOT to have peanuts. This is my first child and I may be a little more lacksed if I have another but I don't think I will be in these areas.
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• Canada
10 Jul 08
Hello ebsharer! I am a mother of an only child as well and all I read and heard when my boy was a baby was actually 3 years for peanuts and so he did not have them until he was almost four! I felt better safe than sorry....Also he has Autism and so did not really start taking off in his speech until this past year and he is five now... At any rate ui think you are doing a great job with your daughter as she is not even two yet! I still do not allow my boy to have soda and very little chocolate...His birthday cake was white this year and as i said he is five...I have restricted my boys diet a lot to help with his behaviors and have some people telling me that I am depriving him or it isn't fair but I am just doing what I feel is right for him at this time! Don't worry, you are doing a great job and I hope I am too! ~Heavens~
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
11 Jul 08
Yes. I do in fact know somebody just like that. She is a very odd person. I will fill you in a little on the details =) This mom has four children, but she has stated repeatedly to more than a few people that she never really wanted to be a mom. She has also stated repeatedly that she never wanted to be a STAY AT HOME mom, which is what she was. When she is not around kids, she seems almost normal. When she is in the presence of kids - and not just her own, it's like she's a pressure cooker with the lid about to pop off. I don't know how else to describe her. She tends to be very loud, and the stuff that comes out of her when she's being loud is not nice. She berates her kids in public, loudly, meanly. She also spanks. In public. Her great advice to other moms? You should spank your children. You should also yell at your children. And you should make them call you ma'am. Heh. I don't want anybody calling me ma'am. I'm not old. I don't think she would leave her children home alone, but she certainly doesn't mind if they are in a different room in a public place (maybe because then she doesn't have to look at them?). I know I'm not willing to leave my four year old in a separate room from me in a public place! What the heck?? The way things are these days, I don't even think it would be okay if she was EIGHT! Anyway, it just seems like she believes corporal authorative 'punishment' is the only form of discipline that works and that if you don't use it, there's something wrong with you and you're letting your kids get away with murder. Her kids are scared of her! I don't think I'd want my kids hiding under their beds discussing how to 'appease mom today'. Ugh.
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• United States
11 Jul 08
That's just sad! I hope she realizes what she is doing before her kids grow up to despise her. And they will! My mother was the same way. Well, not exactly, but close. As for leaving a child alone in a public place (even nearby) that is stupid and deadly. There was a man who was convicted of attacking children in the toy isle at a Walmart or Kmart as they browsed for toys. This happened on more than one occasion. The store did nothing to stop it even though there were security cameras everywhere. And the mom or dad was usually on the next isle and never heard a thing. I think they profiled him on Dateline. What kind of parent allows their kindergartner or first grader to go into the toy isles alone? Or, be anywhere alone. I'll never understand. I can only hope other parents will not do such a thing and will be smarter. Those children will be scarred for life. And the parents could have been there to stop it. But they weren't. So tragic. So sad.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
10 Jul 08
I hope you reported her to child protective services. She will be the same mom who will put her daughter on the pill at 11, just in case, and she is just totally arrogant. She probably has advice on all subjects, not just child rearing. You are right to get away from having her in your life, she would only bring headaches.
• Canada
10 Jul 08
I agree with you Gerty! ~Heavens~
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
11 Jul 08
how old were the children when she left them home alone?
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
11 Jul 08
I try to avoid giving unsolicited parenting advice too much because I know there are things as a parent that I do that are wrong. I try to stick to only giving advice about what worked for my child, and not what I know I SHOULD try to do, but don't. I work hard to do what is best for my child, and I have no problem sharing what those things are. But I don't ever say things like "Don't give your child even a sip of soda until they are at least 5," since my 2.5 year old gets a couple of sips about 2 times a week. Same thing with candy and other treats. While I don't think it's appropriate to let them have all the cookies and candy that they want, I'm definitely not going to say not to give them any, because my toddler does get some. One thing that really bothers me is when someone says something like "Don't make the same mistake I did..." and follow with something like "I let my child sleep with me every night until she was 3, and now I can't get her out of my bed. Don't ever let your child sleep with you, or he will be the same way." Or "Don't let your kid drink juice until he's at least 1, or he will be just like my daughter, and not drink formula anymore because juice tastes better." I think generalizations like this are silly. My son had his first drink of juice at 6 months old, and continued to drink formula until he was 13 months old, and still drinks at least 2 cups of milk a day, and only half a cup of juice every other day. He sleeps with me from time to time, but still has no problems falling asleep on his own.
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• United States
11 Jul 08
I understand! And it's so amazing how every mom views things differently because of her own home life and experiences with parenting. Each child is different, so each Mom must be different. I'm happy that you found what works for your little boy. Thanks for your comments.
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• United States
10 Jul 08
My mother does this. She only had me and my grandmother raised me. I have three kids and she's an expert on what I'm doing wrong with them. We have long conversations where I just say Um hmmm alot then do what I feel my kids need. I hate it! My mother-in-law did raise three and even though I don't always agree with everything, I welcome any tips she gives me. People like that drive me crazy! My neighbor is a 30 years old, never been married, and hardly dates because of his job. Yet, he's full of marriage advice. He even has a blog about it on his myspace. I don't give advice unless asked and even then I make sure to tell it's my OPINION from my experiences.
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• Canada
10 Jul 08
Well said Vickie and I am sorry to hear about your mom! I definitely would not take advice from someone who has not been there and done it...that would just not make any sense to me!!! ~Heavens~
2 people like this
• United States
10 Jul 08
OMG Vickie! Are you kidding? A bachelor giving marriage advice. He must be making money off books or ebooks or something and using Myspace to sell them. I wonder if his customers know that he has no real world experience on marriage. Bet they don't! Thanks for both your replies.
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• United States
11 Jul 08
He just has a blog called "real men." He tells women what real men are and at the the end he says they should contact him if they have problems with thier men. It's actually funny and I'm surprised he hasn't deleted it since he's been picked on so much about it.
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• Philippines
11 Jul 08
You are right beautyqueen. We should teach by example, actions teach. Words often impart only information, like for example, we teach our children to be respectful and speak the truth always but sometimes there are parents who tell lies to excuse themselves from inconvenient obligations, they teach that this is how adults should behave. Most children copy their parents. We are all imperfect, so the best thing to do is to strive to be a good examples. If we, parents makes mistakes, let's admit it and apologize. This will taught the children that parents too make mistakes and we all need to work to improve our conduct.
• Philippines
11 Jul 08
Just like to add... If we, parents had not said a word all day, what lessons would my children have learned from my actions? Are these the same lessons I try to teach verbally? Calling all parents....... thanks
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
10 Jul 08
I must one of those worst parents you talk about my dear beautyqueen, I lived to see a lezzezfair parent ruin the lives of all his kids by taking the no advice option-kids would go to school if they wanted, they sleep in dirty rooms and epect mads to lay their beds, they wouldnt care to appear responsible, and they never helped their father in his business-the business collapsed and what wa their own livelihood just disappeared-they became rogues
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• India
10 Jul 08
That is devil reciting scriptures.. When she is not perfect.. leaving her baby alone.. and getting drunk.. how could she exercise care on her family.. in real terms.. In such a case i would just ignore her words..
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• United States
11 Jul 08
Thank you! And I did ignore them. Right after that, I made arrangements so that she and I wouldn't be friends anymore.
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@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Yes, unfortunately I know people like that. I don't really enjoy spending time around them, and I rarely talk to them about my son or about children in general because I know they are going to give horrible advice or tell me that I'm wrong for doing things the way I do. These people also like to blame other people for the problems their children have, when their own children get into trouble. These people are just so self-centered that they can't see that the things they are doing are causing the problems.
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• United States
11 Jul 08
Yes they do! Thank you for your knowledgeable comments!
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
11 Jul 08
Even worse are the ones who have no kids.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Jul 08
I would not ever trust a woman who got falling down drunk to parent a child no. I knew a couple like that and could only wonder why they had not lost their kids to the childrens protective services. she was a total goof ball and he was the drunkest of drunks allthe time, she had not a clue about child rearing but gave advice that was totally useless. oh she went to church every sunday but smoked like a fiend, and never changed a wet diaper until the kidwas howling in pain from diaper rash. her house stank, and she had bo too, just not good parents, and they had three kids too. she sure did dish out advice which I did not bother to listen too.
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• United States
11 Jul 08
Sounds like my ex friend. She was all so sweet up front. But later showed her true colors and bragged about her excessive drinking and partying. At first, I thought she was a typical mommy just like me. That's how she made herself out. She was obviously good at pretending. I did not trust her after that. I was happy that I never followed any of her advice. I was always surprised how she hung onto custody of her baby. I think she'd already lost custody of her older son.
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• United States
10 Jul 08
It happens with people who make comments on all sorts of things, not just parenting. Now, to be fair, some of them genuinely believe they're doing the right thing; on the other hand, though, there are people who are very self-conscious about their abilities (or lack thereof) regarding a certain subject, and try to justify what they're doing to everyone else.
@Kemboi (341)
• Eldoret, Kenya
11 Jul 08
Do not be yoked with such a advices concerning parenting and does not live by, avoid her companionship because she will end up selling you to a wrong direction without you knowing. Look for the right people who are expert in introducing food to the children, a mechanicar knows his work unless he is a conman. Look also for variety of the books and do the comparison. And remember you are a dear mum to you child, be gentle to you child and provide the best from your skills. Nobody should compromise you be yourself and present the best to your kid mum.
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• United States
10 Jul 08
Its like back seat driving. I guess people do it not knowing it annoys you.
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• Canada
10 Jul 08
That really would annoy me not to mention that you should have called Children's Aid on her for admitting to leaving her child alone! You can't go out day or night with out your child...she should be getting a baby sitter if she wants to go out! That is really ridiculous!!! I'm with you, stuff like that really bothers me and I feel so bad for the children! I certainly would not be taking any advice from her! ~Heavens~
• Canada
11 Jul 08
I am glad that you have broke ties...someone like that is not good to be around anyway! It is unfortunate that she does not live in your country...I am Canadian and it is CAS (Children's Aid Society) here that you would get in contact with for something like that! ~Heavens~
2 people like this
• United States
11 Jul 08
Thank you for telling me that! Being in the US, I didn't know the proper authorities to call. I will keep that info. Thank you!
3 people like this
• United States
11 Jul 08
Definitely not! After she admitted that I cut off ties with her. She had seemed perfectly normal before that, really sweet. But I think she was just a party girl who happened to get pregnant. Who knows?
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• Australia
10 Jul 08
I think it is because deep down they know that they are being unsucessful parents in some ways and they would like to live vicariously through you and have the 'perfect' parenting role. I like to take peoples advice with a grain of salt and see behind its true meaning. In cases like this I think it means that they are actually calling out for support - so that is why they are trying to support you in their own way so that you might give them some support back. It is all in the interpretation my dear - bring on that positivity! Your reward to good parenting is the smiles on your childrens faces when they look at you - I am sure that you have happy children
• United States
11 Jul 08
You're such a sweetie! I should be more positive!
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@Elixiress (3878)
10 Jul 08
Personally I think the worst parents give the best advice, you always know that it is going to bad, so you know to do the complete opposite.
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• United States
11 Jul 08
thats why if i know you are not a good parent i dont ask for your advice and if you just give it to me i really just ignore it. But maybe no one has told them that arent good parents yet. or maybe everyone around them even if it is a lie tell them that they are good parents.
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@fxcash (105)
• Canada
10 Jul 08
LOL, I agree with you, there is only one thing worse than a parent who has no clue trying to force their views on you, but worse than that is a person who has no children telling you what you should do with your kids. That really bugs me the most.
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• United States
10 Jul 08
In my small experience that i have had with my 6 month daughter, i have indeed encountered plenty of people who have given me advice and gave me alot of information on what they did or do but each idividual mother always (well not always) chose what they found to be the best option for the child at the time.. from newborn to adolescent. Everyone has a different opinion on the image they hold as being a great parent everyone lived a different life therefore we shouldnt´t automatically judge them to have bad parenting although i don´t agree in her leaving her baby alone. One only follows the advice that fits the best for one.. because family members and friends will all give you advice and expect you to do it but don´t always follow what they say because it would be impossible to keep everyone happy what your heart tells you.
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
12 Jul 08
it does have a lot to do with judging! It is now considered fine to be a "good enough" parent! Nobody is perfect!