Do you like being copied?
@I_LUV_U (2519)
July 10, 2008 7:46am CST
If you are about to write an examination, your answer to this question will most likely be a big NO. If you have painted a beautiful art, written an interesting original article or an inspiring poetry, again the answer cannot be otherwise. It will again be a big NO.
In such "serious" cases, the reason for your disapproval is quite obvious, you simply cannot take kindly to someone being easily rewarded or benefited from something YOU painstakingly invented. After all, who would want to share their credit like that, especially after having invested all the precious time and energy? Not me, at least.
But, consider the less "serious" creations, wherein you have not invested much time, energy, etc and whereby people cannot really reward or benefit themselves, be it monetarily or by bagging accolades. Would you even then mind letting them copy you?
Like, considering some examples, when people copy your dialogues, walking style, sense of dressing, accent, way of smoking, strange facial expressions, sounds of laughter and other idiosyncrasies, that you take pride in.
Do you like them being copied? Or do you prefer to remain unique in this humongous world predominated by copycats?
Or, do you, like me, feel happy that your creativity is being admired and popularized?
Do share!
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37 responses
@greenglitterturtle (2750)
• United States
10 Jul 08
once i noticed a girl copying my test paper so what i did was i wrote all wrong answers. then when she turned her paper in, erased and put all the correct answers.
when we got our tests back i watched her and she had an unpleasant expression. she failed the test. then she came up to me and asked puzzled what i got on my test. i got the highest score and showed her. she still looked puzzled. she must of been at a low point in her life to copy from me because she was a good student and i was shocked when i noticed her peeking at my test paper.
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@greenglitterturtle (2750)
• United States
10 Jul 08
to clarify, i erased all my wrong answers and put the correct ones in. (sorry)

@srpkinja (375)
• Canada
10 Jul 08
I dont like being copied and I dont know who would. If I am going to be up all night studying for something really important and someone asks me if they can copy my work because they are not prepared I will always say no; friend or not. I dont think its right for me to be studying and then someone who didnt study and probably went out and had fun the night before would ask me to copy. If you are not going to study or do what you should do then you should accept the consquences. I will not help you pass and possibly let you get a higher mark then me. I am not there to help people pass their tests or even their courses, therefore I will not let someone copy off me. Personally, only stupid people let someone copy off them. And if I tell you no to copying off of me and you do it anyway, I will tell the examiner or professor but it is purely not fair. I know that sounds like a mean person would only do that and what is the harm in letting someone copy but here is the harm: if the person is dumb enough to not study and copy someone then they are dumb enough to write down your exact answers which means later when the exam or test is being mark the teacher will put it together that the two tests are alike and someone will be at fault. I do not want to be at fault so I will avoid this by either moving when someone is copying me or telling the teacher right away. People who copy are lazy and stupid, no offense to anyone but seriously, studying will only help you in the long run and what will you get from not studying? A headache and a bad mark is what!
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
10 Jul 08
I don't think it would bother me too bad. I have seen people who pick up mannerisms of whoever they are around alot. I don't really think its conscious. I don't think anyone has ever copied something I painstakingly created though. I guess that's cause I'm not really all that creative, lol. I think it would bother me if they did though and took all the credit. I can see how someone would be bothered by that.
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Of course, we all like to be unique in our own way ,but in this world we have more followers than leaders ,and people who admire us tend to copy us because they wish to be like us. There is nothing wrong with this unless we take it to an extreme.
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
10 Jul 08
Te answer to this is definitely no !
Anytime I see myself being copied I feel someone is trying to steal from me.
Its cheap and ridiculous when someone else cannot come up with something of their own.
I hate this.
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@rafauk (14)
10 Jul 08
I love the fact of being unique! So i hate being copied, i think being unique is something to be proud of and it makes you who you are! so really we all have to find our own personality and stop copyin others even if we personally like the way someone dresses or reacts i still think you should be able to appreciate it and say it i like this and that in you but u shud not copy them because thats just a big turn off!
If we think about it many people do copy eachother specially in fashion, because society looks at that, if shes wearing the latest fashion means she has a certain status, i hate that i sometimes see people wearing certain clothes that look ridiculous on them, but they wear it anyway because its fashion....i hate that i just buy what i like and them mixit with my own style, im pretty unique at that maybe the reason why i get looked at from head 2 toes everytime i go out! ahahaha
You do have a point it is nice to know that ur creativity is being admired, but u can admire with your eyes and make nice comments about it! But i still prefer to be unique!
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@venkygec (783)
• India
10 Jul 08
When i was small, i was smart, meaning i use to come 1st in the class. I still remember one day i had showed my full paper to my friend, and both of us got full marks. I had helped him.. but now i realize that i dint help him by doing so.. In some cases like a person following my lifestyle, i feel good that there are people who like and want to copy my lifestyle.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
10 Jul 08
I don't like people stealing my ideas... nor my work. But one has to realise that if they put their idea or work on the internet without any security in place... it will be stolen.
You would not leave your front door open while you are at work. Just think of the internet as an open house for 500 million thieves.
Besides that... someone once said that being copied is the ultimate art in flattery.
Just think of it that way...
If someone copy your hair style or dress code... it is because they think you are smart and they admire you for it.
But if it annoys you... take a photo of yourself and sign it... and give it to them... lol
@touchnshine (2821)
• India
20 Jul 08
Hi Dear friend
Again a great discussion which forced me to reply
here .. he he he ..
Ok yes I really don't like if someone copies my style of work but I really don't mind if someone cheats by looking into my answer sheet -- I will give him/her full liberty for that -- thinking in mind -- that he/she will pass this exam and if he/she is my good friend so what's bad in it ?? But if it is about some other thing -- like suppose my poetry or something -- then I really feel bad about it. My friends used to copy my dialogues, my way of talking, way of walking as well but I take it as minor things. Being a seller on ebay India -- many other sellers have copied my listings and I really felt bad about it .. because I used to make my each and every listing with great effort and really feel like hell when all my work seemed to copy pasted in their listing.

@touchnshine (2821)
• India
30 Jul 08
Yeah dear .. I am talking about product listings only. You never been to my ebay shop ?? visit it once --
Ebay is a marketplace to buy and sell things -- Ebay India -- earlier name was
@I_LUV_U (2519)
• India
22 Jul 08
The more stories I have been going through, the more dreadful it is sounding. The shock waves of plagiarisation has apparently spared none, excepting phonies who plagiarise others themselves. It is no wonder I'm growing more paranoid with each passing day. What kind of listings are you referring to, product listings? How would others benefit from copying your listing. Please educate me on this regard, my knowledge of ebay is limited.

@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
10 Jul 08
Dear friend,
At times it gets me irritating as the handwork and other ideas behind my creativities or new unique things may be copied in just minutes were I had spend hours. May my hardship behind that is exploited. More if I get the patent and that is copied I would not hesitate. More over the credit too and may be the other rewards too gets to copied man it too bad. The real owner of that is still not recognised. I hope those things once copied that too unique creations are really exploiting the hard word and dedication that the real person behind that creation had put.

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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
21 Jul 08
Copying is quite common during schooling days. Some of my friends 'share answers' during tests but definitely not during exams. We were good students.
As for copying of behavior, I really hate it. I hate it when some of my friends (usually acquaintances) who try to copy the way I talk or follow my behavior or hobbies. I feel that people should have their own Mind and not be so easily influenced.

@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
10 Jul 08
They say that copying or imitation is the highest form of flattery and I would agree with this statement. It is different from being plagiarized or counterfeiting which is illegal or immoral at the very least. Music would not have evolved to where it is today if there were no copying.
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@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
11 Jul 08
I had really messy handwriting as a child. The only D I ever got until college was in handwriting in elementary school. Well, my mother has very pretty handwriting and I always wanted to write like her, so I started trying to copy her and I eventually ended up with a very nice penmanship myself. It doesn't really look a whole lot like hers, but I guess it's reminiscent of it. It's kind of a hybrid between printing and cursive and I'm pleased with it. People who only knew me as an adult don't believe that my handwriting used to be such a mess.
The funny part about all of this is that my younger sister grew up liking MY handwriting and she trained herself to copy me. She ended up with something that doesn't really look much like my handwriting or my mother's whose inspired mine, but I guess it's reminiscent of them. I always get a chuckle out of the fact that my sister's handwriting is a second generation copy of my mother's!
That copying doesn't bother me at all, I guess since I did it myself.
Blatant copying of things I say and do put me off a bit, I have to admit, though. I haven't encountered it much, but I haven't enjoyed it when it has happened. I like to be unique, and I certainly like to be given credit for what I do. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and to a certain extent that is correct, but I feel like it gets creepy when it starts feeling like kind of an attempt to "swallow" another person and their ways.
@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
16 Jul 08
In cases such as that, it wouldn't bother me if someone copied me. I think it would be a little weird for someone to copy my too much but kind of neat as well.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
11 Jul 08
I do not have any problem if someone does that. In fact it’s a matter of somewhat pride that someone feels my mannerisms, gestures if not idiosyncrasies to be followed. I would rather call it imbibing good intrinsic qualities rather than copying which, I guess, would belittle him. And I do not want to do that any cost.
We all kind of absorb good things from others, sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly. Don’t you think so?
@I_LUV_U (2519)
• India
22 Jul 08
I don't think we can classify it into good or bad here, as it is a subjective matter. I would be happy too, if somebody follows my good intrinsic qualities; like if I plant a sapling and my neighbour does the same to emulate me, I would feel happy too. But I can't say the same about when he wears the same dress as me and does it deliberately.
@pinkista (892)
• Philippines
11 Jul 08
I really people who do nothing but to copy from others ideas. I experience this last June, I made this unique and cute layout for my blog. Visitors leave their comment on the tagboard saying that "Your site is awesome..i really like it", "I like your site, it's really pretty" , etc. etc...
I received alots of compliments regarding my layout. So there are bloggers who copied my idea and ofcourse the style of my layout. This 2 bloggers is my online friend but I'm much more close with the 1st blogger than the 2nd one. I just found out that they copied my idea/style of my layout because one of my online friend send me a message in my YM. So I checked their blogs and found out that they really copied my idea and my layout. The colors, the orders of the content, the login form in horizontal style, etc. etc. So, I confront the 2 by sending them an email regarding this plagiarizing my works. The first blogger who did copying admits that she really copied my idea and she say sorry. But the 2nd blogger didn't admit that she copied my idea...even my CSS and the codings. She really plagiarize my work even my free layouts that I offer in my website, she took my codings and css and used it in her own layout.
Anyways, I'm happy because there are people who admired/inspired me but I don't want them to abuse me by copying the works that I made. They have own brains they should think their own idea and do not base with the other people's idea.
@I_LUV_U (2519)
• India
22 Jul 08
Oh, I'm really sorry for you had to go through all this. It is indeed sad how unscrupulous some people are; I hope you don't continue being friends with those 2 "friends". Please give me your blog link, if it isn't a personal one, I shall visit. Thanks for sharing!