the blahs...

July 10, 2008 9:06am CST
it has been several days that i haven't posted because i feel the blahs. i just slept and slept. i didn't want to work either. i dunno, maybe i was just in rest and relaxation mode because i got paid with my recent work. today, my hubby and i went out and spent some time together. as a birthday gift, i bought a pair of earrings. it has been some time but i feel bad. i dunno why. anyway, i hope everyone is having a good time now. good day and God bless you!
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7 responses
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
15 Jul 08
Hello spoiled311, This is your 5-days old discussion and I hope by now, you feel alright with everything. Sometimes, we just need to rest and no need to think about anything. I do feel like that too. Whenever I have this feeling, I just take a rest for awhile. When I get freshen up, I will start to do whatever I need to do *smiles*
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
11 Jul 08
Happy birthday spoiled!!! Well I also experienced that lately I don't have the urge to post or comment to anything in here. Well I guess you don't have to forced yourself into doing if you don't feel it. Its better to spend your time to other matters like what you did with your husband doing bonding and everything. That makes life more interesting to live.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
11 Jul 08
Please do not get spoiled with money at your disposal. I feel that one should not feel too lazy or lethargic towards the work. It is very important. Money may come and money may go, work shall go on, because we have to lead the life on on our own.
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Hi spoiled, Happy Birthday and may all your dreams come true! Enjoy and treat yourself,Maybe you are just tired. Just relax and listen to your favorite music and for sure, you will feel good after!
11 Jul 08
hi spoiled! well, i could only hope that you are already feeling better now since you have written this several hours ago. and i just want to wish you a wonderful day on your birthday ---and also in the other days to come. may God's blessings be upon you. take care always! may all you wishes come true. :)
@anawar (2404)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Sometimes I feel crummy if I don't have anything to contribute to mylot! I feel down and out of sorts. It helps if I can focus on something else, like reading. I have days, sometimes more than one or two in a row, when all I can do is go through the motions of life. At these times, I know I must be gentle with myself and lower any expectations. My aunt sees things in cycles. You experience happy times which are offset by down times. I wonder why society pushes us to do more and be more? I thought we were supposed to be comfortable with who we are. Who cares if you need to rest? I feel guilty on those down days as well, even knowing I am only judging myself. It's not a healthy thought process and it's self defeating. If you feel down, you can't deny your feelings, but you sure can talk about them on mylot!
• United States
10 Jul 08
Happy Birthday, You have a right to do nothing on your birthday! ENOY !!!!!!!!!!