Anxiety attack Q and A

@freedomg (1684)
United States
July 10, 2008 11:01am CST
Do you get them? If so what are your triggers (if you know them)? How do you cope? How long do they last? Do they ever stop you from doing things? I'm serious on this one guys.So it may seem a little long. Please bear with me. I started having these crazy attacks when I was about 12. They have gotten worse over time and then finally when I was 22 I found a doctor to give them a name. He had me on a lot of meds but I had to stop taking them. I was a heavy equipment operator and you can't do that job bombed out of your mind on pills. As for my triggers I have a few. The big ones are be congested I feel like I can't breath or swallow right and off it goes, the other biggy is hormones. Right before my monthly or in the last stages of pregnancy I start getting the bad. The worst is being pinned or feeling confined. I can't even wear a cast with out losing it. Almost always at night too. Copping for me depends on how bad it gets. The little ones I can crochet and watch t.v. till either it passes or the sun comes up (for some reason the sun helps). The real bad ones I end up outside on the front porch writing every word to every song I know. It keeps me focused on something besides the attack which keeps it at a tolerable level. Mine have lasted anywhere from a few hours to a few days. As for them stopping me from doing things...well that's why I'm posting this. I've been having them every day for three days which means I'm about to start my monthly. I'm supposed to be going camping this weekend but do not want to be out in the middle of no where having an attack. On the other hand I really don't want to let the kids down. So what's your story?
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7 responses
@tess1960 (2385)
• United States
10 Jul 08
It sounds like you have several things going on. Have you eve been checked for asthma or allergies? Sometimes these are misdiagnosed as anxiety attacks and vice versa. Is your home bright inside or dark? If it is dark I would suggest trying to find a way to bring more light into your home. Assuming the diagnosis is right, it's good you are aware of what your triggers are and that what you are feeling is just anxiety. I was diagnosed by a psychologist. I was being treated for depression and she found some of it was actually anxiety attacks. Once I was aware of this and of how the two felt differently I was able to control them somewhat. I still have them but not nearly as often. I first started with them in my teen years. They were brought on by fear. Then later it was a case of being afraid to admit a mistake or forgetting something that would trigger them. I used to go to the grocery store and walk around in tears just going up and down aisles unaware that I was crying and unaware of the time. I ws in my 30's then. I once spent an entire 3 month span indoors because I was afraid my neighbor was going to steal my child. Poor kid didn't have much of a fun mommy at that time. I had to take baby steps to get over it. Go out the door and stand, walk to the end of the sidewalk, walk to the corner, walk to the store. It was awful! I was pregnant at the time and fainted at the grocery store because the grocer had asked me a question. Fear of speaking to strangers. I was 17 at that time. It took many years of therapy to get me where I am today and I never want to go back to being that way again. Now I write poetry to get over these feelings and I speak to myself. You know, like a pep talk. I also have my spouse to thankbecause he can sometimes detect I am having troubles and will ask me to talk to him and tell him what is going on. Often it is just my imagination getting carried away and he is able to help me sort out my feelings. I am now off all medications but 1. I take amytriptylin at night. It helps me sleep better and prevents the awful nightmares I used to have. No real side effects so far. You said you go on the porch and write down every song you know. Try just writing down random thoughts instead and see where it takes you. Don't read it that day, read it later and see how what you wrote makes you feel. Maybe there is some time in your life that affected you strongly and it is trying to surface and come out. In can be frightening but once I let out some of my inner demons I was able to make sense of how I waas acting and feeling and I was able to make them go away. I hope this has been of some help to you. There are many articles about this subject on Associated Content, I hope you will take a look:
@freedomg (1684)
• United States
10 Jul 08
First thank you for sharing and for the link I will check it out for sure. Yes I do have allergies a lot of them but taking allergy meds does not help with the attacks except the fact that it can keep me from getting congested so I can breath. Only one time was I able to link the attacks to an allergy and thankfully the manager of our apt. was cool with us removing the offending plant,but the other stuff was all fought with Valium, deserel,and zanex. I stopped taking all of those though. As for my house I keep it bright with natural light light bulbs, they help a lot. Though but at night it has to be dark so my hubby can sleep. I am looking for a new shrink to try to get this straight. Though it can take a while with our insurance. I am sorry to hear how rough you had it, I can't imagine going through that. I am happy though to hear you are doing better.
@tess1960 (2385)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Just hang in there and keepworking at it. I have bronchial asmtha so I have to ask myself is this asthma or am I feeling anxious? I hope you find a wonderful counselor like I did. And step sown from the visits once you find one. I made the mistake of deciding I was able to handle things and just quitting. Hubby sent me back about 4 months later. Once we start bringing out hidden scars they all want to come out. I took steps down the last time from twice a week to once a week to once every two weeks to once a month for a few months and then now I've not been back for years. Good luck dear!! Sounds like you are already on the right path to kicking these panic attacks in the rear!!
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@freedomg (1684)
• United States
11 Jul 08
Thank you for the sweet words. I do not plan on just up and quitting therapy this time or the meds, though I will tell them I can not be a zombie 24/7 this time.
@ch88ss (2271)
• United States
18 Jul 08
Anxiety attack. It happens quiet often to me lately. It is stressful doing full time job, online earnings, and parenting 24/7. Not to mention trying to be a good daughter to my parents, and helping my siblings out. When I get one attack, I can tell. My body is jittery and edgy all the time. I cannot think straight and I cannot speak well too. My words are blurred and I cannot eat too.. My stomach gets upset and my hands are clammy. When this happens, I tell myself quietly, calm down. Stop thinking. I then sit down and close my eyes for a few minutes until all those feelings go away. At other times, I need to go lay down because it affects my vision and my motor skills. I cannot walk straight or sell well enough to drive too.. Well, I hope you will still be able to manage the attack and have fun with the kids.
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@ch88ss (2271)
• United States
18 Jul 08
Thank you for your kind words I hope your situation gets better soon and you can enjoy camp. have fun. Then with kids, it got a little worse. It did not improve over the years until my daughter was diagnosed with autism. I feel like I got into panick mode all the time. I do think that it won’t get any worse because I felt like the hardest part of life is already here, dealing with a failed marriage, a rebellious teen, autism therapy session, working full time, struggling to pay the bills. What else can make me have another attack.
@freedomg (1684)
• United States
18 Jul 08
Thank you for your response. I am very sorry to hear that you have such awful attacks. I hope that things will settle down a little in your life.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
11 Jul 08
i get them very often mostly now a days when i am very much anxious about my dad's health. its my parents health which makes me more anxious. he is not keeping well now a days.also there are some problems. its hard to get over those anxiety. still i try to pray and hope it will be answered.
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@freedomg (1684)
• United States
11 Jul 08
I'll keep you and your parents in my prayers as well. I hope everything turns out o.k. Thanks for posting.
• United States
11 Jul 08
This is a sensitive health/medical discussion on depression & anxiety. I can only tell you what I went through. I got promoted to work for an Administrator, and I'd get anxiety attacks because I did not have confidence that I could perform the assigned secretarial tasks. I was referred by my primary doctor to a psychiatrist. I was put on meds and given cognitive (coping) therapy 2 x a month. I was also transferred to a clerical pool, where I did not have to worry about deciding anything. (I was not demoted in pay, thank G-d.) Ater retiring, I thought I would be able to get off the meds and counseling. My anxiety turned to depression, plus I still got panic attacks. I worried about my ailing father, not enough money for what I needed or wanted (had to rely on pension and Social Security, which still didn't equal what I was earning). So I self-referred myself to another counseling office. I had to go back on meds, and have been receiving therapy (health insurance pays most, I pay a co-pay).
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@freedomg (1684)
• United States
11 Jul 08
I'm glad you found something that works for you. When money is tight I have been known to lose it in a sense, I had an attack that lasted for 5 days and 4 nights when we lost our house (after my hubby was laid off) They gave me a shot at the hospital of something to knock me out.I have no clue what it was but it sure worked fast.
@bmorehouse1 (1028)
• United States
10 Jul 08
I suffer from anxiety attacks - no fun! I do not have them often. When I divorced, the doctor prescribed Paxil. I didn't think I needed it, but took them for awhile and then gradually weaned myself down to a very small dose and even went off of them for awhile. Thats when I realized that the Paxil actually helps control the anxiety attacks. So needless to say I take a very small dose of Paxil and it does help. I usually am not one for taking pills, but I realized that I do need this. My anxiety attacks usually don't last long, probably no longer than an hour or so, but that is long enough! I am not able to do anything but walk the floor when I have them. Can't concentrate or even lie down. It seems I have to be mobile. I hope that you can find something that works. Good luck!
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@freedomg (1684)
• United States
11 Jul 08
Does the Paxil make you feel dopey? That was my main issue before that the meds made me down right stoned. I ran over 20 feet of a chain link fence with a steel drum roller before I realized I had hit something. Granted a roller can take a hit like it's nothing but it scared me how out of it I was with that type of job and kids to raise. So that night I flushed the pills. I understand the walking the floors bit too. If I don't find something to totally space out I'm the same way but I end up outside (usually in my pj's the neighbors love that part) I can't be closed in.
• United States
11 Jul 08
The Paxil doesn't make me feel dopey. Like I said I only take a very minimum dose. And yes, I many times end up outside when the anxiety attacks happen. I feel closed in. When these attacks first started many years ago, I thought it was my claustrophobia kicking in. I didn't know that it was an axiety attack. I am thankful for the Paxil. I'm sorry that you have ill effects from it.
• United States
11 Jul 08
I am sixteen and feel like i am having anxiety attacks sometimes. it starts out me feeling really clotrophobic and i cant have anyone touching me. then i will snap at people and start crying for no reason. but i have not gone to a doctor. my mom dad and sister are all on meds for depression so i think im destin
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@freedomg (1684)
• United States
11 Jul 08
Sorry little one it sounds like you are having anxiety attacks. If I were you I would see a shrink. Save yourself the headache of a regular doctor for anything more than checking to see if it is allergies or asthma first. They told me it was all in my head for years. Guess what it was ...sort of. A good doctor will see it though. Best of luck to you.
@snowy22315 (186510)
• United States
10 Jul 08
I had several many years ago. I attributed them to taking birth control pills. Once I stopped taking the pill I no longer had the attacks. they are no fun that's for sure. I think you should get into treatment with a psychiatrist,because you do not want them to rule your life. You've got to figure out what is causing them. Mine used to come out of the blue, but like I said when I went off the pill they went away.
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@freedomg (1684)
• United States
10 Jul 08
I have tried so many things to try and narrow down the triggers but there seem to be many. Yeah I don't want them top rule my life. Thanks for the reply and I'm very happy to hear you got better.