Cow Farts And Burps Blamed For Global Warming

@pyewacket (43903)
United States
July 10, 2008 7:07pm CST
I heard this on the late World News Now and was rolling with laughter. It has been known for awhile that cows, more than any other animal tends to emit a lot of well.....gas, either by farting or by burping. Now a so-called more scientific study is going to be conducted by Argentine scientists to discover just how much methane gas is being expelled by cows by strapping on a weird contraption balloon type thing on a cow's back that will "collect" the gas. Here are some articles I found about this Besides high carbon dioxide levels that have been emitted into our atmosphere over the years, methane is the next deadly gas that is being the blame and cause for ruining our ozone levels and creating the global warming effects that our earth is experiencing duh? I mean why single out cows in the first place? Every creature, including us are expelling "gases"--in fact, in Australia there's been a campaign to kill off the overpopulation of Kangaroos since it's felt they too are emitting too much methane gas. I mean come on now...don't you find this a tad bit DUMB with a capital "D"? What about us? Especially after we eat a meal with a lot of garlic, onions, or beans...aren't we expelling tons of "gas". Is it just me, or does anyone else think this whole thing is dumb?
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34 responses
11 Jul 08
Hi pye, That sound very dumb and funny, you did made me laugh. When they attach a balloon on the cows back, can you imagine what will happen if the balloon burst? I have to stop, I can't stop laughing. Bless Tamara.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Now you're making me laugh..wonder if that gas is flammable..LOL
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• United States
11 Jul 08
i think that's based on fast food consumerism + large population due to human intervention. if elephants were as numerous as cows,they'd be to blame instead. gotta wonder what the average volume of methane coming out of taco bell is weekly..
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• United States
11 Jul 08
ooh..pigs are cousin had some..yikes..
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jul 08
Well when you think of it there probably are just as many chickens (and turkeys) and pigs being raised for food consumption...wonder if they expel a lot of methane??...LOL
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• United States
11 Jul 08
I laughed when I first heard this too. But if you think about it, we do have a lot of cows. Remember McDonald's and Burger King? We eat a lot more beef than we used to so it sort of makes sense but it's still a little funny. If only we could trap that gas and reuse it in our cars...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jul 08
Mmm...that might not be a bad idea about trapping that gas and somehow use it for cars...uh, but then we would have smell pollution..LOL
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• United States
11 Jul 08
I don't know if I would call it dumb, but I do know that after a meal of broccoli brussel sprouts and most of the vegetables I love so much, I have a tooter pooter that lasts all night long :))) I mean it makes some sense to me, we are raising cattle for mass slaughter, humans are over populating the earth, the methane gas that is expelled at any given minute has to be extreme... But is measuring it going to be of any help or consequence to us? Are we going to have to start farting in recyclable disposal units? Are Cows going to have to be confined to methane collection buildings, making them even less free and further propagating the inhumanity of their treatment?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jul 08
OMG--brussel sprout farts have got to be THE worse...not to mention cabbage. I know like what is going to happen with this wonderful scientific study to measure methane gas from they'll have known big deal
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@baileycows (3665)
• United States
11 Jul 08
My whole deal about that idea is the same as yours what about the 3 billion plus humans on this earth. Isn't there more of us than cows and what are they suggesting we do to these cows just kill off the species? I think they are just weird.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jul 08
Yup--definitely think there's more of us than cows...and if any animal was to expel a lot of gas wouldn't it be larger animals like elephants? Gee, wonder how much gas whales expel??
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@srpkinja (375)
• Canada
11 Jul 08
Ive heard about this too. When I heard about this, I couldnt believe it. Just wow. Who would of thought that cows are helping global warming. I think it is ridiculous to "single out" cows and kangaroos because they are "emitting too much gas". I mean if they have to single out cows and kangaroos, why wouldnt you just whipe out a whole country of humans. I think its just as bad to kill animals and humans, especially when we do the same thing and they are being blamed for it. No one is really shocked when governments around the world say they have to kill animals to "save the world" but if it was all turned around and they said that they would have to kill some humans because they are emitting a lot of gas, everyone would be shocked. Thats just insane to hear! Maybe instead of killing animals, we should GO GREEN and not ride around are cars to get milk when we could just take a 10 minute walk to the store and get the milk. People are ridiculous, especially the government. They act to be the smartest people in the world because theyre "the leaders" but time and time again they help to prove that they are some of the more ignorant people on this earth and that THEY should be blamed for global warming.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
12 Jul 08
Who knows maybe in an ironic sense of it maybe the rising price of gas will force people to "go green" and not use the car every time one wants a container of milk. I don't even have a car so I HAVE to walk...I have to laugh at my super of my building...he and his family ARE the type that will use their car to go to the supermarket that is only about three blocks away...go figure
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
11 Jul 08
yeh I am with you, surely when you count the amount of people and cows per head and add on all the other things we people do the poor old cow is not to blame for much, I think there are too many people getting Government grants for these statistics...
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jul 08
It really is stupid how money is wasted doing certain types of research, like I think there are better uses for the money, like maybe designing better engines that don't rely on gas
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
11 Jul 08
Gotta give those researchers something to do. Cannot have them going without work in this slow economy. I do not know why it would be cows, more than humans, squirrels and all the other animal kingdom. Of course, maybe squirrels cannot expel gas.
@edjump (60)
• United States
11 Jul 08
If they would just put the same contraption on EVERY politician in the world, we would really find out where the most methane comes from !!!
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
11 Jul 08
Oh good grief! Yes, that is a major DUH! moment! Hmmmm....what about all of the fumes and garbage that have been coming from factories, cars, etc. over the last several years? And to think they are placing the blame on those poor cows! Sheesh!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jul 08
I think it's just a blend of a combination of things that have caused global Oreo says our Earth has gone through global warming from it's early beginnings, but we probably have contributed to elevating the effects, but to just blame cows? How dumb can you get?
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@BarBaraPrz (48699)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
11 Jul 08
Cows have four stomachs, so presumably expel four times the gas that we do... As Bruce Cockburn sang, "Inject a billion burgers worth of beef Grain eaters, methane dispensers."
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
15 Jul 08
I learn something everyday..wasn't even aware cows had four yup a lot of gas..LOL
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• United States
11 Jul 08
Pardon me while I try to stop Interesting theory of course, but not one I'd want to be investigating. I frankly don't find the idea over appealing. The idea has merits of course, but lets not blame the cows they do give
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jul 08
Hehe...maybe they're getting back at us for all the eons we've been eating them...
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• United States
11 Jul 08
It is dumb is some ways but there is some factories that have taken the methane from the cow waste and been able to use it for their power source. Now I think we need to be doing things like that instead of killing the animals. Lets figure a way to use this methane.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Jul 08
pyewacket wow yes its so silly I think cow farts and burps, how about we people allover the globe of course nobody will admit that they fart, heavens that was the other guy. lol. this is all so silly, havent they something better to do than worry about cow farts or kangaroo farts or even our farts? come on now, really.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
15 Jul 08
this is good, I am doing ew articles now on global warming, cows are not really singled out, cows, pigs, and chickens, also methane gases in their manure, and when manure mixes with the soil in the ground it also causes nitrous oxide the fourth greenhouse gas that is released in the atmosphere. It not to say that that all of the things we do now as anthropogenic activities(people activities) will be changed or can be changed, but these are the explanations for what is causing the greenhouse gases emissions. Just moving soil as in farmer released nitrous oxide, as well.
• United States
11 Jul 08
That is VERY dumb!!! It reminds me of a South Park episode I seen. I was about us farting and not farting. I can't remember the exact plot because it's been a while but it went from one extreme to the next (like us having to fart because if we held it in we'd burst and then too much farting was going on so we had to stop all together). I can't believe tax payers monies are being spent on things such as this. Yes everything produces gas - that's a fact. We need to worry about fixing the things we make and built that produce these gases instead of those that the Gods put on this earth.
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@Eskimo (2315)
13 Jul 08
Lots of things are being blamed for global warming and holes in the Ozone Layer. Most of them are probably wrong. Carbon Dioxide is a gas that is heavier than air and soluble in water it is very unlikely that increases in that will affect global warming this is usually caused by gases in the upper atmosphere like WATER VAPOUR which is the biggest single cause (most government scientists ignore this fact because it would take away governments reasons for carbon taxes). Methane gas being lighter than air is a greenhouse gas and does affect global warming to some extent. Global Warming is more likely to be caused by the earth - sun distance decreasing (this distance changes over a 100,000 year cycle), and the tilt of the earth which is on a cycle of around 50,000 years). Some scientists carried out an experiment recently to add sulphur particles to the upper atmosphere to try and simulate volcanoes cooling the earth and had to abandon this as it badly affected the ozone layer - perhaps the hole in the ozone layer could be caused by volcanic activity not man mad activity as scientists originally believed.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I think it was in the UK where they threatened to fine farms if their animals did not stop farting so much...hey somethings you can't make up. I think there is a better thing to do -- there is an ice rink in Saratoga, NY that is off of the power grid. They make their own electricity from the methane produced by the poop from the horses at the Saratoga race track. That is what we should be looking for. Using what we have to produce energy.
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
11 Jul 08
Collect gas...HA! What a waste of money to conduct this study. So tell me pyewacket, what are you going to do when they hook up a "balloon type contraption" onto the back of all the cats? Any plans on running away? LOL
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@amrishkj (297)
• India
14 Jul 08
Well I was reading the whole thing and this is really an interesting topic. I hope you people have heard of something called the BIOGAS. Well it is produced from the dung that comes out of cows. So it is a good proposition if we could store the farts of cows and use it in some way to produce reusable gas. On a lighter note did anybody think of RESEARCHIN ON GLOBAL WARMING CAUSED BY THE FARTS LEFT OUT FROM GEORGE BUSH'S BACK....heeheehee...really somebody should do a study.