I am NOT voting for a president this year!!
By pukaprat2
@pukaprat2 (442)
United States
July 12, 2008 3:37am CST
You heard me, i am not voting this election will be riged no matter who votes and who doesn't.
Look at it we have someone who is "unexperienced" and someone who no one really likes anyways. so we are stuck between chosing a lesser evil.
no matter who promises what we are still at war. and if our troops are pulled out, then the battle feild ends up in our own back yards.
there is a reason america isn't mentioned in the bible as one of the kingdoms. which means one of two things, we merge with a different country, stripping our rights as americans or we are no more.
if you look at it this way-
obama takes office. our troops come home. we have a trigger happy president who will try to blow up jeruselm (or however you spell it) then all of the mid east as well as united nations world war 3 right there.
then maybe if we are luck we might go down with a fight. but with the way america is now - we will go into nation bankrupcy and there we are bought just like that to the highest bidder- which just might be africa---
but that is just my theories on why i am not voting. this election is different everyone knows it. somewhere they can feel that this is the moment before history is made.
are you ready???
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16 responses
@Adhawkeye (29)
12 Jul 08
The reason America isn't mentioned in the bible is it wasn't discovered so the people who wrote the bible had no concept of it when writing. I think your being extremely pessimistic and apocolyptic. The fact is one will win, they'll promise things, they'll deliver some, fail on some and the world will keep turning. Take part in your democratic right to choose even if you vote for a third party candidate, otherwise you are insulting all the people in the world who have no choice at all. The only honourable refusual to vote is in a country like Zimbabwe where the vote truly is corrupt.
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@pukaprat2 (442)
• United States
13 Jul 08
believe it or not i dug a bit dipper and found some eviendence that america is stated in the bible. as a matter of fact very good eviedence. so i take back that remark- but there is a reason why the elections wont happen in 2008- and if they do, it wont be a fair election.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
13 Jul 08
Woah. I agree, he is being very extreme. I for one am glad he's NOT voting! We need people with clear heads doing that, & obviously, he isn't willing to think things through. Giving up is NOT the American way.
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
13 Jul 08
Don't you think it would be interesting if there was a protest vote section on the ballot so Americans can get an actual view of how many people are not voting in protest....Yes, it is a civic duty to vote and yes it is your right....but it is also the right of a person to not vote (and startingly there are many who don't vote in protest).
I like you am voting only because for once I have found a politician who I can believe in and yeah he won't even get covered on the election results other than other....but as an American I am voting my conscious, not what others tell you are your only options.
I personally would love to see a protest vote section on the ballot. It would be funny if it outweighed the parties votes. LOL
@LovesTravel (303)
• United States
12 Jul 08
If you are a citizen, you have a responsibility to participate in the process. We ask our politicians to make hard choices all the time. Some of those choices are clear cut. Some are not. Still, we expect them to make the best choices they can based on the information they have. We have no less an obligation when it comes to the people who represent us. We should make the best choice we can based on the information we have. Not making a choice is a cop-out. Not only that, it deprives you of the moral right to complain about the result. If you don't participate and complain anyway, then you are just so much hot air. Lord knows, we've got enough of that already.

@LovesTravel (303)
• United States
2 Aug 08
I didn't call you anything. I'm just saying that if you are not part of the solution, there's a good chance you are part of the problem.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
13 Jul 08
I would think anyone that is eligible to vote in America would want to take part in the election of the man that will fill the highest office in our land. He will be yours and my president and that of our children and grandchildren for the next four years. He will make decisions, sign laws, that will affect all of us for years to come. I wonder who you would rather be the President: a man who has hardly any experience, who has missed many votes on important items in Congress and only can say CHANGE is what he wants more than I say I am hungry; or would you want a man who knows from experience what terrorists can do the the person as well as the country, who upholds Israel as a nation and has been in Congress for years? It is your decision to vote or not, but, as they say, if you don't vote, then you have no right to say anything after one of them becomes your President and you don't like what he does to or for our country.
@pukaprat2 (442)
• United States
13 Jul 08
soon none of us will have the privage to say anything about our government. you will see- this election, who ever may step into office- wither it be obama, mccain or even bush again (and dont say that cant happen because bush has already signed such a law saying that under certain situations the former president can continue term if needs be) ask me for the link since i cant paste it here yet and its super long to type out.
our freedom is slowly being stripped away. until one day all who are christians in faith will surcome to the firing squad. - and another one if you are interested in learning something new.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
13 Jul 08
I agree with you that freedoms are slowly going away but we can't blame all that on our President. And I agree with you that Bush could stay in office if something terrible happened. I pray it doesn't, but we never know. But I still think we all need to vote.

@RhythmWalker1 (825)
• United States
13 Jul 08
Shucks, we are already in a depression - not a recession.
Go vote, just write in your vote (that is an alternative choice)
Uh, America didn't come along till after the Bible was wrote.
We have melted into a Nation that allows any one to come here
and we cater to them. If we go to their Countries, we have to change.
That doesn't sound quite right to me. I'm part Cherokee Indian so
I really don't like the way lots of things are going. Our current president is about to make everyone our enemy and maybe even start one heck of a war.
He should have been impeached a long time ago. And, YES... there is enough
proof to impeach him. But money talks and no one has the gall to stand up for certain things.
@pukaprat2 (442)
• United States
13 Jul 08
your right no one in their right mind would go against anything anymore. i think we as americans have gotten lazy and dialuted ourselves with the leisures of the times- games,computers, ipods, i phones and so on. i think that we all have forgotten what we once fought so proudly for- our rights to be heard, our rights to believe the way we wish to believe and most important the fact that we all are created equal in the eyes of God. vanity and lust has perverted our eyes and dialuting our sense of self as a country.
@RhythmWalker1 (825)
• United States
13 Jul 08
On this one ... it's almost scary to be right! (wink)
America is in for one heck of a battle unless some of us wake up
and clean out the WHITE HOUSE. First thing to go should be lobbyist / the money pushing spammers we allow to influence our government.
Start at the top and work down... I really think we need to set an age limit
on our Congress, Senate & president. Some sure are acting senile or lack dementia
is setting in!
@missybal (4490)
• United States
13 Jul 08
That's why I didn't vote last election... I honestly just couldn't choose... They both seemed like a lot cause. This time I feel more confident to vote for who I think is best however it is still choosing the lesser of two evils. So funny too because at the beginning of the campaign trail I was for the one, and now after all the speeches I'm voting for the other. But I'm pretty proud of myself for really paying attention this time.
Good point about the bible... Hope I don't live to see the end of America.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
13 Jul 08
i hold a different view of ammerica in prophecy since i beieve in a rapture of christians and since america is a mostly christian nation i feel most of us will leave in the rapture leaving little of the usa to be left
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
13 Jul 08
This is why I think there should always be a write in vote. I like you do not believe in choosing between the lesser of 2 evils. And I know for a fact one of the voting booths in my precinct had a write in option.....and I will be writing in Ron Paul. I do not follow the whole "end of the world" visions of other people, but I am concerned by the attitudes of others. People need to wake up and realize their voices can be heard....so you have to work a little at it. I respect anyone who lives by truth and votes according to that. And if you do not have the option of a write in I understand your reasoning....although they should have a protest vote on the ballot so we can actually see how many AMericans are against the top candidates.
@gabrifvg (167)
• Italy
12 Jul 08
in Italy people had this feeling at the last elections too.
i think it's right to question the whole system when it has evident flaws. if no decent candidates can be found, or if those who would really be able to make a difference are cut out of the process, i think it's right to refuse to vote.
our candidates were all very questionable, they all had been around for years, and for years the italian political world has been packed with crooks and corrupt elements and none of those who could never did anything to change it. they have a shameful amount of priviledges, and i wouldn't even know where to start to describe how the whole system seems to exist only to prevent anyone to limit them.
the interesting fact, is that this time people really got fed up. just before the elections there was a lot of talk about it, books were published narrating all the scandals and corruption going on in that world, and there was a palpable sensation of being near a collapse of the whole thing.
obviously nothing changed, as someone said earlier in the discussion, one of them will eventually get elected. but i think it's important for the people to take a clear stand, and make their voices be heard, especially when they are feeling so disilluded by the way things are going.
if on you job you think you need, or deserve a raise, you should have the right to ask for it. if your friends commit a crime and you don't want to, you have the duty to say so, even if they will go on doing it. if you feel disgusted by your politicians, you have the right and duty to say so, and you also have the right and duty to not vote if you want something better, of if you simply want things to work in a different way.
@marmeanders (10)
• United States
13 Jul 08
Christians more than any others have a responsibility to vote for who will hold the highest office in the land. God is sovereign. He is ultimately the one responsible for who obtains that office.
Christians can make the choice based on knowing what the candidates stand on the most important issues. That is easy to find out. Taxes, health care, appointing supreme court justices, defending our country... including our borders...education, etc. Of course there is corruption; it's sad but a fact of life... all of life. As US citizens, we have to do the best we can to influence the country for good.
Don't let others choose your leaders for you!
@TAYSON0076 (214)
• Egypt
13 Jul 08
no man you must vote i know you must choose the lesser evil but watch the news and look at the amircan army and middle east children the two sides need you voting to to stop the blood over there(choose the less evil)i live in the middle east and we here need all of USA people vote for stop the wars i wish you vote we are wait your vote here
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
12 Jul 08
I felt like that with the last elections here in Australia, I didn't want to vote for the main parties and the one small party I wanted to vote for didn't have a member to vote for in my area, so I had to vote for someone as we get a fine if we don't vote...