Idea for extra ordinary life

July 12, 2008 6:56am CST
Hi, my lotter friends I want to discuss and suggest 10 Ideas for extra ordinaryl life 1. Sleep less. This is the one of the best Investment you can make to make your life more productive and rewarding. Most poeple donot need more than 6 hours to maintain an excellent state of health. Try getting up One hour earlier for 3-4 weeks and it will develop into a powerful habit. Remember It is the quantity of sleep It is important and just imagine having an extra 39 hours in a months to spent on the things that are important to you 2. Set aside one hour every morning for personal development matters, Meditate, visualize your day, listen to motivational tapes or read great literature. Take this quiet period to vitalize and energize your spirit for the productive day ahead. Watch the sun rise Once a week or be with nature. Starting the day off well is a powerful stragery for self- renewell and personal effectiveness 3.Donot allow those things that matter the most in your life be at the mercy of activities that matter the least. Every day, take the time to ask yourself the question 'Is this the best use of my time and energy ? Time management is life ,management so guard your time with great care. 4. Rememeber that your expectations create your reality and life pretty much sends you what you think and expect 5. Always answer the phone with enthusium in your voice and show your appreciation for the caller. Good Phone manner are essential. To convey authority on the line, stand up. This will instill further confidence in your voice. 6. Throughout the way we all get inspiration and excellent ideas. capture them keep a set of cards ( the size of business cards, available at most stationary storage) in your wallet along with a pencil to jot down these insight. When you got home, put the ideas in a central place such as a coil notepad and review them from time to time. As noted by Oilver Wendell Holmes: "Men's mind, Once streched by a new idea,never regain, its original dimensions." 7. Set aside every sunday evening for yourself and be strongly discipled with this habit. Ust this period to plan your week, visualize your encounter and what you want to achieve, to read new material and inspirational books. to listen to soft soothing music and to simply relax. This habit will server as your anchor to keep you focused, motivated and effective throughout coming week. 8. Always remember the key principle that the quality of your life is the quality of your communication. This means the way you communicate with other and more importantly the way you communicated with other and more importantly the way you communicate with other and what you focus on is what you get. This is the fundamental laws. 9.Stay on purpose, not on outcome In other words do the task because it is what you love to do or becausr it will be help someone or is a valuable exercise. donot do it for the money or the recognition those will be come naturally. This is the way of the world. 10. Laugh for the five minutes in the mirror each morning does Laughter activite many benefitibal chemicals within the body to a state for a balance Friends other Topic I discussed next time.
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