Should Mobiles Phones be BANNED from Colleges???
By mtsandeep
@mtsandeep (1586)
July 13, 2008 3:00pm CST
I am in my final year Automobile Engineering. Last week my mobile was taken away from me by our college authorities.
I got it back after 1 week.
Mobile phones are banned in our college.
Should mobile phones be banned from colleges? What is your view on this matter?
Please tell me what you are doing when you reply, like student, parent, teacher etc. so that i can get a clear picture of your opinion.
Do you like to have a ban?
IS it necessary?

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24 responses
@halynn (1809)
• United States
13 Jul 08
I don't really think they should be banned but ppl should deff leave them turned off or on vibrate while in class. I have been in many classrooms during college hrs when the prof was lecturing & was interrupted by a ringing cell phone. I admit tho the college prof were very nice about tellin them to turn their phones off. it is distracting to other students tho.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
13 Jul 08
Now I don't want to sound old-fashined (honest I don't) but when mobile phones hadn't yet been invented it was a much nicer place all round. Don't get me wrong - I have three but I know WHEN and WHERE to use them and WHEN and WHERE not to use them.
Here in Italy if you are caught driving while using your mobile then you are fined and lose points off your licence
In schools of all levels they must be turned OFF
I don't see why children of only 8 years old need to take a mobile to school! Of course the phone companies are happy I know but what's the point as school is for learning not for messing about with your mobile. At the recent high school annual exams students were caught using mobiles to pass answers with text messages - in my opinion yes they should not be allowed i school of all levels and certainly not during exams.
I know we used to pass notes on bits of paper once upon a time but that was cost free too . poor parents who have to fund their kids mobiles 

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@myliezl0903 (2726)
• Philippines
14 Jul 08
no i don't agree.,it shouldn't be banned because we may expect some important calls that we need to answer.,i guess the best way is to put it in a silent mode while you were in school.,student should be more responsible in using mobile phones for us not to disturbed while we were in the middle of class discussion.,just be responsble.
have a nice day ahead!!!
see you around! 

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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
14 Jul 08
that is insane!! what do they think you are 4?!?!? i could see if you were using it and it was ringing off the hook and then took away till the class was over but not for a week..
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@snowbitz (487)
• Philippines
14 Jul 08
I think not because college student is old enough to know when to use it.I think its up to the student to know what should be done.I little etiquette would do.With a lot of bad things going on to the world i think one should always carry some mode of communication with them just to be cautious.but student should be knowledgeable when to used it, and how to used it inside the campus to avoid violation from the head of the campus.In every place they are implementing a rule so if you are inside that facilities i think you should abide with their rules.But then again just to stress out it should not be banned in colleges just to be cautious if something should happen at least student could alert the proper authorities.
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@bagsgroove (78)
• Canada
13 Jul 08
sorry,mtsandeep,but I have never had a cell phone but I don't think you should have them taken away as long as the ringer is not disturbing others and you leave the room to talk.
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@jhartana (1084)
• Australia
14 Jul 08
I think most colleges have the right to ban the use of mobile phones. It could interrupt other students or maybe lecturers. It is therefore their right to confiscate your mobile phone to respect that other people would not be disrupted. A college is not a shopping centre, college is a place for study so therefore students and lecturers are there for focusing on their study and work. It is a place of full concentration and also full of stress so don't you feel so guilty when your mobile phone suddenly ring during lecture time? It's not funny for other people so that was why college have created rules on the use of mobile phones. If you want to take your mobile phones with you instead of leaving it in the locker for a safety reason, please be mindful that you either have to turn it off when you are in the class and keep it inside your pocket or bag. You cannot put it on silent mode because it would disrupt your concentration during class time. You and all students can talk on mobile phones when they are on break or during lunch time. I do not mind if a college ban the use of mobile phone. I can fully understand why they have to impose such rule.
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
14 Jul 08
I think that in colleges mobile should not be totally banned . it can be the restriction taht you can't use it when the class is going on. its the case actually with this. why your phone was taken? were you talking while in a class?
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
14 Jul 08
Yup.. I think mobile phones should be banned in school.. Because how much can one use their mobile phones while they are in class and most of your classmates and frenz are in the school too?? MAybe all of u are in different classes, but i guess the hangout places wun be too many for u to find each other too.. Also, it can affect one or others in their concentration during classes..
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@Annie2 (594)
• United States
13 Jul 08
Hi, I am a parent/grandparent/student. I do not own a cell (mobile) phone. What is the reason your school gives for banning the mobile phones? I do believe they should be banned from classrooms, lecture halls, concerts, etc. People forget to turn them off and it never fails, but one will ring during a concert or some event where people expect to be able to listen to what they are there for, rather than someone's mobile ringing, or someone talking on one. Also, I can see how the mobile would be distracting to the student who has it . . . constantly checking to see if he/she missed messages, etc. I think the phones should be ok in the students' dorms or apartments, as long as it doesn't disturb roommates and the ringer is kept off and the vibrate is on instead.
@fwangaa (3057)
• China
14 Jul 08
now,i don't have cell phone for many reasons. i am a country admit to use cell phone in colleges. in my views on your matter,i agree with your college authorities. i think they must have their reasons for baning the mobile phones.they did that maybe helpful for students.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I am a parent but planning to go back to school.
I do not believe mobile phones should be ban in colleges. I seen people with lap tops in classrooms so the phone should not be a problem.
Maybe some rules would be better than a total ban (like mute it during class and no texting so there can be no cheating that way)
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@spongin (71)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I'm a student responding here. I think cell phone bans are unnecessary, but they should be required to be put on silent when in the classroom environment. They are too distracting AND annoying!! Even when they vibrate, if the room is just right (or should I say WRONG?), the noise is very very distracting.
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
14 Jul 08
As the parent of a college student, there is no way I believe cell phones should be banned from college campuses. Given all the violence that has happened over the past few years on college campuses, cell phones have become a source of emergency text messaging for students regarding any situation that might arise that warrants their utmost safety.
Having said that, there is no need for cell phones to be used during classes. I can see professors asking that all cell phones be turned off, but to confiscate a cell phone is completely unwarranted.
@jtr115 (722)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I don't believe colleges should ban cell phones. I am a news writer, and I've read stories about some college campuses in Colorado using text-message alerts to warn students and faculty about emergencies. This was mainly done in response to the Virginia Tech shootings and similar threats made at other colleges.
As others have said, a ban is not necessary to keep ringing phones from disrupting classes. People just need to use some common sense and put their phones on silent or vibrate mode.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I'm a parent (step parent of an 11 year old girl, parent of a 24 year old guy).
I have a cell phone myself, but it's for emergencies. Personally, I hate them. I think they should be turned off or banned for all business locations, definitely from all schools, and that one should be fined heavily if seen driving while talking or texting.
Ringing phones, or worse phone conversations, are distracting and should never be allowed in school. Further, since many phones have the capability of getting online, a phone could be used to cheat on tests. Or one could be texting a friend and getting the answers that way. It makes sense that they would not want them in the classrooms.
@jtfmulder (42)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I am 45 years old. I remember that some people had "car phones" while I was still in school. I lived in a dormitory at the time. We had one phone jack and one push-button phone in the dorm rooms. The phones were supplied by the school for local phone calls only. We were responsible for our own long distance phone provider.
I can image that a similar situation now still exists for most college students. A cell phone would be an ideal an economical solution.
As far as banning usuage, in a classroom environment cell phones should remain off and not be seen nor heard. Other than that school authorities should not be able to interfere with a student's cell phone usage habit.
@dreemsofdark (714)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I think that the schools should just put in that insulation that blocks all Cell Phone frequencies so that none of them work! That way you can use your phone outside and outside ONLY so it doesn't disturb the classes. Other than that under no circumstances should a mobile device be taken up for a week!! What if an emergency happened?? The colleges shouldn't be allowed to do that. Or, if you are causing a disturbance in class because of a cell phone, you should be charged a fine. But definetally not banned.
@ibcandy2 (40)
• United States
14 Jul 08
As a college student and a parent, i think it is crazy to ban cell phones at school especially colleges. Last time I checked, If you are in college than you should be an adult and should be able to do whatever you want to do. I know that there was a concern for people using their cell phones to cheat but that is going to be the loss of the student not the college. If a student gets a degree in something and they cheated the whole time while in school, when they get a job in the field that they got the degree in they wont be able to keep that job because they dont know anything. I know that I got a cell phone for my son who is 11 because I am a single mother and I am at work when he gets home from school so I usually like to talk to my son while he walks home from school to make sure he gets there safe. The school saw him take his phone out, even though school was out, and they took it from him saying no cell phones on the property. I was so upset that I went up to that school and created the biggest scene that it is now ok for my son to take that phone out and talk to me while he is at school. Are schools really losing sight of what is important here or what? Who cares if we have cell phones? How about working on getting our test scores up so they atleast are average in comparison to other countries. Now maybe it would be ok to ban talking on cell phones while in class, I can see that because it is distracting but as long as I am paying the bill on my phone, I should be able to take it wherever I want.