Who is the worst President among these two - George Bush Senior and George Bush
By amrishkj
@amrishkj (297)
5 responses
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I guess you knew when you asked this question that you would get
some nasty answers-well not from me. Just my honest opinion.
I think George W was worse than his father and I didn't think
much of him either. I am a diehare democrat and proud of it.
I am not happy with my choice right now but I do know that
the Republicans have had 8 years to screw up this country
and now someone else needs to fix the mess we are in!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Jul 08
Welcome to myLot, Opal26! It sure is nice to see another proud Democrat join us here since, unlike the country in general right now, we're definitely in the minority here and the "righties" here are quite vocal and a few don't mind calling people like us some mighty nasty names. Hang in there and don't let them get to you! There are a few others like me here as well as some independents, moderates and even some conservatives and Republicans who are very nice and lots of fun to chat with here. I checked your profile and saw we're the same age so that's another thing we have in common so I requested you as my friend and I'll be honored if you accept!
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I think both Presidents Bush did a good job. If I had to pick I would say that the first President Bush was the poorer of the two. First when he took on Iraq for invading Kewita he waited until he had the approval of the UN and the rest of the world. This gave Iraq a chance to kill, rape and steal for the people of Kawati. He agreed to the demands that Sadam Hussain be left in power. When the people tried to over throw the government we stood by and watch him murder the civilians while the UN passed resolutions after resolution telling him to stop.
The second reason was he caved into the Congress and raised taxes rather than cut spending and taxes to get us out of a recession.
His son has stood up to Congress when he believes he is right and makes them do the will of the American People.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
15 Jul 08
We really do have to agree t disagree on this one! I think of the two Bushes the first was, and is, at least as decent compassionate human being. His son is all for himself, "the decider" as he's called himself, and he at one time didn't believe he'd made any mistakes as President. I don't think he's taken "the will of the American People" into consideration once, only what benefits his oil buddies and his cronies from Texas. He said he gave up golf to show solidarity with the families of our troops but that wasn't even the truth, not that giving up a stupid game is much of a gesture. He's forgotten about the ones who attacked us on 9/11 and instead put all his focus on Iraq, I think just to show up his old man. You may give his father a minus for caring what the rest of the world thought but the way I see it we're part of the world whether we want to admit it or not. This "cowboy mentality" hasn't gotten us anywhere, in my opinion.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Jul 08
Funny you should ask that...lol...but it's a very good question.
I say it's funny because when W. was running in 2000 I very confidently went around saying he didn't have a chance then I'd say, "President Bush, been there, done that" as if the voters couldn't possibly repeat that mistake. I promise, I won't rehash the 2000 election by saying the VOTERS really didn't repeat the mistake.
Then, we all know that 2000 happened, no matter what anyone believes about the outcome of that election, and W. took office. (Notice I'm not saying "Junior" because I don't want to be called an ignorant Democrat again...lol). For his first several months I again was very confident in saying he would follow in his father's footsteps in yet another way, by being another one-term President. After all, his approval rating hovered in the low thirties if I remember correctly for a time.
Then came 9/11/2001 and it seemed like the world stopped for time and everyone seemed more than willing to give W. the benefit of the doubt and as our nation seemed to pull together his approval soared as even I was willing to give him credit, for awhile at least, and I supported his decision to go into Afghanistan after Bin Laden.
Then came Iraq; the infamous declarations of "Mission Accomplished" aboard the aircraft carrier with W. wearing that silly looking (on him) flight suit; no WMD's found; our mission in Iraq being redefined again...and again...;"Stay the Course"; Katrina - "Heckuva job, Brownie"; $4.00+ per gallon gas; the mortgage crisis, and I could go on and on.
His father, George H.W. Bush, wasn't very effective on the economy but at least when it came to foreign policy he knew how to put together a coalition rather than using the cowboy mentality, "my way or the highway" and as another poster here mentioned, even if as a compliment, his Texas Six Shooter attitude. I'd say W. is not only the worst BUSH to hold the office, he's the worst person EVER to hold the office and time will tell if history backs me up.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
14 Jul 08
Anniepa, perhaps your forgot President Carter when you said that President Bush was the worst ever president. He entered with inflation around 8% and raised it to 18% and ended with 14%. We had gas shortages, High unemployment, A farm Crisis where farmers who had the farms for generations were losing them because he was playing politics with their lively hood, an extremely high National Debt, Interest rates that hit 21% and don't forget his great diplomatic achievement, the Embassy take over in Iran, when he spend 400+ days trying to talk our people free. When he did send in the military it was with very little training and only the minimum amount of equipment. The US Military had been so cut back that we only had 6 long range Helicopters world wide, which was the minimum needed for the operation. And don't forget his great speech where he told us we should all conserver and wear a sweater I may have to pay $4.00 per gallon for gas, but I can get gas and don't have to wait in line and hope the station will still have some when I get to the pump.
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@steeltownfan5828 (252)
• United States
14 Jul 08
Actually, their names aren't Sr./Jr....ignorant Democrats.
@amrishkj (297)
• India
14 Jul 08
Buddy dont jump to conclusion of whether am a democrat or republican. if you had any manners and would have first had my profile checked you would have known that I am from India. I was jst curios to know who is the worst of the two. And an advice next time before abusing somebody on whether they are ignorant or not, kindly look into their profiles and check whether your reply may backfire on you. Anyways thanks for your response.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Jul 08
No, ACTUALLY what was ignorant was your response for several reasons:
First, like the OP told you, you shouldn't jump to conclusions such as the one you obviously jumped to here that this poster is a Democrat when he or she is in fact not even from the U.S.
Next, even if this poster were an American Democrat and even if it were an "ignorant" mistake to refer to the two Bush Presidents as Jr. and Sr. that would NOT justify referring to Democrats in general as "ignorant".
Finally, no, the Bushes aren't technically or officially "Junior" and "Senior" but it's quite common for people of any political party to kind of automatically refer to a father and son with the same first name in that manner.
Steeltownfan, you're a fairly new member so I'd really like to give you some friendly advice - try to use a little more restraint in your responses, even if someone says something you think is stupid or something with which you disagree. It's fine for you to give your opinion, that's what myLot is here for, but being rude and disrespectful won't help you build a good reputation and list of friends here or help you to increase your earnings. What actions like that will get you is negative ratings and even reports to myLot administration and a lack of responses to your posts.
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