r u tolerant of all religions?

July 13, 2008 9:29pm CST
where i stay there is a vriety of beliefs and religions i too am a member of certain belief, though i am not very keen on other belielfs and releigions around, but i consider it as yet another form of expression of their faith or releigion or beleif whatever, but what is resent is the extremist factors in all these faiths, beleies and religions, its disgusting
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21 responses
• United States
14 Jul 08
no muslim and athiesm. athiesm are to lazy to have faith and anything that they should and muslim belive if u kill some one for your country ur next to ala.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
14 Jul 08
Yes, I am very tolerant of other religions and beliefs. In fact, I love hearing and learning about these things. As long as they treat others with love and kindness, a persona belief system is never an issue. What I do have a problem with is those who use their religious beliefs as a tool to discriminate and judge others.
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@roanne05 (1290)
• Oman
14 Jul 08
it is just a metter of respecting their religion. for me i have friends with different religion. we just don't discuss religion at all and just respect each others faith.
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@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I will not judge someone because of their religion . I always have and always will keep an open mind . Most times people know not a thing and will run their mouths . You should take the time out to listen and learn . It is hard to say there is a right and a wrong if you are a good person and living a good life , and have a form of believing . People always says you believe this you are wrong , you do this you go to hell . I am just so sick of it all . What is in your heart believe .
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@shlooper (309)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I personally would like to think that I am tolerant of other religions, but I am not delusional enough to think that I am free of all prejudices. I have noticed that sometimes even the most bigoted people claim to "be tolerant" when clearly they are not. I know that many religions teach being extremist, or intolerant of other religions as doctrine, although most do not teach it openly. They tend to teach in exclusive ways, such as, anyone who doesn't believe what we do is going to hell. This promotes intolerance.
• United States
14 Jul 08
This is a wonderfully honest assessment. I feel the exact same way. Thank you for having the courage to actually say it, because some proclaim themselves 100 percent "tolerant" when they are far from it.
• China
15 Jul 08
i can tolerant most , but not all . because there is always something that beyond my tolerance. PS. i am a chinese,would you like to come to china during the olimpic period? if you do , please comtact me ,and i really like to be a helper . my email adress: z629y@yahoo.com
@rsa101 (38189)
• Philippines
15 Jul 08
For me I would say yes for as long as they would not be too pushy on their belief on me. I have seen many that are just too pushy and would do just to recruit you in their religion. That I could not tolerate. I think it is the individual's choice if he/she wants to believe and not the religion itself.
@manu619 (450)
• India
14 Jul 08
ya. I beleives in all religions. All are are connected in one or other ways.
@curious888 (1212)
• Malaysia
15 Jul 08
To me, there is only one religion ( religion of love ). Like in a garden,there are so many flowers with different colors. There are showing different aspects of the nature. Likewise, people are having their own ways of expression to God. Just respect them!
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I really don't care who or how anyone else worships as long as they don't push it off on me. As long as it works for them, and they can keep it to themselves I'm fine with it. But when they start pushing me about theirs, I'm gonna trot out mine.
@dinohe (92)
15 Jul 08
I am tolerant of spiritual/theological beliefs different than my own. I am tolerant of activities (that do not harm others) different than my own. I am wildly intolerant of any kind of attempt by religions to effect the well-beling of people different from themselves. In other words,I am intolerant towards intolerance. To that extent,I am not tolerant towards several large world religions.
@srpkinja (375)
• Canada
14 Jul 08
To tell you the truth, I am not tolerant of all religions. Some people take their religion too far, some people of a certain religion, which I shall not name for discrimination reasons. I think that some people should just live life and not talk about religion all the time. I mean, I am Orthodox and I do not go preaching or even talking about my religion 24/7 to people of another religion. These people who preach and always talk about their religion are mostly those have nothing better to do. I would like it if the world wasnt separted by religion and some people could live a day without saying anything about religion. Life would be so much simplar.
@ZayroX (31)
• United States
15 Jul 08
I am an atheist, and everyday I get yelled at and preached to from people of all faiths all over MyLot. I am tolerant of all religion, but I do not understand why others aren't tolerant of mine. :(
• China
15 Jul 08
i can tolerant most ,but not all. because there is always something that beyond my tolerance!
@SHUGA81 (220)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I respect all religions. I don't think there is a better religion or faith. And those that use their religion as a way to hurt other people do not get any respect from me.
• Malaysia
14 Jul 08
Hello there, I believe in being tolerant in all religions however I would definitely be defensive if people start to question and attack the validity of my religion. I believe that is the respect is not mutual then there is no need for tolerance. I am very acceptive of people's beliefs as long as it does not threaten the peace and harmony of my life and other people's life.
@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
14 Jul 08
I think I am although I still have my prejudices over other religions.I respect other religious beliefs but when those beliefs tend to hurt others, that is when I tend to not tolerate the religion.
@rlawliet (140)
• Philippines
14 Jul 08
i respect other people's beliefs.. and besides, i believe we are living under one God.. so it doesnt really matter whatsoever religion you are in.. as long as you acknowledge that there is someone with higher authority than you, that is, the Creator.. =)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I am tolerant of other religions and faiths. I have my own beliefs but I will not say another person is wrong or try to bring them down for how they choose to worship. I may not necessarily agree, but I wouldn't condemn them either. Everyone is trying to find their own way, and in a sense, everyone believes that their belief is the right one. I am open and aware of other religions but at the same time, I still stand firm in my own. It takes an extremely intelligent person to entertain a thought without accepting it. This is what separates individuals from different religions who hold a discussion on religion without getting into a heated debate from those who cannot.
• United States
14 Jul 08
There is only one true faith and I think it takes bits and pieces of all religions to form it. Because I have read the Bible some, I see that God / Higher Power, is not always tolerant and gets angry with our ways. So, no I am not always tolerant with every aspect that others believe. I don't knock their belief but would just as soon that they "go their way" and leave me and my ideas alone.