do you think that the internet attracts people that are mentally unstable?

United States
July 13, 2008 9:51pm CST
internet would be a great way to hide it for some people.. do you thin that maybe they are drawn to it so that they figure out how to appear more normal? is a good thing or a bad thing as far as them dealing with their issues? im torn on this subject just because i know that to me it would seem like it might help them isolate themselves and be in denial that they may have some issues but then again it might help them learn about themselves from websites etc.. or do you think its the same mix of people as the world to where there are any more than their used to be etc..
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18 responses
@rbailey83 (1428)
• Canada
14 Jul 08
i think that if too much time is spent on the internet it can be harmful, however, there are things i went through with classmates as i was growing up that eventually i couldn't talk to people anymore. Using certain sites like this has helped me to re-develope my skills in keeping a conversation with people, and also helps to remind me that everyone is not like those i had experience with. So i guess what i am saying is that if it is used right with responsability it can be very helpful...but it can't be the only thing that is done, still have to get out and be interactive, exercise, do other things you enjoy etc.
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• United States
14 Jul 08
yeah i think it can be very beneficial for people to talk to others on here about issues they usually cant but i worry that some people may get too used to only interacting on here and if they have social anxiety its just helping them keep it if that makes any sense.. then there are the seriously disturbed that might not want help and if they stay on the internet they arent in the public where people might notice as much.. which i hope that that is like a really small %
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@rbailey83 (1428)
• Canada
14 Jul 08
yeah, if it is used for help, it HAS to be integrated with using the skills in society as well, if it is all just internet, and they are on it all the time then it becomes detrimental to their health and loose many other skills besides just talking to others. So if it is not used responsibly then it does more damage than good
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• Canada
14 Jul 08
Good point, I think that people that have a hard time in other social situations feel more comfortable talking on the internet.
• United States
14 Jul 08
which kind of makes me worry since they may not realize they have some problems interacting in real life due to __________ so in a way they might not get any help..
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• Canada
14 Jul 08
I think that it would be a good outlet for someone who is unstable,but to much of a good thing can be bad.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
14 Jul 08
Well I'm here so it must be. What's your excuse? LOL. The great thing about this type of site and activity is that we can come out and be loud or as quiet as we want. I used to be a very confident person. Following illness though, I would rather hide away, or be with one or two others. I force myself to go out, I guide in our local cathedral which means that I have to talk to large groups, but inside of me a voice is shouting "run away". I don't deny that I have issues. But I'm not a murderer or child abuser or psychopath. Just a bit bonkers! Eccentric some might call it.
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• United States
15 Jul 08
i dont there is anyone that doesnt have issues of some sort to a certain degree.. after all if you were the one normal person raised in a world of people that do have issues you would eventually pick up some of those issues or have issues because of possible bad interactions with the people really out of control..
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• Malaysia
14 Jul 08
No... Internet is a very useful tool in our life. We can get a lot of information from internet. It's not use as to just attract people. I hope that everyone will use internet vicely.
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• United States
15 Jul 08
i do like the internet and hope that there are other things we can eventually use it for (whatever technology brings) but i think not having any consequences (not for anything huge but if the person just went out of it for awhile) or people to really realize in real life that the person needs might be a problem
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• United States
14 Jul 08
To a certain point it would be good for a person to interact on the net if they do not get out much. There is a point you have to draw the line. If you are spending all day and night on the internet I can't beleive that would be health. You need other ways to socialize to! I think people like the net because they can hide behind the pc and be who they want to be not who they are.
• United States
15 Jul 08
i just keep hearing about those serial killers that lived in a neighborhood and was active with every one and it turned out to be a show where as the net would be easier to fool people.. less exhausting and not having to worry if some one is gonna see them doing something to where they might question it
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@Vladilyich1 (1454)
• Canada
14 Jul 08
There are two types of people on the Internet, both for the same reason. There are those that are completely open because they are hidden and not vulnerable. There are those that are completely phony because they can get away with it because they are hidden and not vulnerable.
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• United States
14 Jul 08
im thinking this would be a sociopaths dream (the internet i mean)
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
14 Jul 08
Hello moon, I guess there are people really who can expressed here better than in real life..Who can interact great than in personal..So, my answer is Yes..and for some I am sure, it helped them a lot to overcome the shyness and unstability once they will be able to meet someone whom they can call real friends!
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• United States
15 Jul 08
im talking about more disturbing people than people with problems such as anxiety and people that are medicating and trying to get everything under control. the disturbing people may or may not know they have a problem and if they do they do not want help they want to just cause damage
@greysfreak (1384)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I kinda think it's a mix. Mostly because, well, I have talked to all kinda of people online through the years, and for the most part, the people who I've met who had mental issues were people I met through message boards and e-mail groups for different issues I deal with. So in that case they knew they had issues. Of course I guess it's possible that people who seem to be completely "normal" could be masking issues. Me, I've always been pretty open about my issues, sometimes too open. I do think that the internet is my escape, but because I really can't talk to people in real life, well, very occasionally, but most the time I can't, unless someone starts a conversation with me. But yea, I think sometimes I use the internet as an escape from my real life, but at time same time, I can't seem to hide the real me even online, it eventually comes out, but if I was someone who was in denial maybe that would be different.
• United States
15 Jul 08
Oh yea, that makes sense. At first I wasn't sure how you were meaning it, but once I read the other responses and your comments I saw that you were more talking about real "crazy" people, like potential sociopaths or something.
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• United States
15 Jul 08
well im talking about the people that obviously in real life have some serious issues and like at the workplace some one might suggest some help for them where as on the internet we dont know what he is doing all the time to notice some weird patterns that might be a bad sign
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22 Oct 08
I think the internet (as with any social gathering facility) attracts all manner of people for a variety of reasons. If you find yourself chatting to alot of unstable persons, its possible that you are playing out your own concerns and facilitating their instability. In general there are mentally unstable people everywhere, it just depends whether you can see it and to what extent. I tend to see them most on trains on my way to work ...
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• United States
23 Oct 08
ack.. im glad the ones i run into are on the internet.. wouldnt want to have any daily transportation with them
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
14 Jul 08
Hello, I think in the world of the internet that you will come across many , many different types of people . There is good , and bad everywhere , but ya gotta rememeber that the good are mixed in with the bad sometimes . I have always believed though that there is more good out there . Most times listen to your gut feeling on someone you meet .
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• United States
15 Jul 08
yeah but will your gut always work online? if you casually talk back and forth with some one every once in awhile but they dont go crazy in the messages you might not pick it up which gives them the upper hand and to learn skills that they can use to hide and seem more normal in real life
@ZayroX (31)
• United States
14 Jul 08
...I think that it helps with social skills and helps people like that to practice interacting with people in a stable environment. I guess it's a good thing, as long as they don't get anti-social in real life.
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• United States
15 Jul 08
well these people im referring to might not be social people not because of like social anxiety but like wanting to wanting hide whatever red flag behavior they may have that they need to get help for but are in denial about
• United States
15 Jul 08
I think the internet is a very bad place for unstable people, It seems like the internet is just made for people to offend other people.
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• United States
15 Jul 08
i know its like a kid in a toyshop for the disturbed people
• United States
15 Jul 08
I think the internet makes it easier for people with social problems to interact with other people. I also think that it is harmful for that same reason. I myself find I hide behind the keyboard because it's easier than facing people. But what am I teaching my children? People need to get out and interact with each other. I need to get out and interact with people. The internet should be used for information and purpose- not necessarily entertainment.
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• United States
15 Jul 08
yeah and im just wondering the people that need help because they have some serious problems (not like anxiety) wont get it because know one is there to see the red flags they might put out
• Singapore
20 Feb 10
Yeah, I agree that Internet is a good place for you to escape from the reality. You can conceal your true identity in Internet and be whatever you want to be by using words alone. However, this doesn't mean that it will not attract those people who are already very successful in their real life. After all, Internet is also a place for fast transfer of information.
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• United States
3 Mar 10
i agree i just think that people that may have mental issues to where they dont get along with others (because they have no social skills) may end up worse because they will hide out on the pc instead of really learning how to interact and make them withdrawal more.. then there are cases where people let their evil side out and harass or are mean to people online because unlike real life they arent looking them in the face so there arent any consequences etc
• United States
14 Jul 08
I think that the internet - much like all other mediums before it - attracts people of all different types, ages, and mental levels. The internet doesn't attract "mentally unstable" people because they think they can get away with being different, it attracts them for the same reasons it attracts you and I. Then again, that all depends on what you define as "mentally unstable".
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• United States
15 Jul 08
like people unstable enough to draw attention to themselves (unwillingly) in public or work place where other people would notice that that person needs help or the people that purposely know they have problems and dont care and end up hurting people
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I think that the internet helps people who would otherwise not be able to socialize do so. Whether it is a physicial or emotional handicap, it becomes much easier for people to interect when they don't have to "really" get out in society. You can "meet" people without facing them. Does it attract the mentally unstable? Sure. But you will find mentally unstable people everywhere. Can it help people deal with their issues? Absolutely. Are we at greater risk of encountering people that are mentally unstable when we meet people online. Probably. But it is up to each person to be extremely careful when interacting with others who we have met online. People like to talk about the risks of meeting eachother online, but lately, I wonder how different is it from meeting someone at a bar, like it was done in the good ol' days. Meeting a person face to face does not guarantee that you will be able to judge them any better. People can be very good at masking their true intentions. There is always a risk of getting hurt (physically or emotionally) no matter where you meet a new person.
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• United States
15 Jul 08
i think i rather meet some one from the internet than go home with some one at a bar but i dunno both can end horribly
• United States
14 Jul 08
Through the Internet I have met people from all around the world. Thank You, Mr. Gates, you opened this window! Actually, the real world is still out there, some just use the isolation of social networking so that they don't have to be out in it. Others may have problems in personal confrontations and just choose to hide inside the Net! If, you don't talk to people on a daily basis and spend time with your on-line connections, you may be a bit of a recluse and not know it. Always remember that some "sick" people hide in the Internet and may be waiting to make you their prey. Be careful where you go and with what info you give out on the NET.
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• United States
15 Jul 08
that was what i was referring to is that do you think the internet makes it easier for people that want to prey on people live easier since they arent trying to just approach people in person and there are no people judging their mindsets and actions as a job would see if one of their employees might need some help
@mokbul (616)
• Singapore
20 Oct 08
Not necessarily but not unlikely also. Internet allows people from all corners of the world among themsalves. Even you will not know who am I and if all my information the profile are correct. Dealing with their issues should not be bad idea. Whether a good or bad person, helping within leagl boundary should not create any problem. One of your good advise may be very useful for many other in the community. As I have said ther are good and bad person, not helping means not helping to good persons also.