The best GPT SITE high offer approval rating

July 13, 2008 11:50pm CST
A GPT site I'm going to talk about is It is the best gpt site around. They have a high offer approval rating. They have an admin that is on constantly approving the offers and finding new offers for all of us to do. We have over 650+ offers to choose from as of now (674 offers to be exact). We are paid on a net30 basis and that basically means every month. This site is one of the highest paying sites. When you join the forum you get paid just to make a post. The offers are located in the members home offers pts section. They're in the drop down menu. I always try to do the "new this week" ones first. After you are done completing an offer just submit it by putting in anything you want in the submit box and just click submit. You can receive payment by paypal, revolution money exchange, money order, and visa check card. The crowd of people you're around in the forum are great. They are so nice and helpful. If you ever need any help my user name is "surveycount" and I'm active in the forums so just shoot me a pm and I'll help you as a referrer anyway I can. Thank you for your time, Jimmy
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