what do you dream??

November 3, 2006 9:05pm CST
dreams interpret a lot about a pesons personality. lets just discuss the dreams that you see regularly. and try to come to a general conclusion that what exactly is interpreted in dreams. SLEEP ON ...!! reply with every sort of dream that you've had. the funniest,scariest, weirdest... lol.
1 response
@SarahJaya (410)
• India
4 Nov 06
I really love to discuss about dreams.when I was a child i used to dream that some one is after me to catch me. I will run and run and go to my friend house and lock the door. Then their hand will stretch as far as i am and suddenly I wake up from my sleep when their hand is about to catch me. the recent dream is I see a lot of water like canal,pond. I go there for bathing and suddenly the water disappears.I had this type of dreams more than 15 times. What I feel is this is related to momey. When I was expecting a lot of money I won't get it. In real life I love to play with water but scared of depth.
• India
4 Nov 06
well, sarah, that hand catching dream seems to me like you wanted to run away from difficlties in your childhood. and wanted things the easy way round. As i interpret the canal thing, i guess its about your love life. you seem to want to get involved,but are confused.... hehehe... well, i gave my bland guesses... u temme, how right am i?? ... interpret this dream ... " im runnin and runnin and a HUGE BIG boulder is chasing me.." .. i used to have this dream 10 years ago