Is bush a killer ?
By Nellister
@Nellister (1)
13 responses
@Aussiepup113 (64)
• United States
14 Jul 08
Before you decide if Bush is a killer you must remember that we were attacked first and lost almost 4000 Americans on 911. These were innocent people who hadn't done anything to provoke the terrorists to kill them. As far as Iraq, well who knows for sure if we should have gone there but remember that Sadam Hussain (SP?) was also a killer who needed to be stopped - many of his own people were happy he was eliminated. Sometimes presidents have to make decisions and we the public do not know all the details. Many presidents have sent our military to war even when there was no threat to the U.S. Remember Vietnam? Does that make those presidents killers?
@jdoss23430 (379)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I agree with Aussiepup. I dont think that Bush sent those men and women over there specifically to die. He sent them over there to protect those that cant protect themselves and to protect his country. I truly wish that none of our military had to be over there doing what they are doing, but they are, and we need to support them as best as we can. So in answer to your question, no he is not a killer and the only thing that he has to gain out of this war is the safety of the U.S. citizens and those in that country that would like to live a life free of terror !
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@jdoss23430 (379)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I wouldnt go as far as to say that hes a saint, but I will say that hes doing everything in his power to protect his country and other countries as well. Bugsey, your comment sounds exactly like something that my bf would
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• India
16 Jul 08
Bush should not be called a killer.Only some Muslims who are terrorists and those support terrorism says that.But all muslims wont say like that. Terrorists are the worlds worst enemies. Whole world should fight agaist these eliments for the safety of the human race.Hats off to President Bush for doing the social service by trying to eliminate the anti-social criminals.I thank those US troops and President Bush for taking such a pain.
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@jstaubin (423)
• United States
26 Jul 08
Yes he is a killer. And I say that knowing full well that he supposedly sent us to iraq in order to protect us from terrorists. And yes I understand that we were attacked first. So lets look at things here. We should be in afghanistan to attack the terrorists that attacked us in the first place. That is where the war should be. Not in Iraq. Bush sent troops over to aplace that he told us was a big threat and once we got there we found out that he was not telling us the truth about the threat from Iraq. They did not have the weapons of mass distruction that he told us they had. Iraq was no threat at all. If Bush was trying to protect us then he should have kept the troops in Afghanistan attacking the people that were responsible for 911. Then if there were other terrorists that were a threat take care of them. But only after we took care of the ones that attacked us first.
On another note to everyone who has bashed muslims on these comments lets get it correct people. We were not attacked by all muslims. we were attacked by a certain bunch of them. Lets not make an entire religion pay for something that a few nut so did. And one last thing you can support the troops without liking what Bush has done. Supporting our troops is about the letters, the phone calls home, the care packages. The support for them and their families while they are away and after the get home. It has nothing to do with the president.
@Johar_ahmad (419)
• Malaysia
14 Jul 08
yeah, he is a killer. killer person that not desurve to die. i hope he will get what he deserve more. my god punish him for the sin he has done!
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@jdoss23430 (379)
• United States
14 Jul 08
Is your God going to punish those that torture and kill innocent men, women and children for their own personal gain and enjoyment???????
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@amrishkj (297)
• India
15 Jul 08
Before I come to the part of Bush being a killer or a tyrant let me first give a view of somebody from out of the US. First how and when did Saddam come to power, who were the people who supported him in the war against Iran. Do some research and you will come to know that it was none other than the US govenrment who gave Saddam a lease of life in power. Iran has always been a pain to US and they supported the Iraq to go to war against Iran. But the whole thing backfired and it so happened that the power went into Saddams head and he started thinking he could get away with anything. It was he who bought his downfall but if in the first place had the US not supported him in the war against Iran things would have had been different.
Again other countries that the US thinks to be kept on a leash are China and India for that they have been supporting the Pakistanis. But now that India has become a very powerful economic force the US government is trying to distance itself from the Pakistanis. If you read newspapers on the net you would know how much of terrorism is being promoted in Pakistan. If the US government felt that terrorism was wrong then why did they support the Pakistanis in the first place. The political circle in the world is beyond our imagination.
And coming to the question is Bush the killer, the answer according to me is that not only he is a killer, he is also a tyrant. I mean he said there were WMD, then he should show the world were did they go. If he really wanted to attack Iraq for that he should have had his proof before he went into the war. To me he only wanted to have all the oil that was available for his country. But now he finds that his country is in thick soup. And now he has decided to attack Iran with the help of Israel.
God only knows how many more people will be killed.

@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
17 Aug 08
amrishkj, So if your neighbor was threatening to Blow up Your other neighbors' house and kill his family, You would stand by and do nothing? That is a good way to ensure that your house would be next.
@Aussiepup113 (64)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Your comments are interesting and something for everyone to think about. However, if Bush wanted to go to war just to take the oil then he didn't do a very good job of it. We have less oil than needed and our economy is going all to hell. We all want to support our countries and our leaders no matter how good or flawed they are so we are all going to see things differently. If we all agreed there wouldn't be war to begin with. I don't think Bush is a killer, he was just doing his job. Did he do everything right? Only time will tell. In the meantime it is interesting to hear everyone's opinions.
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@amrishkj (297)
• India
16 Jul 08
I beg a little to differ here pal. Tell me two of your neighbours fought would you go poke your nose into that fight. I would never do. I mean thats their business I am nobody to get involved. Specially when the whole neighbourhood says not to except for a few of my close freinds who happen to be my neighbours. Same has happened here, the close allies wanted to go but the other countries has specifically said that it was no business of US to go into Iraq. Same is happening with Iran.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jul 08
nellister thats too simplistic. look we lost four thousand people in the 9/11 catastrophe and he wanted to punish the guilty and find the weapons of mass destruction. He did pretty much what anyt president would do after such a hideous attack , he tried to find bin landon. No he is no more a killer than any president who had to fight an enemy and had to send our troops in to do this.
@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
17 Jul 08
I'm having trouble with this discussion. Presidents sending soldiers to war are not killers. GW's problem is he attacked the wrong man. Saddam was evil, but it is not our job to remove every evil dictator in the world. He was not responsible for 9-11; the man who was responsible is still alive and well hiding with our ally, Pakistan, who is not making much of an attempt to get him or help us get him.
The war in Iraq is wrong; the war in Afghanistan is right. We diverted troops to Iraq and now are having trouble in Afghanistan. That's not a good thing. The terrorists came from Afghanistan.
GW made the whole world hate us. He OKed torture; things this country has never done and never condoned. He did nothing for health care. More people are without it now than before he took office. He dumbed down our public schools by insisting on so much testing. Now, no one is taught to think, only how to answer test questions. That does not bode well for our future.
No, not a killer, but perhaps a destroyer, of our own country.

@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
17 Aug 08
"He[Saddam]was not responsible for 9-11"
Not directly but he did have a bad habit of paying families of Homicide bombers a small fortune. And there is evidence that OBL met with him more than once.
"the man who was responsible is still alive and well hiding with our ally, Pakistan"
How do you know?
"He OKed torture.."
Do you mean waterboarding? Please. Waterboarding is not torture. Youtube has dozens of videos of brainless protesters waterboarding each other to show how bad it is. Then the person is up and talking 2 mins later. Real bad torture.
"He dumbed down our public schools..."
Liberals have been dumbing down our schools for 35 years. Read "Dumbing down our Kids" by Charles J Sykes. (it was written in 1995)
"He did nothing for health care."
Have you ever heard of "Health Savings Accounts"? Bush suggested it when he was first elected and libs and the press VILIFIED him for it. (apparently it gives people too much freedom over their own lives.) Whole Foods Market Has been using this plan for their employees ever since. They LOVE it. WFM is one of FORTUNE Magazine's top 20 companies to work for in America.
Ever heard of Bob Geldof? "Boomtown Rats"? LIVE AID? Not exactly a "neo con". But he still says that BUSH has done more for AFRICA than any other President in History.
He is also the first AMERICAN president To allocate federal funds for stem cell research. Libs called that a "BAN".
The price of a gallon of gas doubled in the first 6 years of his "reign". Then we elected a Democrat majority in Congress, They managed to do the same thing in 17 months. Just in case you actually think the POTUS has Anything to do with the price of a gallon of gas.
No it's not BUSH who has "made the world hate us". It's People like Nana(9/C)Pelosi, Dickie Dirtbin, Harry Reid, and company that have opposed and obstructed everything he has tried to do. These people have NO regard for what is right for this country, All they care about is the next election. They have NO good Ideas, so their only option is to slander the POTUS and our military and keep their radical constituents In a tizzy so they will vote against the other guy. (That's why the 2004 election was "anybody but Bush", Remember that?)

@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
17 Jul 08
I have a problem with your post in the regard that you aren't from our country. I have seen so many people who attack our country that really don't know what they should know in order to make a real judgment. Besides, it is the problem of Americans, not other countries. The media is not always right, not even the media from America. There are liberals that hate Bush and anything he stands for and will try to stop any good he wants to do, like drilling for oil in all our reserves! Apparently, they want us to be dependent completely on others.
Bush is not a killer. He happens to be the leader that has to make hard decisions. AND, he never makes those decisions without the advice of others or Congress okaying those decisions. We have many in Congress who will say it was a mistake for Bush to make the decision to go to war with Irag, YET they themselves voted to go to war, believing the same information that they and Bush had been given. There is lots of propaganda going around that isn't true, but it's just like the enemy to spread such garbage to make other countries to hurt the very country that gives others from other countries the opportunity to come here and study in our universities. They offer freedom that no other country gives, yet people will stand up and belittle our president and our country and that gets my dander up.
@buzzmaker (630)
• India
16 Jul 08
I have stopped worrying about Bush. He is not going to be in his chair for a long now. also, there is not more Bush coming after these two.
@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
17 Aug 08
I hate to kill your buzz, but Bush has a little brother. JEB. he was governor of Florida for two terms and is considered a good prospect for POTUS. =D
@gladeez (63)
• Philippines
17 Aug 08
I don't just think of him as a killer. i also think of him as a ruthless leader... I monster that is willing to do anything and everything on his power to dominate the whole world.
But what do you expect from a person who is willing to sell his soul to the devil to get what he wants....
For people like Bush everybody surrounding him are just pawn to his most ambitious game.