I am soooooo nervous, anyone else had to have their children put to sleep?.
@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
United States
July 14, 2008 11:35am CST
UGH....my little girl is 3.
shes sooooooooo roudy i just cant take it anymore. she screams,crys,throws things and shes just a little hailyen
the dr said the best thing for her is to put her to sleep.
hahahahahahaha kidding!!,
No seriously, when my little one was about a year, she started getitng this white post on her front tooth, i schedualed her first dentist app and i had mentioned it to her, but she then decided it was nothing to worry about... now my little girl is 3 and the "white spot that was nothing" is not a cavity. right were the white spot is.
i feel like a horrible failure of a mom. shes only 3!!.:( now inorder for to have it filled, she has to go out of town to a specialist pediatrician wichever, and they are going to put her to sleep to fill the cavity....
isnt 3 years old so young to be having to put to sleep:(
i mean i know that just having her awake while they fill it will be like detramental to her, but its serious. to have ur child under you know?...
Has anyone else had to deal with this with there child. being put to sleep?... i could really use some good storys.
no bad storyS PLEASE!.
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8 responses
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
14 Jul 08
One of my granddaughters had to be put to sleep to get her teeth fixed at the age of 4. If they didn't put her to sleep they would have had to tie her down. She had had a bad experience with a terrible densest earlier. They had to put silver caps on all her front teeth. The poor baby. She is now 14 and is a whole lot better with the dentist
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
14 Jul 08
thanks so much for sharing your story. thats the same tihng with my daughter - the bad experience. but she does not like to be restrained at all. and freaks out. so i mean putting her to sleep is the best thing. im just scared its ganna do somthing to her in her sleep,or she might have a bad reaction to the medacine. if she feels herself going to sleep and not being able to stop it. she could get really nervous and go into a panick attack or somthing. im just really scared for her.
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I wouldnt worry to much they should let you hold your child or at least their hand while putting them to sleep. I know my son was out before he even knew what hit him. Now we were at the childrens hospital so they let me hold him in my lap when they did it and that made it easy on him.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
14 Jul 08
My youngest son has been under twice now and hes only 7 years old. The first was for a hearing tests which he passed and the second was for an MRI. He may need another MRI to double check a spot they found. It was pretty scary seeing you child out like that but it all went well both times for us. The worst was waiting for the results luckily you wont have that issue. My son felt a bit quessy after but nothing to bad. I wish you luck.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
14 Jul 08
For my son they did an IV but he was under for awile and they had to give him the meds till they were done. Im not sure how they do it with dental work for a child. I know when i wass put under for dental work it was just a quick needle.
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
14 Jul 08
Hey minnie,
thanks for responding~:)
im glad to hear your son did a good job with it. yes i agree it will be scary to see her passe dout like that:(... how do they do it?. like with somthing in a needle or a mask?.
im not sure how there ganna do hers. but i hope its not a needle.
i know ive called out of school and everything tommaorw so i ca be with her.just incase she has a reaction or is sick from it.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I haven't yet but I understand your concerns. My youngest is supposed to have surgery and one of my biggest fears is the fact that he'll be under general for approximately 90 minutes at least. He's only 20 months right now...they typically like to do the surgery around 18 months, but I've delayed things because I'm not sure it's really necessary enough to deal with the potential risks of surgery and recovery.
Dental work is a little different though and I don't think they are quite as "under" as in a full blown surgery. I think it's natural to be concerned and nervous either way but for your daughter the risks of not having it done probably outweigh the risks of the procedure.
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
14 Jul 08
OH WOW, im sorry to hear:(. hes even younger then my little one:( its so sad when kids have to go through these things. acdept this time it was my fault. one i let her have candy and two i listen to the dang dr's. i should have never listend when they told me to use this special tooth paste fir childrne under the age 6... it was nothing but gel~ the same gel like you would use on a baby's gums to clean them....
but ive wised up and started using colgate kids anti vativy and i have been limiting sweets so ive noticed a diffrence..
good luck to you and your son in this upcoming surgery:(. i hope everything turns out good in the end.. thanks so much for responding to my discussion.
@4mymak (1793)
• Malaysia
15 Jul 08
this story happened when my no.4 was about your girl's age..
about three years ago..
somehow she got hold of some beads,.. where i dont know.. but.. i guess out of curiousity - put one bead into her ear... and it got stuck there..
she didnt say anything at first.. probably scared that she'll get scolded for doing what she did..
but my husband and i noticed that she was restless, very uncomfortable.. and she was complaining to our helper that 'her ear hurts'...
we took her to the clinic.. the doctor confirmed that there was something in her ear.. such a 'nice fit'.. that it cant be taken out by the doctor, especially with her 'fighting her off'.
so.. the doctor suggested to 'put her to sleep' and let the people in the operating room take the bead out... no choice.. had to..
she was in and out of the 'OP' in a jiff.. but we still had to 'stay' at the hospital to let her sleep-off the medication...
so... no horror story... but something that i hope she remembers and learns from.

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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Oh no!:(. yes that had to beave unconfterble.. when my brother was little so ive herd he put beans up his nose and in his ears LMAO....eww!
kids are so crazy. but you got to love then:D...
thanks for sharing your story. i am prepared ive brand 2 books and drinks and snacks!
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
15 Jul 08
I wouldn't feel bad about it. And really I don't understand why they are doing anything about it. At age 3 the child still has baby teeth, they will fall out. Plus, if it isn't a cavity why are they treating it? Was your child often on antibiotics by any chance? My son was, and he also has the white spots - on his permanent teeth. The dentist says its from being on antibiotics so often as a child. There isn't anything that needs to be done to them. I'd suggest clarifying this with your dentist or getting a second opinion.
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
15 Jul 08
no it is a cavity... it was before a white spot. i mentioned it at my dauhgter first dentist appointment. thats when they said it was nothing. but not in the same spot were the white spot was. theres a cavity... my litlte one is only three its ganna be awhile before her teeth fall out.
i would much rather it get fixed then her have to have a a brown spot on the front of her teeth and also even though they are little teeth it could cause pain for her if not fixed,and if not fixed the cavity will get bigger...
at first the dentist told me that he thought it was just extra calcium. but then he decided it was rough on the white part.
that is were he said the enamel has came off her teeth.
this was at the 2nd dentist visit wich he then refferd me to get her teeth fixed today....
thanks for your responce!:)
@person124 (8)
• United States
14 Jul 08
oh jeez sorry about this i think she will be ok.
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
14 Jul 08
my daughter was born with hip displasia. her hip was dislocated when she was born. they tried fixing it by having her wear a harness that held her legs up so her hips would sit in place and have time to strengthen and grow into place. well that didnt work. so at 3 months old (yes i said MONTHS) they had to put her to sleep. they put her to sleep and injected her with a dye to see if her hip needed surgery. luckily she didn't need surgery but they had to put her in a cast to hold them in place better. then at 9 months she had to be put asleep again to check if it was getting better. if it wasn't better they would put another cast on her. luckily it was better and she is a healthy ornery 3 year old lol. but as far as putting her to sleep everything went fine. also my other daughter who is 5 had to be put to sleep a few months ago to get tubes in her ears. they gave her a liquid to drink that made her sleepy. she cried a little when she came out of it, which if you've ever been put to sleep that is normal. but after a few minutes she was back to her smiling self.
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
14 Jul 08
OH my,poor little one. she went through alot huh:( im glad that she is better now! that is definalty good to hear. im sure your glad to be done with it as well...
thanks so much for the inspiration
i was scared i might chicken out and not let them do it
HAHAHA but i know it is for my dauhgter best intrest so i will of course let them do it...
thanks so much for responding!
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@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
15 Jul 08
I'm sure dentists frequently have to sedate young children because they are less likely to sit still for a procedure. Most children would be terrified of having the drill in their mouths and wouldn't sit still through the pain. It's safer for the child and the dentist this way.
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