Unexpected Surprises in Another Country!!!

United States
July 14, 2008 12:12pm CST
For those of you who didn't know, I just got back from Cancun Mexico. I had never been to Mexico before and I wasn't sure what to expect. Mexico is a third world country and I knew that going in. I guess I expected it to be dirty and not well kept with a bunch of homeless people begging. I had a much different perspective when I stepped off the plane and I was pleasantly surprised. I have traveled out of the USA a good deal in my life and I couldn't believe I waited this long to go to Mexico. Mexico was very clean. So clean you could eat off the shiny stone floors of the flea market. There was noone begging for money, they were selling something or working in some capacity for their money. They are very hard working people. Most countries aren't fond of Americans because of some people who have visited and were rude and obnoxious. This wasn't the case in Mexico, they loved us and treated us like royalty. We had little kids who wanted to know what America was like and were thrilled to hear stories. Everyone seems so happy and it shows in the way they treat people. They love to sing and dance and have some great music and wonderful scenery there. They also had a McD's, Outback Steakhouse, Burger King, and get this a Taco Bell. LOL But we stuck to traditional Mexican food which was to die for. All in all, they are very proud of their country and welcome people with open arms. I would recommend it for anyone who wants a wonderful vacation. I was surprised at how clean everything was. There was no litter or dirt anywhere. No homeless begging. I was really impressed and it was different from what I would have expected out of a third world country. So what places have you been that were different than you expected? Either better or worse and why?? Thanks for reading!
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9 responses
14 Jul 08
I didn't know what to expect with Thailand as I had been told that was very dirty in Bangkok and very smelly but, I actually found that it was not smelly although it was probably due to the time of year we went and also it wasn't as dirty as I'd expected. I am off to Mexico next year and can't wait! So glad to hear it's good! x
• United States
14 Jul 08
I have heard that about Thailand. But I still want to see it. You'll have a blast in Mexico. Thanks for the response.
15 Jul 08
Oh yes Thailand is amazing and I'm sure you'll love it when ever you get to go as it is such a friendly country and full of gorgeous places! x
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
Ours is a third world country - the Philippines.There are a lot of mendicants and homeless people but yet our people can find happiness in every blessing theyu got everyday.See our country.We are nice good people.Also, we also have beautiful country .We have good cuisine also
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• United States
16 Jul 08
I would love to see your country. There are many places in Asia that I would love to see. The cuisine when made by some one who is Filipino is to die for. Maybe one day I would be able to afford the flight. Thanks so much for the response.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
14 Jul 08
Well im my experience of Mexico it is just like any other place its got its good and its not so good areas. I went on a church retreat to build a house and well I was very sadened by what we saw. The people here were living in what as a kid I would have called a fort. The had no floors just dirt. There was no grass growing anywhere so it seemed really dirty with all the dirt blowing around in the air. The kids were so excited to see us and the free stuff we had for them like combs and other dollor store kindof stuff. I had so wished I could stay and do more for them but I was only 16 at the time. Even this dog running around looked so skinny we went and bought dog food for it.
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• United States
14 Jul 08
That would make me so sad and very grateful for what I have. I bet it was an amazing learning experience especially for a teenagers. I know a few teens that could benefit from something like that. Thanks for the response hun!
@snowy22315 (183883)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I'm sure there are parts of Mexico like you described, but for the most part especially in the tourist areas, Mexico is like a postcard. They would not get the American tourist dollars if things were a mess, so t he resort areas are all nice. I went to Cancun on my honeymoon which was beautiful. and wewere just over the border in Nogales at night about 18 years ago. I would describe it as "rough" I dont know whether or not it has changed much over the years.
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• United States
14 Jul 08
Nogales has changed, my sister has been there and likes it alot. We went out of the tourist areas just to see if it was only there that was clean. We went into Quintana Roo which is the Cancun mainland and that was just as clean. We passed through some ghettos but they were different than the ghettos we have here. A lot of despair but thankfully no gunfire or anything like that. I actually liked the mainland, it was more of an "authentic" experience. Thanks for the response.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Jul 08
hi skinny chick you must not have gone to tijuana then,. The streets are clean, and there are a zillion little kids selling all sorts of things. but what made my heartache were these cardboard like shacks on the hillsides where really 'poor mexicans were living. The stores all looked so prosperus and seemed to be doing pretty good business but I could 'see poverty when i saw those shacks that people were really living in. I wondered how people got that poor when all the merchants seemed to be doing really well. the people there were also very friendly and all in all it was a pleasant trip but I also saw poverty there and people who were not getting enought to eat, and little kids who looked malnourished. I wished there was some way we prosperous Americans couldhelp those people so they did not have to live in those shacks.
• United States
17 Jul 08
I was on the Caribbean side which is way nicer than the Pacific side. I have never been on that side of Mexico. You would think that being so close to the US we would get some aide to Tijuana but for some reason the US can't do it. It's probably for the best anyway we can't even seem to take care of our own country let alone anyone else's. But if we could that would be a great idea.
15 Jul 08
I'm an American living in Lahore, Pakistan and it is much more developed than most people in the states think it is. Our friends ask us if we have internet or if we live in caves like the Taliban. There are some really posh, expensive areas here and TONS of brand spankin' new SUVs crowding the city streets. There is certainly a lot of wealth disparity and a growing income gap between the rich and the poor, but I think most Americans would be surprised to visit Pizza Huts and KFCs over here that are much nicer than in the states. Not only that but to find hi-tech shopping malls swarming with teenagers is not likely what people think of when they think of Pakistan.
• United States
15 Jul 08
Thanks for this response. Like you mentioned, I would have never thought Pakistan was like that. But then again there is a lot of royalty living in palaces that are more luxurious than anything we have in the states. Maybe one day, all this will get sorted out and it would be safer for us to visit.
• United States
15 Jul 08
I have also been to Cancun. When we landed at the tiny airport and then drove through Mexico, I saw lots of desert and lots of poverty. But, as we got closer to our hotel, it started looking better. Then, when we were in the heart of Cancun and on the beach, it was BEAUTIFUL. It's really sad that the only people who can be there to appreciate it have to be flown in. I mean, these poor people live just miles away and can't afford to stay in the beautiful resorts in Cancun. So sad....
• United States
15 Jul 08
That is very sad. Most of them work in them so that might take some of the desire to stay at the resorts away but then again maybe not... Thanks for the response.
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
14 Jul 08
I took a day trip over the US border to Mexico when I was in San Diego in 1993. My next trip to Mexico was in 2006 and that was to the region south of Cancun. I found the Mayan ruins there really crowed with tourists. I had a more enjoyable time at the ones in Guatemala and Belize. I also found Mexico to be clean and tidy with quite a high standard of living for most of the local people. I was surprised to see the Malaysia was so modern when I went there in 1994. By comparison I found much poverty and a few upsetting things happening in Sumatra in Indonesia. I had a challenging journey to get there and stayed overnight in a village that apart from the motorbikes it was like going back in time as much a one century. A number of time I have been amazed by the local people. In Jordan the way of them spoke I knew he was very knowledgeable despite him not having had an education. I was surprised to see the Masai people make fire and their dancing was fantastic. I was meant to go to Central America when a hurricane stopped that trip happening. Instead, last minute, I went to the Maldives. I was surprised to see the poverty of some of the local people, the restrictions on where tourists are allowed and the islands where the very rich have their holidays. I was attacked whilst walking on a lonely beach in the Maldives. I always expected possible danger in big cities like Nairobi not in a place the looked like paradise.
• United States
14 Jul 08
Wow, you have been to some cool places. It surprises me that you were attacked in the Maldives. There are some people anywhere you go that just prey on tourists though. I didn't know they had restrictions as to where tourists are allowed, do you know why that is?? It seems so beautiful there. But now I'm not so sure that I would want to go. Thanks for the response.
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
14 Jul 08
Hello, I am glad you had a nice trip and enjoyed yourself south of the border Mexico is known to have many wonderful resorts areas . There are good parts and there are bad parts . Yes, there are many nice , wonderful friendly people there who love to share their culture with you . Cheers world traveler
• United States
14 Jul 08
The people were super friendly even out of the tourist zone it made it very pleasant. It's cool to be called a world traveler. :) I can't wait to travel my butt back there. Thanks so much for the response.