
United States
July 14, 2008 1:33pm CST
When i was 17 i ended up droppin out of high school cause i thought i was in love and i was also getting addicted to drug so i ended up dropping out of high school. Now that i am 20 and i wanna go back to school But i'm kind of scared to start back.. Has anyone been in the same situation that wanted to go back school but was scared? Did you get your GED on the internet or did you go to schoo everyday??? Did you study from a book that they gave you or did you have to buy a book from a book store??? Just give me all the information you can....
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10 responses
• United States
14 Jul 08
Don't be scared! I'm very proud of you to be taking such a big step in changing your life for the better. School is a scary place for everyone from kindergarten to graduate school. Facing our fears is what makes us better people and even teaches us lesson we can't learn in school. I know a lot of people who got their GED in jail, prison, online, and in a classroom. I also know a few people who just got a book from Barnes and Noble, studied like crazy for months, and then just went in to take the test and passed. Then there's the few people I know that never went back to get theirs and regret it to this day. I would say go get a book from the bookstore and make sure it is up to date. Usually the books have CDs to help you out and websites too. They also usually have who you can contact to take the test or classes. If you have a computer, then the interactive CD can help you out tremendously. They probably even have support group websites where you can talk to people who are in the same situation as you. Don't put off things for tomorrow that you can do today. Good luck and if you need help, I'll be honored to do so.
@fwangaa (3057)
• China
15 Jul 08
what are you doing now? are you have the degree of college?
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
14 Jul 08
When I dropped out of school I called my guidance councellor to tell her. She enrolled me in the GED course, and I ended up getting my GED before the rest of my class graduated. I was still only 17 when I got it. Too bad you didn't go that route. I have no idea how you'd go about it now. I think maybe you should just call the school and ask.
2 people like this
• United States
14 Jul 08
I think i have to go to the school take a placement test than if i don't pass in all the subjects they put me in a classroom that helps me learn the subject that i need help on.. thank you for your help
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
30 Jul 08
Not sure if you got this resolved. I had a friend when I was living in NC get her GED. For like $500 she went to the community college and took a few classes that were like GED prep. The money also covered her taking the test and 2 retakes.
• United States
30 Jul 08
No i have never got this resolved thank you very much for the information.. THank you for the response...
@greysfreak (1384)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I think it's great that you want to go back! well, I homeschooled in 10th grade, then I turned 16, so I wasn't legally required to have schooling after that year, but I did at some point that year take GED classes at a local community center, and then on my 17th birthday I went and took the GED exam. Yea, stunk that it was on my birthday.. LOL But it worked out for the most part. I ended up not scoring high enough on 1 or 2 sections I believe, but luckily I was able to go back and retake those sections. Once I did that I received my GED! So I actually ended up getting it a year before my class graduated, and most of them were the reason I couldn't go to school anyway. LOL I can't really remember if they had the books for us to buy or if we had to go out ourselves. Also, I'm sure different places are probably different about that. I went to classes, I don't remember how often, but I know it was at night. I would probably look into the local community college or something, I notice that those tend to be linked to Adult Education Classes and the GED classes. I know that my graduation ceremony for the GED actually took place at a community college, so I'm guessing they were connected. So that's probably what I'd recommend. Then once you have prepared for that they will have you register to sit for the GED, I'm not really sure if you can take it without the classes, but just because I didn't ask, but it sounds like you dropped out pretty close to the end, so it probably won't be that hard for you, you will probably just be getting a review in the classes. Me, my last year in public school was 9th grade, and it was a mess--and they had me in a math class that was below my level, lets just say I was pulling A's and B's.. and for me and math, that indicates that it's too easy, because I struggled in college pre-algebra, actually I failed it. But anyway, good luck! It's really a nice feeling to know that you at least have that diploma, since then there are more options, I did community college the year after I got mine, then after 2 semesters transferred to University. But in general I'm sure it helps in other areas as well! :)
• United States
15 Jul 08
yep.. well, after I got my GED, I ended up starting community college at the same time as my best friend, who graduated from the school I would have had I stayed there. I spent a year there, had a 3.0 GPA, which is pretty good.. then I transferred to university. My biggest problems in college were finding what I wanted to major in, I ended up transferring again after 3 years, to be closer to home and in state, and just last December I graduated! Right now I'm not doing anything professionally, I'm kinda taking a break before I start working on my music career, although that's kinda on hold right now till our houses sell, so there is money for me to record another album. LOL But yea, I definitely think a GED is just as good as a high school diploma, no, I didn't get the experiences people get in high school, but judging from my 9th grade year I wouldn't have been active in extracurriculars anyway, because of all the drama I had to go through, mainly being I went to school with a bunch of losers and haters. LOL It's ok though, I'm the one who got out of that town!
@fwangaa (3057)
• China
15 Jul 08
what are you doing now? is GED helpful for you?
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Jul 08
Thank you for your response.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
15 Jul 08
My son got his GED a couple of years ago. He too had quit high school when he was 17. He is 27 now. He started off the program by going to the classes they signed him up for - its not typically an every day thing. After a few classes and assignments the teacher he had said he was acing everything and asked him if he just wanted to "test out" - meaning he wouldn't have to complete the classes but that if he passed the tests he had his GED. So he took the tests and passed. No more classes. While I hated that I missed seeing my one and only child graduate, I'm glad he did at least get his GED. Good luck with it - you can do it.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
15 Jul 08
My son never attended college. GED is the degree you get when you do not finish high school, but go back later to finish the courses. I don't remember what the actual initials stand for. Maybe something like general equilivant degree? Who knows.
@fwangaa (3057)
• China
15 Jul 08
what is the mean about GED? has your child finished his college?
• United States
15 Jul 08
Thank you for you response
• United States
14 Jul 08
While I haven't gone through this personally, a cousin of mine did, so I think I might be able to give you a little bit of advice. Instead of spending all of your money on the books, go to a local library instead and look around for the more recent GED books. Study from those, and use the library computers to look up anything you can about what else you'd need to pass the GED. If you need further help, ask the librarians- they're usually friendly enough to give you a hand. It's probably scary as heck to get back in there after dropping out, but just keep in mind how much better you'll feel once you get that GED done and over with! You can do it.
• United States
14 Jul 08
THank you very much.. Thank you for the response.
2 people like this
• United States
22 Sep 08
I myself dropped out of school because of moving around way to much and I couldn't get adjusted to go to the new school where I was living at the time. I was 17. I've been out school now for about 6 years. This year I decided that I wanted to atleast get my ged. To my children even I dropped you can still do stuff with you life and make it better. I'm not taking classes I bought a ged book online. It wasn't that much. I spent like 18 dollars on it. That includes the shipping costs. Its Barron's ged 2007-2008 14 edition. I hope this helps some.
@Tianna2 (1273)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Hello Pixie, I also dropped out before my senoir year but for different reasons. Two years ago I went and trained for my GED and ttook the test. I did it all at a local community college and everything was great. It wasnt to expensive, I really didnt need much training and passed all of the tests the first time. It might be an option for you to check out. I wish you all of the luck on getting your GED! Hugs, Tianna
• United States
15 Jul 08
I feel better that i am not the only one that has dropped out of school.. I feel so scared that i am below average and they think that i am stupid i havn't been to school in years it feels like then to top it all off i have a learning disability that really affects me and than i don't do very well on test all i clam up when doing test... Thank you for your response
@roopmoney (175)
• India
15 Jul 08
I am very to hear cousin sister actually failed in her high school examination and now she is not able to get admission in any school..well her actual age is 17 years but she roams so happily and carefree as if she has acquired some degree...I really feel bad for her...many times I have tried to help her out ..but she misbehaved with me I do not even ask her if she got admission anywhere..but I do not know you but still feel like helping know I feel very bad for those who get behind in their studies..but you can surely do it..yes can go back to school...not to be scared of at all...and secondly read lots of books related to your career..and browse on computers...if you are scared to face children younger to you on web there are lots of school which are providing online education may complete your pending studies on net and once you complete your one year may apply to your college..and keep completeing your studies. You know when I was 17 I completed my Inter class... you may know it as 12th class..but when I was to give my exams ..I was having acute pain in my abdomen ..when consulted by doctors ..I came to know that I am having by taking pills ..I could control the pain..and gave my exams..after that my mother stopped me from going to college and I wanted to study out of station... But I never felt scared or depressed..and I studied from books and library and browsed internet for information in FASHION DESIGNING..and today I am successful SO Good Luck and have a bright future
• United States
15 Jul 08
I dropped out on high school in my 11th grade year now i wish that i stayed in cause i would already have this over with.. I just so scared that i am going to be below average and not be able to take the GED test and i am going to have to still in a boring class room and study that subjects that i need help on for 60 hours.. I don't wanna be below average, i wanna be above. To top it all off i have a learning disability that i have been dealing with for my whole life.. I think i am going to take online GED classes cause i can get 60 hours in no time cause i'm always on the Internet.. that's if i can stay away from my lot for that long. I wish that i just finish school like i was supposed to.. I don't really do very good on test either i end up claiming up and doing horrible on the test that i am taking...
@zeny_zion (1283)
• Philippines
17 Jul 08
As a mother i suggest don't be scared going back to school. If you really want to finish your high school and go to college and have a degree. If you want a change in your life then, go back to school and finish it. There are alot of ways to go back from school. We have a home study program. Inquire there's no harm in trying. goodluck!
• United States
17 Jul 08
Yes i wanna go back to school and get a degree and stuff like that.. I'm ready to just get it over with.. I'm really scared to go back because i'm scared of being stupid and to top it all off i have a learning disability (ADHD) I'm really scared about taking test i really don't do very well on test and to get your GED you have to take this big test and pass it... I'm just really scared that i am going to fail the test cause i am nervous.. Thank you for your response