when a police car is following you does that make you nervous?

United States
July 14, 2008 3:36pm CST
in the normal traffic flow when you are driving within the speed limit and are in good standing with the law. sometimes a police car will come up behind you and will follow you until they turn off or reach their destination. i do get nervous and will sometimes purposely slow down so that they will pass me or i turn when i normally would not turn just to lose them. how about you?
7 responses
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Of course it does. I'm almost always worthy of being pulled over and I would be screwed if I got caught and pulled over. It makes me nervous just driving around and I don't like having that kind of pressure on me.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Jul 08
i feel for you. cause i'm a pretty good driver and have everything legal. but they can find something if they want to and i get nervous. be safe and careful. :D
• United States
14 Jul 08
True, if you start to act nervous and begin to be suspicious; it will draw unwanted attention to you. As long as your following the law, you shouldn't be nervous. I have been nervous once because when there was traffic, a polic had it's siren on and it was behind me and I thought it was trying to stop me, but it actually turned to stop the car next to me. That's the only time I've been nervous. [b]Just follow the law. From your friendly neighborhood Mylotter, Insaneduck9[/b]
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Jul 08
thank you. that has happened to me. a police car followed me and turned his siren on and i couldn't see anything that i was doing wrong. then he passed me and sped off to my relief. i try to remain calm, i just still get nervous. but at least i don't get into trouble. thanks a lot. :)
• United States
14 Jul 08
police car - This is one cop I can deal with.
I don't usually mind, unless I've been speeding or doing an illegal traffic no no, I just drive along and act like its another car. If you act nervous they will have a reason to pull you over. Slowing down is okay to do, just don't cause an accident while doing it. I've been pulled over a few times but they are just another car on the road.
• United States
14 Jul 08
i don't think i act nervous but just feel nervous. and i especially try not to have an accident. :D it's nice that you can act like it's just another car.
15 Jul 08
It's weird isn't it as I know I have nothing to hide yet I get nervous also - must be a sign of a good citizen as the bad guys are alwasy so cocky and not nervous!! lol I hate it though when you can tell they are doing a plate check as even though I know it will come up that I have insurance and am taxed and have a valid MOT, I always get annoyed that they check me especially when I drive past them in a layby and then they start to follow becuase I know I loomk young but drive a big family size car and I always thisn that they are just following becuase they don't think I could possibly own that car!!
• United States
15 Jul 08
you have a point there how people that are cocky are not nervous. we just need to keep being legal and especially careful when they watch. :D
• United States
16 Jul 08
I do get nervous when there is a policeman behind me but unless I see the lights start up I just keep going at my pace. I know hes not going to bother me unless I am doing something wrong but there is still that little anxious feeling that you have until hes gone.
• United States
16 Jul 08
yes, same here. they really keep us on our toes. and what a relief when they leave. it feels good.
@mandykaren (2040)
15 Jul 08
I dont know why, as i know everything with me is in order, not drank, not speeding and so on.. but i feel the same when a police car is behind me.. Cant help it but do make you feel nervous and uncomfotable BUT i drive normally as i always would, not wanting to attract their attention. I will take a slightly different route, turn off and if police car did same turning i think id feel even MORE nervous hahaha.. i am sure at times they do it deliberately and enjoy.. Anyway it is sily really, becuase cant do you for anything if you not doing naything illegal lol They just have a way to make us feel like criminals
• United States
15 Jul 08
i'm with you there. yes i've turned and on a rare occasion they've followed. nerves, nerves LOL happy and safe driving to you.
@valeria1 (2721)
• United States
15 Jul 08
I will tell you a good one. I drive since 14. And I was stopped many times in CA for this or that but never never in my life got a ticket. So I am in FL and I tell you my car is very fast. LOL. and I was listening to Santa Esmeralda "Don't let me be misunderstood". As my car is too fast I always pay attention to see if is any cop around but I did not see any. I was at one side of the road when I see this cop at the other side and he puts something out of his window. I thought damn! He got me. I look at my mirror and he was turning. I thought oh let me stop. So I said to him look I am coming from FHP and I was donating my time to help them. He said oh ok. I will give you a discounted ticket but you go online and do a course and that will be out of your records. So, no I do not fear cops I just learnt one more keep your eyes on the other side of the road they have manual radars! LOLOL
• United States
15 Jul 08
you seem to be staying out of trouble. :D that is always good. and yes we must always be alert. stay safe.