what routine habit does your cat have?
By mandykaren
@mandykaren (2040)
July 16, 2008 8:36am CST
I have a red Persian and every night she would want a cuddle, infact if i was up late she would sit near me meowing as if to say hey come on, bedtime lol
She jump in bed and sometimes go under the cover for a while or lay on pillow.. give her a cuddle for 10 minutes, and she then contented and goes away.
Every morning about 7am she jump on me bed, pushes her face against mine, (trying to wake me up) if that didn't make me move she pat my face with her paw, then lay on my face with her belly, her face looking down at me hahahah.. Nice warm fluffy belly but didnt like the fur getting in my mouth
pushing her away lol she would then nibble my nose.. Once she succeeded in totally waking me up, until i gave up even trying to sleep longer.. she would jump of the bed and goes off into my daughters room and do all tactics to her.. The nose nibbling tactic i found quite amusing loool
it was not for food, she just not like to be awake for long on her own.. just like a child lol but was always about the same time..
Now she has broken this routine since i been back from 2 weeks in turkey..
does your cat have any amusing habits she does on a regular basis?
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4 responses
@mat737373 (7)
• France
18 Jul 08
i can say that my cat love to poop into my shower just before i get up.
every morning it's always the same. I really don't like this kind of habit he have.
and after he jumps on the bed, just to tell me how bad he is!
sometimes i want to kill him!
@mandykaren (2040)
18 Jul 08
yes i a bad habit, naughty kitty lol you can cure him of that habit, by closing the door to the shower, or put obstacle in the way, 2 days later you would find he not have the habit anymore.. :) Mine has just again started up nibbling my nose and walking over my face to get me up in mornings lol thanks for sharing naughty kitty bad habit hehe
@eveeee (659)
16 Jul 08
I have 2 cats, Cuddles and Patch. Cuddles was my mums cat and had a bizarre routine at her house, when she wanted to go out. The bedroom windown would be open on the ground floor, and she only had to jump onto the windowsill to go straight out. But, bless her, she would run in the room, jump onto the dressing table, jump onto the chest of drawers, which was next to it and a step closer to the window. Next would be the neat and dainty jump onto the mirror where she would creep over the top of it, never falling of course, then down onto the pc, which was below windowsill height and then finally up onto the sill and most times out of the window. She never knocked anything off the cupboards and did this every time.
She has since come to live with us and no longer has a strange routine. Instead though, my cat Patch who always used to go straight out the patio doors when opened has decided to also take the obstacle course route. She now has to run through the living room, and then takes a right away from the open door, jumps up the right side of the tv cabinet which is to the right of the doors. She then jumps up onto a speaker and then back to the floor, landing behind the cabinet. Next is the stealthy creep around the back of the cupboard, and then when she get to the left, right near the door, she jumps back on the cabinet, before pouncing out of the open door! Just occassionally she will go to make the course round, when she has to skid to a halt if she sees the door is shut. Very rarely she goes to jump, but then decides she doesn't have enough energy to do it, and then she will just skulk out of the back door normally.
Both cats are as mad as each other, and Cuddles in very old now, as she is 21 now. I wouldn't live without either of them and their crazy moments ever though.
@mandykaren (2040)
16 Jul 08
wow thanks for sharing that, i am laughing lool must be very amusing to watch.. cats are real habit cats aren't they.. once get in habit of something take a while to break it lool i had cat called patch lool unfortunately she ran off when was about to move house so i had to leave her behind.. we decided that she was happier staying there and a friend on own looking after her, company for each other :))) tonight, my cat just went to make a leap for the kitchen table, didn't quite make it and was hanging before falling to the ground.. she looks up, then starts jumping on different ledges to get up to the table.. and only reason she needed to so badly was cos she heard the tap running lol (a Persian, short fat legs so cant jump high like other cats)
@snowy22315 (186060)
• United States
16 Jul 08
Every night in the evening, Kitty sits beside me on the arm of an overstuffed chair. He is very patient with me,but eventually when I get up and go towards the kitchen he starts demanding his midnight snack. He used to have a habit of going to the litterbox every evening also, but now he is content to go to the litterbox whenever he feels like it. He is a real cutiepaws.
@mandykaren (2040)
16 Jul 08
aww thats sweet, thanks for sharing :)) they do get into little cute habits, and this is also why we would miss them if not around.
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@Remembering1996 (2219)
• United States
16 Jul 08
AWWW how cute she sounds adorable. I have a 1 yr. and 5 month old cat that I got when he was 5 months old that does the same thing. Where ever I am he is if it's bed tie he wll follow me and lay up on the bed with me. In the morning he will do what yours does push his head into mine paw me with his pae meow at me just to get me to wake up. Cats are the funniest. Enjoy yours for he sounds like a true sweetie.
@mandykaren (2040)
16 Jul 08
thanks for sharing that :)) Sometimes was not appreciated being slapped and nose nibbled first thing in morning lool .. When she wants attention, as i walk by she rolls over onto her back, knowing i can not resist the belly lool she my little cute Garfield cat very sneaky hehe
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