Do you have the diffrent style of you mylot?

@lishiwei (1550)
July 16, 2008 9:50pm CST
I'm on holiday these days so I don't come here very often.But when I logged in it last week I found there is something diffrent.It have the diffrent style.I almost don't know how to find something. I wonder do you have the same codition?Is that bacause of there is something change of mylot?
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4 responses
20 Jul 08
Yes,I also found that there are something different of it.But I found it was really very difficult to use.
@yogeshdhusa (2236)
• India
17 Jul 08
hey lishiwei, welcome back, we all missed you. while you were gone for holiday we were strugling to know the new changes.. as i have not made changes in my layout ..yes they have changed the layout that your homepage is looking diffrent-- but the prolife page has not changed. even i am confused and uncomfortable with the new look,, will take time to adopt. Where you went for you holiday and what did you bring for me?
@mariechin (426)
• Philippines
17 Jul 08
Yeah.. I'm more motivated to post comments and start some discussion! Its made me a lot more curious about life and people.. WE need change in order to feel that life is beautiful ehehheeh
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
17 Jul 08
While you were away, mylot updated the site. Everyone has the same layout