MR BEAN on a two year old child

July 17, 2008 11:13am CST
My two year old kid is very fun of MR. BEAn. It comes to the point that she immitates MR. Bean's move.. Is it reaaly good for a two year old kid to watch that series?????
5 responses
@Humbug25 (12540)
20 Jul 08
Hi there chetcastro and welcome to mylot. Mr Bean is harmless. I have kids aged 3,5 and 7 and they all love to watch Mr Bean and I hear them laughing at him from the other room while I am preparing dinner. They all imitate him in one way or another but it is all done in good fun. Enjoy!!
• Philippines
19 Jul 08
I see no problem with that. At her age, she's fond of imitating things she sees which is actually not bad. As for me, i enjoy watching it. Mr. Bean isn't that really funny but he's not annoying to watch. lol
• India
17 Jul 08
Hi friend, This is the age for a child to know the things going around.I think it won't be a big problem if he imitates MR Bean.I think he is enjoying a lot in seeing the serial.Let him enjoy and i think you too also enjoy a lot with that serial.Here i sit together with my family members and enjoy the show coming in the TV. Have a nice day
• Philippines
19 Jul 08
I think there's nothing wrong allowing a 2-year old kid to watch Mr. Bean or imitating him. The show is really funny and as i also watch it, i find there's nothing harmful or violent in the way he acts. You should just watch it with him and enjoy the show.
• United States
18 Jul 08
as long as you watch it with your child and if there is some idea you don't want your child picking up then change the channel, talk to your child about it, or turn it off.