Ergh ChaCha has me so annoyed
By sedel1027
@sedel1027 (17846)
Cupertino, California
July 17, 2008 5:10pm CST
I inquired why my account (that I haven't logged into a since May) was closed. I was told that I broke the Public Discussion Policy which - in a nutshell - states that as a worker for ChaCha you have to always speak of the company positively. Even though chacha has been slow at times, I have never said anything bad or negative about the company.
Ergh. I hate being shown in a bad light when I know I didn't do anything wrong. When it comes to policies like that, the company should have to show you where and when you spoke poorly of the company in order to terminate.
To make matters worse, they are still sending me emails and I can't get off their mailing list!
So if you belong to ChaCha and you may appear to have "defaming, slandering, or engaging in behavior that otherwise detracts from ChaCha" your account may be closed without proof as well..
Full policy:
[i]ChaCha’s goal is to make this an incredible service for both InfoSeekers and our Guides. In order to achieve this goal, we expect and require support from our Guides. We welcome and encourage constructive criticism and feedback sent directly to us through our feedback forms and through email. We also appreciate the need for public forums to discuss issues related to ChaCha and understand that this can be a positive environment for incubating constructive criticism. However, if any ChaCha Guides are identified defaming, slandering, or engaging in behavior that otherwise detracts from ChaCha and/or its thousands of supportive Guides, they will be subject to immediate corrective action, including, but not limited to, termination as a ChaCha Guide. We support public discussion of ChaCha, but we expect our Guides, as independent contractors of ChaCha, to uphold a positive image of the company. Failure to do so will lead to corrective action from ChaCha.
For quality assurance purposes, the ChaCha staff may monitor some search sessions as both trainers and InfoSeekers. We expect all of our Guides to uphold the aforementioned guidelines and thus provide remarkably wonderful service to all users in order for ChaCha to become the best search system on the planet.
This will include the added benefit of allowing Guides to increase their income potential.[/i]
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4 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
22 Jul 08
Unless they are having a bout of high activity (seems to happen once a week or so) you don't get a lot of searches. Since they pay next to nothing (a few cents per transcription) it is hard to make really good money on there.
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@cozumel18 (1)
• United States
21 Nov 08
My account was also deactivated but because they claim my performance was low... when in reality I would receive guidecare feedback on answers that were perfectly correct. They cited presentation issues with questions that were phrased properly!
I sent them an email back...
how did you challenge their decision?
Thank you!
@lilmissyinc (108)
• United States
26 Jul 08
Thanks for posting this. I understand why they have and enforce that policy though. I'm back to chacha-ing myself after a year off, so we'll see how it goes.