Where's My 500?

@Zmugzy (773)
July 18, 2008 5:09am CST
Last night I was overjoyed to finally reach 500 on MyLot. After nearly two years hard graft I finally became a member of that exclusive MyLot club. At last I thought I was one of the special ones. But this morning when I logged on to MyLot I was devastated to discover that the magical 500 had decreased to 495. Oh what despair, oh what pain, oh what woe! Why did this have to happen to me? It seems strange that as soon as I reached 500 my number gets reduced. Has this happened to anyone else? Or is this just a form of discrimination against Orang-utans? Well now I'm back up to above 500 and I hope when I log on tomorrow the same thing won't happen.
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21 responses
@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
[b]Hehehe...you're not real Orang-utans are you? By the way congratulations for reaching 500 post. I see you really work hard. You deserved it my friend. I don't really understand why some post are deleted. You are now in 501. That means you can copy and paste. Would you do that?[/b]
@Zmugzy (773)
18 Jul 08
Thanks for your comment. Of course I'll copy and paste... but only my own words!
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
19 Jul 08
My heartiest congratulations to you, Zmugzy. Actually this 'club' is not so exclusive anymore because there are many members who have surpassed the 500 post marker. You will surely cherish the copy and paste feature you can now invoke, and I believe you can now also add images to your posts when you take part in other people's discussions. So enjoy these features since you have worked at it and earned the right to be in this 'club'. After some time, you will just use these so regularly it is no big deal anymore. So now you should be aiming to reach 1000 posts.
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@Zmugzy (773)
21 Jul 08
Cheers! Thanks for your comment.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
12 Sep 08
Hi there Zmugzy, thank you for your vote. I almost forgot I made this post because it was two months ago. So, have you used and benefited from any of the new features (copy and paste, adding images, etc.) available to you now? Hope you have.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
18 Jul 08
I would not call 500 posts in two years "hard graft"... more like "slack"... lol I did achieve 500 posts after 3 months here. And I have been here for 18 months now. And I consider myself "very slack" as I only make a few posts everyday.
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@Zmugzy (773)
21 Jul 08
LOL - Of course you're right!
@anonymili (3138)
18 Jul 08
As I write this, your post count is showing as 501 hun, not to burst your bubble but this discussion might get pulled as I've had similar discussions deleted in the past - basically your post count goes up as you respond to discussions - if a discussion you have responded to gets deleted your post count goes down. Maybe several of the responses you made to discussions were discussions which had been reported for breaking myLot guideliness and got deleted by myLot. The only way to ensure your post count goes up and stays up is to make sure you read the myLot guideliness carefully and avoid discussions which are likely to get pulled. It could be something as simple as responding to a discussion which has a joke in it or one that has just been cut and pasted from somewhere else and posed no question of the myLot community, it's a b*gger but that's life (here)! Have a good weekend my Orangutan pal xx
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@Zmugzy (773)
18 Jul 08
Yeah I know... I added some more posts today to take me back over 500, so I'll see what happens tomorrow. :-| Have a nice weekend too!
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@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
I think it is a common thing happening here in mylot. It's because of discussions together with its response are deleted for violating the mylot guidelines. You may view this link about what mylot has to say: http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/457762.aspx You may have responded to a discussion, or have a discussion, which has been deleted and that would decrease you number. I guess we must stay away from discussions which has the possibility of being deleted (according to the mylot guidelines) to maintain our number. Have a nice day!
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@Zmugzy (773)
18 Jul 08
I suppose you're right, but it's funny how it only happened when I reached 500. It never happened before. I hope it doesn't happen when I reach $10!
19 Jul 08
Hello Zmugzy, Same thing happened to me last night I logged of at 730 and this morning it was 727 I thoght I made a mistake but when I look at what I jotted down on my paper yes I finidhed at 730, I don't why Mylot does that, so you are not the only, still well done to you for reaching 500. Tamarafireheart.
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@Zmugzy (773)
21 Jul 08
It's nice to know I'm not the only one! Thanks for your comment.
@saierchok (1294)
• United States
19 Jul 08
some responses are being deleted , I think, for inappropriate content, or repetition, maybe you repeated some of our responses in an effort to reach the 500 faster, but they deleted them for you.. please don't go sad for it! and post with more quality next time! BTW I had about 1000 posts, almost a year ago, but then most of them were deleted! now I'm down to 600
@Zmugzy (773)
21 Jul 08
Down from 1000 to 600? Now that is bad! I hope it doesn't happen to me. Thanks for your response though.
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
I guess there was a glitch in the system. You're at 502 right now (from what I can see), so congratulations are in the order. I can't imagine why it would take you 2 years to reach this number though? Are you extremely busy? I was able to make it to 500 posts in a few months, but I've been bumming for a few months now so I log in every day. Keep up the good work and see you at 1000! :)
@Zmugzy (773)
21 Jul 08
Yep, I did go missing for a while, but thanks for your encouragement!
@mscott (1923)
• United States
19 Jul 08
I thought I was inching closer but had the same experience as you. It seemed like my count dropped by at least 5 or maybe even more. Since I still do not understand all of the fine print, or the invisible print for that matter, I just chalked it up to what can I do? Glad you rose to the occasion and got it back up there.
@Zmugzy (773)
21 Jul 08
Thanks! And good luck with your own MyLot journey.
@banadux (630)
• United States
18 Jul 08
If things you post to get deleted I'm pretty sure that you will lose those posts from your post count. I don't think they have anything against your picture, but you never know.
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@calajane (1003)
• Poland
19 Jul 08
I so know what you mean!!! I saw my number change from time to time, going down or not changing at all (which usually worries me a bit more, especially when I know it should go up...) But I decided to adopt this 'zen' attitude when it comes to mylot. I realize there are rules I have no idea about and things I can do absolutely nothing about. SO I just enjoy what I get
@Zmugzy (773)
21 Jul 08
LOL Zen seems like a good idea. Thanks for the response.
@successlog (3172)
• China
19 Jul 08
hi friend.i am sorry to hear that.i also have same kind of experience like you.And it happended three times till now, but the last time is most:i lost 4 stars in one night like you.I don't kno what happended.I was just supposed other people must be same as me.no i don't say any more about it.Here,as you said, maybe we all lost some that day.A friend of mine said it is normal thing whic happened here on mylot.My next goal is also 500 stars.I hope i can get to it sooner. Good luck to you
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@gothic03 (55)
• Philippines
19 Jul 08
hey there! you are tough to reach up 501! add me as your friend thanks have a great day
• United States
19 Jul 08
ugh that sucks but most likely you responded to a discussion that mylot deleted well congrats on bringing it back up :)
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@y2ksuprio (853)
• India
19 Jul 08
Hello Friend, same thing also happend to me many times. There is no specified reason why mylot deletes our post. So we can do nothing. Now it is a common incident that everytime I log in to my account I find that some of my deletions got deleted. So dont worry too much just get going and going rapidly. You will succed. try to post/reply 50 disscusstions per day if you really want to earn from mylot.have a nice day and tkcr.
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
19 Jul 08
hi there Zmugzy welldone on reaching your 500th post and many more to come take care happy postings
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Jul 08
zmugzy hi good deal congrats on reaching 500 and yes mylot'deletes and our points go down then sometimes they add points and our count goes up so just stick with it and keep mylotting and you will be fine,just fine.its irritating I know but if we do not know that some discussions have broke some law and respond there and its deleted we lose points. so choose your discussions as carefully as you can.
@Zmugzy (773)
21 Jul 08
Thanks for the comment and advice.
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
19 Jul 08
You have just added another one in the list of irritating myLot problems. Lots and lots of members are complaining problems when the new layout and updating was done here. You are not alone in that kind of problem. And I guess mylot has already done something to fix a lot of bugs. KEEP SMILING = NEIL
• China
18 Jul 08
500 posts! That's what I've been long for. I bet I will copy and paste once I reach 500 posts. But it seems that I have a long way to go.
@Zmugzy (773)
18 Jul 08
I'm sure you'll get there! Thanks for the comment.
@shelly43 (1197)
• Australia
18 Jul 08
oww im sorry to hear that but the same thing has happened to a few of us today, i lost 3 and i had no idea why but i was soon filled in as to why, and its just not fair but as they told me that i should get used to it as this happens a lot.. but i see you have made your 500 post now... CONGRATS HUGSSS
@Zmugzy (773)
18 Jul 08
Thanks for the response... and the hugs, I needed them :-)