what would you do with a pagan friend?

stupid - stupid people
@kharen (1488)
July 18, 2008 12:18pm CST
My brother told me he has this pagan classmate who stands up for his belief that there's no God. Hearing it from him, i thought.. "You're friend is ignorant and stupid!" I'm so not open to people like this. Just hearing that he doesn't believe, i want him to open his eyes and be aware of all what is happening. Not all things and situations and phenomenon here on earth can be explained scientifically. I'm a catholic and I believe in God and his works. I can't deal with people who doesn't have a belief in life. No religion at all. Thinking about it, how can they live like that... there must be no direction in their life if they live like that right?How about you? How do you react when people thinks and believes there's no God??
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43 responses
• United States
18 Jul 08
I'm afraid that you are not well informed about Pagans. That is unfortunate. It's just a suggestion but you should really educate yourself before calling other people's beliefs stupid. The picture you posted does not remotely represent Pagans or any other religion and in my opinion was an extremely rude thing to post. It represents nothing more than an uneducated, narrow frame of reference of your fellow humans. How very un-Christian of you to judge people this way. By the way, it's Atheists who have no belief in a god. To answer your question, most Atheists and Pagans that I know are very well educated, highly intelligent, kind, compassionate, open-minded and thoughtful people with a very positive outlook on life, nature, the universe and especially their fellow humans. Perhaps you could take a lesson from them.
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• United States
18 Jul 08
Yes, what a brilliant reply. Knowledge is a wonderful thing, perhaps you should consider higher education.
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• United States
19 Jul 08
I'm afraid she's not well informed about Christianity either craft. Before one goes off and starts spouting personal emotions and ideas and use Christianity as justification and defense, they should investigate what being a Christian is all about. While she (or anyone else) might preach what they think Christianity is, and start using God as their reason for judging others, and making offensive remarks, they should take a look at their own lives and judge themselves. They should become more informed about what Christianity is 'supposed' to be about rather than becoming all pious and self-righteous. While she might be totally upset over someone elses belief system, I, as a CHRISTIAN, am upset that she is presenting herself as a person who believes in Christ and His ways - and God.....................therefore, putting a black mark on us who DON'T believe the way she does. That's not Christianity (or at least the way I see it)....is supposed to be presented. I wish people would educate themselves regarding issues like these before they open their mouths - doesn't matter who you think you are or what you think you know. Good grief......
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@kharen (1488)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
19 Jul 08
Sigh. I'm a Christian and rather chagrined at your discussion. The Bible tells us that we're supposed to love God, our neighbor and even our enemies. Loving them means that we'll given them respect, we'll be respectful, we'll hold them in high regard. If you remember, Jesus associated with people who were not believers. We should be following His example.
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@Galena (9110)
20 Jul 08
as I said to an earlier poster though. Pagans aren't non beleivers, they're just beleivers in something different.
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@fiona08 (454)
• United States
19 Jul 08
It is always nice to see those who remember the true teachings of Jesus Christ. I'm sure there are many of you. Too bad hate spewed in his name has to give non-Christians this impression of Christianity.
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• United States
19 Jul 08
I don't know that its hate, so much as misdirection. She hasn't been back since the original post, I would assume she knows she was wrong and doesn't know how to respond.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
18 Jul 08
I can't deal with people who doesn't have a belief in life. No religion at all. Thinking about it, how can they live like that... there must be no direction in their life if they live like that right?How about you? How do you react when people thinks and believes there's no God?? WHOAAAAAA HOLD ON...first of all...PAGANS DO believe in religion..NOT ALL Pagans mind you since its a very broad term..ALSO..we have tremendous direction in our lives..in fact in many cases some of us have MORE DIRECTION than many non Pagans to be honest with you... I think it would probably be a good idea for you to do some research like MAINLY TALKING TO ACTUAL PAGANS before you go an pass such ill informed negative judgement..
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
18 Jul 08
Just wait - your gonna get an AWESOME response just like the rest of us did. Shes a very insightfull person... and a cunning debater.
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• United States
18 Jul 08
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
19 Jul 08
Lmao, darkjedi and soooo. THis post is a waste
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@snowy22315 (185905)
• United States
19 Jul 08
I think that people should be allowed to believe and worship as they see fit. I am a Unitarin and I am open to all religions and peoples practice of them. There have been so many wars based on religion and theism. I think the best practice to be tolerant of others as you would want them to be tolerant of you. Similar words are spoken in the Christian bible.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
19 Jul 08
just to educate a little bit here.. pagans arent godless.. they arent atheistic. "pagan" is a christian term for heathen.. "outlander" and there are just as many if not more so differing paganistic pathways, traditions and pantheons as there are of christianity. ive been a heathen for well over a decade.. and i can assure you i am by no means an atheist.. nor are any of the other heathen folk i am acquainted with. im highly spiritualistic.. i beleive in, follow and worship a plethora of deities (including Christ for the record), and am devoutly religous. its just a different religion than the New one. whoever this person is that your brother knows is very very confused and is using the term in the wrong manner. if he doesnt beleive in any god whatsoever.. he isnt a pagan.. hes an atheist, and there is a VERY big difference between the two.
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@fiona08 (454)
• United States
18 Jul 08
I hope you are understanding, you are misinformed about paganism. That aside, just because a person does not have the same beliefs in God that you do, (or even in no god at all) certainly has nothing to do with whether or not he has direction in his or her life. I have often heard religious folks say to non religious folks," Why do you even bother to be a good person then? Why would you care if you don't believe in God anyway?" This is such a short sighted question. What about being good and moral and compassionate for humanities sake. In spite of one's religion, it is very likely that people will remain decent human beings because we are born with a nature to nurture, to help others, to love. Many of the religious people who refuse to see the good in others, are actually the ones with little direction in their lives. A straight course to God is meaningless if you ignore humanity along the way. Open your eyes, your mind, your heart, or your religions means nothing.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
19 Jul 08
Your brother's friend is not pagan, he is agnostic. This is a definition of pagan found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paganism "paganus, meaning "country dweller, rustic", also called paynim) is a word used to refer to various religions and religious beliefs from across the world. It is a term which, from a Western perspective, has modern connotations of spiritualist, animistic or shamanic practices or beliefs of any folk religion, and of historical and contemporary polytheistic religions in particular. The term can be defined broadly, to encompass the faith traditions outside the Abrahamic monotheistic group of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The group so defined includes many of the Eastern religions, Native American religions and mythologies, as well as non-Abrahamic ethnic religions in general. More narrow definitions will not include any of the world religions and restrict the term to local or rural currents not organized as civil religions. Characteristic of pagan traditions is the absence of proselytism and the presence of a living mythology which explains religious practice.[1] The term "pagan" is a Christian adaptation of the "gentile" of Judaism, and as such has an inherent Abrahamic bias, and pejorative connotations among Westerners,[2] comparable to heathen, and infidel, mushrik and kafir (????) in Islam. For this reason, ethnologists avoid the term "paganism," with its uncertain and varied meanings, in referring to traditional or historic faiths, preferring more precise categories such as polytheism, shamanism, pantheism, or animism; however others criticise the use of these terms, claiming that these are only aspects that different faiths may share and do not denote the religions themselves. Since the later 20th century, "Pagan" or "Paganism" has become widely used as a self-designation by adherents of Neopaganism.[3] As such, various modern scholars have begun to apply the term to three separate groups of faiths; Historical Polytheism (such as Celtic polytheism and Norse paganism), Folk/ethnic/Indigenous religions (such as Chinese folk religion and African traditional religion), and Neo-paganism (such as Wicca and Germanic Neopaganism)." There is more, but the bottom line is that you are saying you don't accept non-Christian or non-Judeo-Christian religious beliefs, which is your right of course. I don't argue the existence of God with anyone. I simply state what I believe and leave them to believe what they choose.
• United States
19 Jul 08
Thanks for the clarification.
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• United States
19 Jul 08
Pagans are people who worship a different God than we do. I think there is room for everyone on this big planet no matter how they believe. I do not push my beliefs on anyone. It is their right to believe the way they wish to. Even a atheist has the right to believe that way. A atheist is a person who doesn't believe in any God. But that is their choice. We are not supposed to judge others.
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• United States
19 Jul 08
Thank you. My beliefs stem from the way my Mom raised me. She was a awesome Mom and believed that everyone should be allowed their lifes the way they saw fit. Mom always said that each person has enough to do taking care of their own back yard.
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
19 Jul 08
Your awesome :) We need more people like you in the world :)
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@Galena (9110)
18 Jul 08
I have Pagan friends and non-Pagan friends. I'm Pagan myself. Pagans, despite what you seem to think, aren't without religion. if they didn't have a religion then they wouldn't be Pagan, as Paganism is a religion. I have a God. just a different one to you. a Goddess too. I have direction and spiritual fulfillment, and a strong relationship with my Gods. a strong moral foundation, and a great sense of being part of something bigger than myself. you need to learn what Paganism is, as it seems you have it confused with Atheism.
• United States
18 Jul 08
I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one who is happy at just a simple hello :).
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@Galena (9110)
18 Jul 08
hehe. I don't hold with all that flowery talk. I'm pretty old school. so will hello there do?
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@Galena (9110)
18 Jul 08
*whacks up iron fence to keep those pesky faeries the hell out of my home*
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• India
18 Jul 08
well pagan...what is pagan i don really get u..
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@kharen (1488)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
ahm..people who doesn't believe in God in any way..as that's what i feel about it..
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• India
18 Jul 08
oh pagan..okay...lets see if he is not arrogant and have enough reason then it's okay wat u say?
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@kharen (1488)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
well, he wants to prove us that there is no God. and i feel insulted the way he acts. It's like he's insulting God his own way in front of us by talking nonsense.
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
18 Jul 08
People who do not believe in God are called Athiest. Most Pagans I know are polytheistic, meaning they believe in many Gods and Goddesses. Your brothers friend may be firm in his beliefe that there is not JUST one God, as Christians believe. However, if he does not believe in ANY higher power, he is not a Pagan... he's and Athiest. Everyone has different beliefs in religion. Even if you do not agree it is important to understand that not everyone shares your views, and that is OK. I also dont see how not believeing in God has anything to do with having direction in life. Religion isnt a goal. There are a great many people in this world who have led happy, sucessful lives who didnt believe in God.
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
18 Jul 08
Nice response.. you bring up a great point..... not.....
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@kharen (1488)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
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• United States
19 Jul 08
sounds like its 'my way or the highway' that attitude must be hard to live with girlfriend
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• United States
18 Jul 08
well all I can say is everyone has a different path in life not every ones view on life is the same. Free will is allowed on this planet you may not like it but people can chose what they want to believe.
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@soooobored (1184)
• United States
18 Jul 08
Lots of people have different beliefs, and someone believing something different from you doesn't undermine your religion. Just because his classmate doesn't believe in god doesn't mean he has no direction! I would leave it alone and choose to believe whatever makes you happy. His classmate isn't hurting anyone, if you have strong convictions then you can't be swayed anyway.
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@kharen (1488)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
im just saying i don't like to hang out with these people because i feel annoyed in a way. I don't even know why i feel that way. Maybe because he wants to prove that there really is no God and i'm insulted in a way he gets God insulted in his own words.
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@kharen (1488)
• Philippines
18 Jul 08
i don' care if he wants to live that way. I just feel he's insulting God in a way that's why i feel annoyed.
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• United States
18 Jul 08
If he's trying to impose his views on you, then he's being rude. And of course the same would be true reversed. :-)
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@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
19 Jul 08
hi! First and foremost I only ignore if I have a friend who is pagan or did not believed God. Nonsense if you will argue with his faith. Someday he will realize that there is God outhere who created all the things in the universe. I'm not a Catholic and I attending mass twice or once in a year but still i do believed God. I believed of all his creation. God bless
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Jul 08
Do you realize how much you can learn about others if rather than assume that you are right and ignore them, you take the time to listen and read up?? If you ask questions and even question your own faith, you may learn that you are wrong or it may even deepen your own convictions. To avoid and ignore others simply because they don't think and feel as you do is simply ignorant and nothing will ever be learned about much of anything.
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
19 Jul 08
Well if he is not taking this thing way too far I have no problem with such people.. I feel every one has their own right to think, speak and feel.. all together called freedom. So if they are not taking this too far I have no problem with them. I am catholic too.. If I meet some so depressed like that .. I just tell them that I have found a very good friend in Jesus. And I always find him with me every time. I don't like to provoke any one to believe in my beliefs and follow my path .. C'mon he has his own right to choose which ever path he wants too. :)
@kharen (1488)
• Philippines
19 Jul 08
juz human yah know. I can make mistakes too.. well,sorry maybe you all are so perfect
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• United States
19 Jul 08
Well it looks like Kharen struck the right nerve because she surely made a good buck off of us, hehe
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@Alnitak (423)
• Italy
19 Jul 08
I think you are going mad because he's trying to demonstrate that God doesn't exist but wouldn't you try to demonstrate to him that God does exist? You should act the same way he is but you simply have different believes and this is not a good reason to think someone is stupid and ignorant. I'm agnostic but I have no problem talking with atheists or people who believe in one or more gods. I'm happy to hear about different experiences and maybe you brother could also find interesting talking with him because relating with someone that thinks different helps you to understand better even what you thought you already knew. Saying that someone has no direction in his life is very sad if you are not knowing him, and knowing that someone is pagan, agnostic or atheist can't say you nothing on his morals or ethics.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Jul 08
i didn't know what agnostic was until I read this thread. I think I may be one of those....it fits. This was a great answer, by the way.
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@Alnitak (423)
• Italy
19 Jul 08
Thanks:) Be careful: many people are just thinking that agnostic means that you are a weak person that doesn't want to take position and only thinks "I don't know":D
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@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
19 Jul 08
[b]I'm a catholic too. I do believe in God. If other's don't believe him like i do. It's not my problem anymore. I will respect their beliefs. I will give them their space. The same thing they will do to me.[/b]
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
19 Jul 08
Its really a shame that you are so judgemental. I'm guessing you are quite young and just don't have the maturity yet to create a discussion that you know alot about. As many posters here have said, Pagans are NOT Athiests. I really wish you would research a bit more before being so critical and calling people stupid just because they choose to THINK and believe differently than you. After reading your "responses" to everyone else's post I'm sure I'll get some "stupid" smilee face to answer me as well? Oh, and just for the record I am very spiritual and DO believe in the God and Goddess. And, my life does have direction. Can you say the same?
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@Kemboi (341)
• Eldoret, Kenya
18 Jul 08
Thank you my friend. First we need to know that when dealing with none believers, we need to handle them with love we should not provoke. But try to bring them in love we show them the truth, or if you are not able take to someone who is will help him better or ted me know personally so that I can help him.
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@Galena (9110)
18 Jul 08
I am Pagan. I am not a non beleiver. I beleive very strongly indeed in my Gods.
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@valeria1 (2721)
• United States
19 Jul 08
I think everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. So, if your brother is not happy with him just disconnect. Sorry!
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