Do dogs get jealous of children?

@maximax8 (31047)
United Kingdom
July 19, 2008 12:51pm CST
I have a 14 month old baby and two miniature poodles. In the last two weeks of June myself and my baby were holiday. Since we got back my dogs have been acting jealous of my baby. They try to get snacks from his dinner plate. I have now put his highchair inside a baby gate. When I sit on the sofa with my baby my dogs battle for attention. Secret has been wetting the floor at night. Magic has been clean in the night I think. I take them for lots of lovely walks, feed them twice a day and give them lots of love. Do you think dogs get jealous or babies or children? Have you ever felt this has happened to you? Can you think of any suggestions to help? Thanks
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5 responses
@shymurl (2765)
• United States
19 Jul 08
I have three kids and three dogs. when I play with my kids, the dogs start running around trying to get some attention. All I do is take some time for my kids and then some time for my dogs. and throughout the day I make notice of them, give them a treat, take them out to potty and such.
• United States
20 Jul 08
I have three kids and two dogs but only one gets jealous. My dog name Rocky gets jealous but not because of my kids getting attention but when my wife gets attention. If someone gets close to her he starts barking and whining and finds a way to get between them.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
21 Jul 08
Yes, dogs do get jealous of children... i was told by the dog handlers and trainers at the Airport where i worked for 2 years... and they can be very very jealous to the extent of being violent sometimes... i hope your dogs will not reach that point... it will take some time before they actually accept the new baby in the house... and they need constant reassurance that you still love them...
• United States
19 Jul 08
Sure dogs get jealous, not quite the same way people do, but the results are kind of the same. In a pack, there is usually a hierarchy, with a dominate dog and some sort of pecking order among the other dogs. When you left and then came back, the dogs may feel that the hierarchy has been upset, and they are now trying to sort it out again. If you brought another dog or child into the house, the same thing could happen. The dogs may still see you as the leader, but they may not be sure where your baby falls in the ranks, so are trying to get more attention from you, while testing their limits with the baby. ONe easy way to start cementing the baby in thier minds as being above the dogs is to have the dogs watch as you and the baby eat together before you feed the dogs. Feeding order is a prime indicator of rank in a dog's world. The leaders eat first, the rest eat after they are done. Stealing food out of order (taking it off the baby's plate) should not be tolerated. If they get away with that, they may try to show their dominance in other, possibly more agressive, ways. A sharp word or loud noise to scare the dog when it tries to steal, should get the idea across. As for the battling for attention when you are on the couch, that's another dominance thing. Don't pet them or give them attention when they do this, or it will just reinforce the behavior. If they are on the couch with you when they start this, put them both on the floor and only allow them to stay on the couch with you when they are calm. Good Luck.
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
20 Jul 08
Animals are just like humans and get jealous. i had dogs aho both demanded attention, and were definately jealous of eachother. When my attention was directed to a young child, they would both try and distract me. However they were never agressive toward the child, but aould let me know they were there.
• United States
20 Jul 08
My family had two young dogs (about 1 or 2 years old) before I was born. I think there must have been a little jealousy. When I was around 5 they seemed to be somewhat close minded with me, lol. However, I was a quiet baby, I rarely cried. So I got the dogs anger later on, lol.