I Got My Canadian G2 License Today!!!

Drivers License - Card
@Muelitz (1592)
July 19, 2008 3:59pm CST
I am very very happy this moment because I just passed the G1 road test that qualifies me to have a G2 drivers license. To get full driving privileges in Canada, you have to pass two stages. In the first stage, Level 1 (Class G1), you'll learn and practise driving under conditions that reduce your risk of collisions. You have to be with someone with 4 years experience when you drive. When you have more experience, you'll be able to take a road test to enter the second stage, Level 2 (Class G2), with more privileges. In this stage you can drive alone. After a year in Level 2 (Class G2), you can take another test to qualify for a full driver's licence. Thank God I passed!
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7 responses
• Canada
19 Jul 08
Good for you!!!! From a Caadian citizen to you, a friend in Canada, congraulations!!! I will never have good enough eyesight to drive, but that is OK with me. I'm happy on the busses.
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@Muelitz (1592)
• Canada
19 Jul 08
Thanks very much! I am also comfortable using the public transportation. But I am thinking of the hassle when I get my family here. Besides most of the work I am applying for requires a valid drivers license. Stay Safe
@joliefille (3690)
• Philippines
20 Jul 08
Congratulations! My friend in Winnipeg though took a loooong time to pass her driver's license. At last you can drive in the streets of Canada. Hehe. I wonder how I will do since I'm scared with driving.
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@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
19 Jul 08
Congratulations!! I grew up in the United States, and we had driver education as part of our school curriculum. I got my learner's permit when I was 14 and had two years of driving with a parent before getting my actual license. By the time I was 16, I had graduated from the driver's education class and passed the written exam for the Department of Transportation and was on my way. It was a big shock when I moved to Canada when I was 19. Not only did they have actual driving "schools" instead of it being part of the school curriculum, but there were graduated licensing. I had to get a letter from the Department of Transportation back home stating that I had been driving for a certain length of time, that I had passed all of the classes required of me, and that I was accident free. Only then would they issue me an Ontario driver's license. I didn't have to go through the graduated licensing here. Which was nice. However, it's still a pain in the butt when I go to get auto insurance here because the first question they ask is "When did you get your G2 license?" And I have to explain every single time that I never went through the licensing and that I've been driving for a lot longer than most Canadians my age. lol. So again, congratulations! Don't abuse your privileges, okay? I know it's tempting to show off for girlfriends, and it's a thrill when you go really fast on the 401 (or wherever you are). Tailgating is not cool. Be courteous and let people in when they're trying to merge into traffic. And above all, wear your seatbelt. :)
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@dhangski (3194)
• Philippines
20 Jul 08
Wow, Congratulations on passing the test. You must be a good driver then. Keep it up. HUGZ!
@dhangski (3194)
• Philippines
23 Jul 08
Thanks for the BR mark my dear friend. HUGZ!
@kaezy_kulet (2465)
• Philippines
20 Jul 08
hey that's a good privilege you have gotten..^_^ my uncle is also in Canada and he said that having your own car is really a necessity...transportation are hard there unlike here in the Philippines..^_^ congratulations kuya!! and hope that you will be with your family soon..God Bless you!
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@valeria1 (2721)
• United States
19 Jul 08
That is fantastic! I never could imagine so many tests were required, that is amazing!
19 Jul 08
Hi Muelitz, Well done to you for passing your G1 road test. in this cointry they don't have to do that, they pass the first time and they can start driving alone straight. Tamara