Newborn kittens found in plastic bag are being bottle fed by me.
By TheCatLady
@TheCatLady (4691)
July 19, 2008 5:05pm CST
Well it's kitten season again. Actually it started several months ago, but I've been saying no to everyone who wants me to raise abandoned kittens. Finally I agreed to take a litter. I only agreed because the person who asked promised to take them as soon as they are weened. Most people lie about it, so I have to be really picky as to who I trust to really take them.
I have ended up with 11 cats because of raising dumped kittens. Count them Eleven. That's about 9 too many. I can deal with 2. Even 3 maybe 4, but after that it's too much. The level of care and quality of food goes down with every addition. I buy the food in 40 pound sacks. The good food costs the same for a little 4 pound bag. I have no choice.
Well back to the new kittens. They are about 4 days old. The ears and eyes are closed, but the umbilical cord has fallen off. The older the better with bottle babies. I have found that even a few days of mothers milk makes a huge difference in survival rates.
I really hate this time of the year. I wish everyone would spay and neuter their pets. Or at least take responsibility for the offspring that are born from their negligence. At the very least, go to the vet and have them killed humanly.
Some cruel idiot put 3 sweet innocent kittens in a plastic bag then dumped them. I didn't ask were, but most likely it's the garbage bin. They are frequently found in dumpsters. How anyone can do that is beyond my comprehension.
By the way, 2 are tiger on white and 1 is white, may have a tiger tail.
Well I had better get some sleep. Their last feeding was an hour ago, so I will need to be up in 3 more hours to feed them again. I can't wait until they sleep through the night. Should only be a week or two of these round the clock feeding. Then it will be only 4 or 5 feedings a day.
I attached a picture from when I didn't say no to almost everyone. It's not the best picture, but it shows how many I had at once. Unfortunately I had to say no to at least a dozen more.
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11 responses
@twallace (2675)
• United States
20 Jul 08

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@Tiherina (83)
• United States
20 Jul 08
I fully agree with you. A kitten is a baby too. It needs to eat and be taken care of to survive. I wish I could do that for a kitten, but unfortunately, I lack the money right now. As soon as I get the money to, I'm going to get myself a little kitten.
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
20 Jul 08
I ran into the lady who found them at the supermarket and asked some questions. Actually it was her dog that found them. Good dogie. They were out taking a walk in the park. The bag that they were in was shoved way under some bushes and thankfully wasn't tied closed. She said that she never would have found them if her dog didn't lead her to the bush to investigate.
It's almost feeding time again.
@sugarplum9084 (1771)
• United States
19 Jul 08
Awh, you're a really good person to care for them. At my house we have seven cats since we are always getting them dumped on us. I don't know why people are so careless, these animals are so sweet and have personalities. I don't know how people do it to ANY kind of animal a matter of fact.
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@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
20 Jul 08
I don't know why either. But at least there are nice people that find them and call around to find feeders. Boy do these have personalities. They are already so unique. Each one is different from it's litter mates.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
31 Jan 09
You are such a wonderful woman to do this. I can't understand how ppl can be so they have no compassion. I remember when I was young and would go to work with my Dad (he drove a semi locally) and he'd always take food and milk out to the stray kittens and cats where he parked his truck. It was so fun to help him put the food and milk out and watch them creep out to eat it. Eventually they'd let him pet them and hold them...but he was the only one who could. I know you will be blessed for your compassionate heart.

@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
31 Jan 09
I know ppl like that...two of them in my own family. I had to practically beg and plead to get them to have their pets fixed and one I had to help pay for. I can't understand why ppl have pets if they don't want to take responsibility for them.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
27 Aug 08
Bless your heart. I thank God for people like you. And wonder what in the world is wrong with people who dump kittens in a plastic bag in a dumpster. Grrr.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Awwwww someone just like me! Your household sounds like mine. Currently I have 7 cats plus three dogs. I'm also feeding a number of outside strays that came here as kittens. I do agree that with more and more to feed the quality goes down. I've finally realized I can't do it alone and I'm going to ask for help from the humane shelter tomorrow for the outside ones. I've bottle fed babies before as well and its such a hard thing to do. Often when that small they just don't survive without mom. The last baby I had I found a home for a few weeks ago and he is happy and healthy. I wish you luck with your current babies.
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
20 Jul 08
I'm glad someone understands that the quality of food must go down when the numbers go up.
On many boards the members think a person can continue to feed high quality food to every cat. It's just not feasible when buying 40 pounds a month.
I would love to, but it won't happen until I can count them on one hand... Or on the very off chance that I win the lottery. Ya like it will happen. I've played twice in my life. I doubt I will play anytime soon, but I may get coerced into going half-sieys with someone again. Last time I played, we got 3 out of 5 and I tripled my 2 dollars for my half of a card. I guess I'm still $2 ahead.
I hope the shelter helps you with your outside kitties. Are they spayed yet? The shelter should at least help with that.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
21 Jul 08
No, they aren't spayed and that is the problem. They are too feral to catch. I've caught two and had them fixed. Found homes for some, adopted two myself. But they reproduce faster than I can keep up.
@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
1 Feb 09
I feel the same as you. I have a cat and a dog both of which have been neutered. I think that as a pet owner you have a resposibility to make certain that you take proper care of your animals. I can't stand hearing about how the shelters are full and they have to put these poor animals down. I think that you are a wonderful person for taking care of these animals and giving them a fair chance to survive. I hope that you find loving homes for all of them and I am sure that you will be rewarded for your kindness one day. God Bless
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
1 Feb 09
Maybe if shelters stop using the terms put down and put to sleep or even euthanasia and use kill people might get a clue and spay their pets.
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
20 Jul 08
You don't need a big place to foster. I fostered older kittens, 4 weeks or so, when I lived in a studio apartment with 1 adult cat. The kittens were in the bathroom while I was gone, then were let out to play until bed time when they went back to the bathroom. The bathroom was for their safety when I couldn't watch them. At about 6 weeks they had free roam of he apartment. Until I gave them back at 8 weeks.
@Tiherina (83)
• United States
20 Jul 08
I love hearing about good people who are doing the best they can about animals. I can't stand when people mistreat or abuse their own pets. It's sickening, what some people do. Leaving cats in dumpsters? How horrible! I wish there were more people to give animals, especially the small helpless ones, the care and pampering they rightfully deserve.
@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Thank you so much for caring for these little babies. Our calico, Paisley, was rescued from a dumpster. She was in there with 2 smaller babies and was trying to nurse them even though they weren't hers and she was just a baby herself. She has turned into a beautiful opinionated young lady cat who won't be picked up happily, but who has the loudest purr in the house. Thank you again for saving these little ones.
@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
20 Jul 08
I can't believe someone would do that to innocent little kittens. At the very least they could have taken them to a shelter or animal rescue place, where someone might have adopted them. They were so lucky they were found and ended up with you!
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
20 Jul 08
The lady that found them said she would have brought them to the vet to be put down if no one could be found to feed them. Being put to sleep is much better than suffering and dieing from dehydration. It's really hot here and it doesn't take long to die from lack of fluids. I have brought many litters to the vet to be put down. There are only so many 1 person can raise at a time.
@zykirababy (38)
• United States
20 Jul 08
i do not like cat but i do not know if i can be as good as you are for dogs.if ther have they cat are dogs spay and neuterit wii be good. i wish if some one get apets they will keep them and love .good looking out for the cat