Good idea to live w/ your boyfriend or girlfriend before marriage???
By socrgrl
@socrgrl (88)
United States
21 responses
@mandakat (879)
• Canada
4 Nov 06
I don't think there's one right answer. For some, it might be a good idea. For others, it might take away some of the "special" feeling that marriage brings.
However, with young, naive, immature people, who almost always get married for the wrong reasons, I put it up there with shoving them into the "real world" to learn the value of a dollar and whatnot. Better to have them move in together and realize that they would have been making a poor decision, than to pressure them into feeling like they have to get married to really be together, and then end up divorced.
I intend to live together first :) But not to test my boyfriend; just because we can't afford a wedding yet, and I can't afford to live on my own when I graduate, and I don't want to live back with my parents.

@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
5 Nov 06
Living with your partner before marriage is a good idea I think. This way you get to experience what it will be like to live with this person for the rest of your life and decide if it can/if you want it to work.I think too that it would open up the eyes of the couple, as to what life is really like with the bills and such, it's not just about the dating stuff that they had experienced prior to living together.
@socrgrl (88)
• United States
5 Nov 06
i've had those thoughts too,like "well now he can wait longer b/c he has me where he wants me so no rush" ya know. good thing is that at this point i'm too young to be married and there really is no rush. just hope we don't get to the point when i'm like "ok now!"
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
5 Nov 06
We lived together for about 4 years before we got married. I'm not certain that it really made any difference, because we knew we were going to get married, we just wanted to finish school first.
It's nice because a few difficulties got ironed out before we got married, and also because we found out more about each other before we got married. Not that we would have broken up over these small issues, but it was easier to deal with when we felt we had time.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
4 Nov 06
My fiance and I have lived together for about 3 years and have been together 4. We decided in January to get married. When we go together we were looking for a committed relationship, but not necessarily marriage. He come froma divroced family and I have been divorced. For us it was the best situation as we had not really planned on getting married. Honestly, if it had not been for hurricane Katrina and a few other major event around that time we wouldn't be getting married now (I know quite a few couples in the same boat). Most of my friends moved in with their significant other prior to getting married (all were in long term realtionships before moving in 2+ years) and some of those people stil aren't married but are with the same person 7+ years later. Marriage is not the solution for every one.
@socrgrl (88)
• United States
4 Nov 06
good to hear! same here as far as seeking the committed relationship, for now at least. we don't discuss marriage, although i hope its in the future for me, but no rush. we've been together 3+ yrs and we're young so if there are any mistakes to be made i rather make them now before a possible marriage..ya know?!
@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
5 Nov 06
I lived with my husband for 2 years before we got married. It was a practical arrangement, because we were students and rent is so expensive in this city. I hadn't really thought of it as a test; I was fairly young and wasn't in a hurry to get married. Neither of us really cared much about official marriage (we thought of it as just a piece of paper), but as time went along we became closer and closer and knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, so we decided to make a formal commitment.
@linkpointe (1003)
• Philippines
4 Nov 06
Live-in is like a trial and error. Too sad to hear that a lot of couples now days would rather prefer to this kind of agreement before marriage. Why? For both of you to realize if you are really meant for each other. Don't you think that you're messing up your life girls? Living in one roof means that you will totally give in like a wife to your partner. What if you realize that it won't work out. Hirls will be a loser isn't it? Comon' don't be too liberated for you might regret it all your life...
@socrgrl (88)
• United States
4 Nov 06
I do agree it is trial and error...definitely! And in my case this was just the next step and as a child of parents who divorced, I rather decide its over b/c we were smart enough to test it first instead of deciding it's not working out years into marriage/kids! It's not a question of if we're meant for eachother....everybody thinks that at first...everybody who goes onto get a divorce thought that at some point! for us its if we are compatable enough to maybe do this forever. I figure if it doesn't work out that doesn't make me a makes me a smart single!
@Thewishlady (1057)
• Netherlands
4 Nov 06
I have been living together with my boryfriend for 6 years now. We are still very happy and are gonna marry next year.. So I only have good experience with it!!
Hope you'll have too!
@krammet (84)
• United States
4 Nov 06
yes I believe in this day and age is necessary to live with each other before marriage.that was there are NO secrets between the two of you. you get to see that person at thier best and at thier complete worst...THEN you can truely decide if you want to deal with that for the rest of your life lol.
@yukmizzee (329)
• United States
4 Nov 06
Sure, I live with my girlfriend of 4 years. I figure that way its like trial and error, you see if it will work before you run off and get married!
@katabongaz (537)
• Mexico
5 Nov 06
I think it depends on the couple. like you said there are pros and cons. I think that its a good idea to live with each other before marriage because when your dating someone and just seeing them out there natural environment it can be different to what there like at home. Everyone has their little habbits and until you live with someone, how would you know if your compatible to live with each other for life!
On the other side i think that the pros for it are that if you really love each other so much and get married and then move in together if your love is that strong you will not see their bad habbits as much and learn to live for love and adapt to each others living habbits
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
4 Nov 06
The greatest thing
Once you go on a date, a person is pretty concious about carrying himself but he cannot act like that 24 X 7
he will come to his normal so its better to live with each other, see as to you are compatible or not and then later decide upon marriage
@DFrodeo06 (1325)
• United States
5 Nov 06
i was married a few years ago and didn't live with the guy before hand. he became mentaly and physicaly abusive about 3 months after we had been married and stuck it out b/c i didn't have any place to go. i wasn't around my family or friends just his. once i finally got out and then started dating again i met my b/f now he is sweet and kind and everything my ex husband ws not. we are now living together to see how that works before we get married and so far it's great. when you live with some one the tru qualities come out and you get a better idea of how thatperson really is.
@suzieque (2334)
• Canada
5 Nov 06
I don't see why not! If you guys are right for each other, it is a great transition before marriage. Sometimes you don't know everything about each other until you lived with another.
@silenttouch (58)
• United States
4 Nov 06
I think it's good to stay away before marriage. I know it sounds so conservative but it's good rather than facing grief in the future.
@alexis_strange (202)
4 Nov 06
I've lived with my boyfriend for about 4 years now, and we're not married yet but are planning on it. It's always worked really well for us, possibly because we respect each others personal space and alone time, and can happily go out with friends without each other. But then again i have friend's who have lived together and it has tore them apart - i think it all depends on the couple; you never really know what someone is like until you live with them!! It's always a good idea to try because if you can't live together, marriage is never going to work!!