Land of the free! Really? Rights Pride Freedom

@raydene (9871)
United States
July 20, 2008 9:39am CST
When I was a child I was so proud to be American. When my Canadian cousins came to visit they would always treat my sibling and me like we were so special because we were US Americans and it seemed that USA was the country that went to bat for the other countries and were so strong and proud. I remember the disappointment on my Da's face when I openly took a stand against the Viet Nam War. He had fought in the Koren War and WWII and Grandpapa(a new US citizen from Canada) had fought in WWI. I think that was the time that it started to change..way back then in the 60's! We began screaming about fairness and rights and the more we shouted the more we lost. Don't get me wrong, I know that it is still better here then some countries and we do have rights...But in many ways I don't feel proud or free here. What freedoms do/don't you care about where you live?
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14 responses
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
20 Jul 08
I am not an American citizen, but I have allot of people I would call family who live in the USA. As such, I hope I can provide you with an outsiders perspective on what it is to be an American. Firstly, I think the USA is what former British Foreign Secretary, Douglas Hurd calls, "The Most Benevolent Superpower in human history." When you think about it, the USA has had a history of wanting to help smaller nations get onto their feet and been a champion of the poor. Results have not always been what the powers in the US intended them to be but there was always something of a good intention to help. But let's leave the discussion of actual American power aside. What has made America special to people outside the USA, has always been a set of values. The USA is the first country in human history to tell people that there was always a way to better yourself no matter poor and disadvantaged you were at birth. America was founded on the ideal that as long as you have the ability to do so, you could succeed. This idea spreed to Europe and later to Asia, after the second World War. America has also welcomed people from all over the world and rewarded them when they've succeeded. Leaving the incompetence of the Bush Administration, I think the USA will remain a great nation as long it remains the place where people from all over the world can succeed. You protested against an unpopular and unjust war but you did it in America where you can be accepted as an American despite protesting against a war the nation was fighting. You wouldn't be able to that in quite a few other countries. I feel angry with the Bush Administration because it seems hell bent on trashing all the things that make the USA a great nation. America stood out against torture - but now America is trying to legalise torture. America allows people to succeed but the system seems to be favouring the well born. It's a shame because it was the values that made America what it is. Having nuclear weapons is not power - somebody else can always develop more than you. Other people can also get rich. But if you have a set of values, you can never really be beaten...unless you wash away all those values.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
20 Jul 08
I stand in awe at your interpretation! It is exactly what I have thought but worded so much better than I could say - and I was born and raised in the USA. I think if I had not lived outside the country for a couple of years as a child, I might have adopted more of the "my country right or wrong" attitude, but having seen life elsewhere and knowing that it really wasn't much different than life here in the US (other than language and ethnicity), I developed an entirely different perspective. Now, that's not to say I'd ever undermine my country or hope for its collapse - it's more that I FEAR for its collapse because of the imperialistic mindset of those currently in charge. I worry that the very ideals upon which this country was founded are being tossed aside because of the instilling of fear and the promise to protect - really not unlike how Hitler began in Germany. It's scary that despite this obvious (and very recent) history on the books, people still don't see the parallels. Hitler used the Jews to create fear and take control. It's the Muslims who are feared here and, little by little, the government is increasing it's unchecked controls. I have a friend who says, "I'd gladly give up some of my freedom to be safe." Right. You really don't have a clue, do you? Yet, he has a Master's in Political Science. He knows the facts, but really didn't learn anything from it, I think.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
20 Jul 08
By the way, myLot - I really really dislike this very narrow column where the discussions now post and the very wide column where other links are posted on the right side. It is very disconcerting and gives the right column more importance than the discussion itself. Please correct that.
@finlander60 (1804)
• United States
21 Jul 08
AMERICA, Land of the Free, Because of the Brave. I have been in the U.S.Army twice. As far as I am concerned, America will always be a First Class Country, as long as we continue to be the place that other people want to come to so they can have the life that they desire. My two cents on this subject.
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
21 Jul 08
I think you have a good point here. The strength of America is not so much in its government but in the culture. I mean, allot of people hate the idea of McDonald's sprouting all over the place but I think one of the reasons why they dislike such symbols of American culture is the fact that American Culture has somehow remained young and very vibrant. If you look at it this way, America became something good because people from Europe were suddenly allowed to do the things they couldn't do in the "old country." Suddenly people who had been persecuted in one continent could become successful in another. Then when the Europeans became as free as the Americans, Mexicans and Asians started coming to America and many of them became successful through their hard work. African immigrants in the USA have also become successful upon settling into the USA. You should also note that America has become powerful by making other countries powerful. After World War II, the Marshal Plan pumped millions of dollars into rebuilding Japan and Germany. Unlike the early Versaillies Treaty of World War I, Germany developed into a prosperous nation that is a US ally. Likewise, Japan, which is an economic rival (second largest economy in the world), to the USA is also an American ally. While Germany and Japan compete with America in the economic sphere, they have not damaged America - in fact they've helped make America stronger. Today, millions of Indians write code for American companies and Chinese make things for American consumers. While many Americans may scream at this, I think America will become a stronger place for making India and China rich and strong.
• United States
21 Jul 08
I hate the fact that we are all losing our privacy, and it is being done to the point that some people don't even realize it. A website that allows you to type in an address and look at the house at that address, how safe is that. Anyone anywhere could be checking out your home. GPS Systems- everyone was like, wow this is nice, I can type in and address and get directions to my destination. Well, you can get directions, but you can also be tracked through the GPS system also. RFID act- A new driver's license is what they tell us, but it is actually a card that if passed will hold all of our information in a national database. We will not be able to hold a job without the card, fly on a plane or even enter a government building. The RFID chip will be able to be scanned and all your info will be there, wherever you go. It is actually a National ID or Global ID system, because almost all Nations have or will have one within the next few years. Video cameras are everywhere...on street lights, built into the walls of buildings, stoplights...everywhere. A toll tag has the chip in it. When you use it at the toll booth they can tell how often you travel the area. How fast you are driving from one booth to the next...etc. There are so many things that when you first hear about them sound like good ideas, but when you stop to think about the adverse affects it gets scary.
• United States
20 Jul 08
america just isnt as free and great a many like to think in my opion. i live in the states and always have. there are alot of rights we dont have they say we have them but we dont. i homeschool my kids and trust me it was a battle to do that. i wish i could go back in time when things were better here or at least in my eyes it was better. back when the gvt didnt have there nose in everything you do in your house. example home schooling, building, smoking, farming, animals, so much more. i would rather live in the little house on the parrie times then now. cant spank your kid but the kid can steal, yell, and not listen and all you are suppose to do is say dont do that go to yoru room. the us in my thoughts stick there noses where they dont belong. bush has proven that in my thoughts. we have sick, hungry, abused, etc living right here but lets go feed, house, and give medical to everyone but those that live next door. i think we should help others dont get me wrong but shouldnt we try to fix our country before telling others how they should fix theres. sorry i just found out that we are losing our medical care cause i got a job that pays alittle more then min wage. not to mention my car insurance went up and i have never had a ticket or accident just cause well things cost more now. i have been checking in on isurance all around for everything, medica, car, vision, dental etc and well cant afford it. i have been checking to see if they have any help places and guess what nope they dont around here. i went to the heath clinic and found out i have a lump but guess what they cant help me with anything cause i am not 40 years old. omg!!!!!!!!! ok i will stop ranting now
• United States
20 Jul 08
yea crazy huh. i broke my wrist years ago and went to the er had no insurance they put it in a bandage and gave me a sling with pain meds told me i would need it pinned to make an appointment with a doctor gave me name and number sent me home. i called them the next day thinking ok why didnt they do it at the hospital. they told me if i didnt get it pinned that it would not heal right and i would have issues with it. well when i called the doctor that they gave me they told me 50.00 up front since no insurance i told them i didnt have it. i was working but i didnt have 50.00 right them i waited tables at the time. with getting hurt i couldnt do that. they said well sorry 50.00 or we cant help. i just kept resetting it myself with hubbys help and rebandaging it. after about 3 months it healed and guess what i have issues with it. so as you can tell this isnt the first time i needed medical and was turned away cause i didnt have insurance. usa has the worse medical then any where i think. well its cause we give it free to every where else and cant afford to give it free to the citizens here.
@YoungInLove (1254)
• Canada
21 Jul 08
I am very proud to be canadian and I love everything about my country. I see everything that goes down in other countries, and just feel so greatful that it is something I will never have to worry about where I live. Everyones just so peaceful here, we all let eachother lives their lives how they want to and thats that. Theres not much prejudice here (canada is so diverse) and everyone just does their own thing. I love Canada!!
• United States
21 Jul 08
A samll freedom a helluva price to pay!! I travel alot and this time when I got to my destination I got a notice that my suitcase had been searched. What happened to the right of unreasonable search and siezure? The airlines did not have a search warrant, I felt betrayed and my rights violated. I wished I had left my dirty underwear in the bag aso they could see it!! WHO HAS VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTION MORE THAN ANY OTHER PERSON IN HISTORY/ GOERGE W. BUSH. and I voted for the thurd. In the constitution only CONGRESS can declare WAR...So we are in an unconstitutional war and no wonder we are paying through the nose. ...I better quit my blood pressure is up..
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
20 Jul 08
I understand what you are saying. I understand why you feel the way you do. I am part Native American, my ancesters were treated horribly. I am part of an organized tribe, I am a card carrying member. We are still being treated wrong by "our" government. Our tribe has been trying to get our tribal recognition reastablished, "the" govt. says no. Some judges say yes, some say no, guess who is listening to who. Our tribal status was stripped away from us way back when, our tribe never disbanded, our tribe has always been a tribe. If we get the recognition that is due us, we as a tribe would be entitled to benefits because we were denied so much. I am a proud member of the Miami Indians of Indiana, I happen to live in Ohio. Way back when some members of the tribe was forced to walk the "trail of tears". They were moved to Oklahoma. My direct ancesters agreed to cooperate and live in Indiana, they had a treaty. Alot of good that treaty did, All these years later it still doesn't do any good. Even with all that I am still proud to be an American, I am so thankful I was born here in the USA. I do know some of the horror our govt. has participated in. Some of it is hard to accept. I have a really good friend that was in Nam, he was a draft dodger, got caught, sent to Nam. He ended up being wounded several times, patched up, sent back out. He also was a POW, tortured, the whole nine yards. He even carried a bullet that was not able to be removed. He was spit on when he got home. Now many years later when he is having problems, he is fighting the VA for disability. The bullet has destroyed his hip, he also has health problems from Agent Orange, I could fill up pages with some of his story, but I think you get the idea of some of it. I haven't even started on how my late hubby was treated. Even with all that, I still am thankful I was born here in the USA. Our rights are getting less and less, Big Brother is getting bigger and bigger. Wow Raydene look what you started, you got me going now. I can jabber and jabber on. Like you I do have strong feelings about things. If I could have I would have been standing next to you protesting. I am done now with my ranting. I am getting hungry and have to make dinner, hehe.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Jul 08
I wish I lived in America. You seem to be against the Vietnam war and it was won by the communists. The people in Vietnam do not have the freedom you in America have, so your protests actually turned Vietnam into a communist country. Forget that the people of Vietnam are brown skinned, just remember that they have no right to worship where they will or go to church. You are right about screaming about rights and getting them lost. Things like that happen. If you forget the rights you already had, and act as though you did not have any, then in order for you to get extra rights, the rights of others are diminished. I wish we in Canada had the right now to say that a certain lifestyle is sinful out in public or quote from scriptures in a letter to the editor, but because a certain group complained that they did not have the right to do something, the rights of others were lessened.
• United States
20 Jul 08
Sure America is not perfect but it is better than the alternative. Everyone gets a fair trial if they are convicted. You don't want someone to choose what is right for you that is why laws are written. I know America can be corrupted sometimes but it does beat the really strict laws in other countries.
@snowy22315 (186937)
• United States
20 Jul 08
I dont know why you dont feel free here. There are not alot of countries where you can routinely criticize those in the government without some fear of retribution. If you have ever spoken with those from a tolitarian regime You would probably realize how free you actually are here. As for pride I think we still make sacrfices for others in the world. We also have a highly developed society and a prospercous one we can take pride in that. There are alot of things amiss in this country, but it is up to us to make changes where we are able to. I'm not getting down on you, I'm simply stating what I think and feel. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Jul 08
raydene hi I know we have some problems in our country but when I read about the things you cannot do as a woman in a lot of other countries I am still glad I am an amercian citizen living in the US instead of Iraq or Iran or some other country where women are looked on as less than human, more like dogs or cats. we still have a lot of good going on here in the US and that is something we all take forgranted until we meet women from other countries who do not have the freedoms we do have. so yes I am proud to be an american so maybe I am just corny but so be it.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
21 Jul 08
I love Philippines, my country and as I was born here, I will also die here. But this does not mean I love everything about here. I hate the red tape and corruption in the government. I hate the politicians who fight against each other for power and money. They will altogether die in their greed. The poor are helpless. The rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer but this don't not prevent me from loving my country because this is where God puts me and I believe He has a special purpose for doing so.
@1richgirl (126)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Raydene, I also was opposed to the vietnam war and my dad wa a marine lifer. He was pretty upset once when I wrote an article for an unerground newspaper about my feelings. Since then I have come to appreciate our soldiers and always thank them when I see them on the streets etc. I still do not agree with vietnam or Iraq but I do believe in a strong military. As far as screaming about our rights I agree with you. RIGHTS COME WITH RESPONSIBILITES-IF WE SPENT AS MUCH TIME AND ENERGY FULFILLING OUR RESPONSIBILITIES AS AMERICANS I BELIEVE WE WOULD STILL BE A NIGHTY NATION! We are big babies. We sue people when we spill hot coffee on ourselves-we want the government to feed and clothe and pay our doctor bills and then complain about our high taxes. Our founding fathers wanted the government as much as possible to stay out of our lives. We should govern and take care of ourselves. That is what makes a mighty people!! I am still proud to be an American!
@MaeTsuen (257)
• Philippines
21 Jul 08
democracy will always be just in webster dictionary the true meaning of it was never practiced and never will.. it better that we communism because there's not much difference now... communism because in that political practice everybody is the same. nobody is far richer than the other nor the other one is a far poorer than a rat