Are drivers slowing down?

United States
July 20, 2008 10:12am CST
With the high gas prices, have you noticed if other drivers are slowing down or driving any different in your area? I do things like no more quick starts and stops if I can help it and rarely speed anymore. I have noticed a difference in my gas mileage for the better! As I've looked around, I notice a few people here and there driving more efficiently too, but for the most part I still see people driving the same. Are you driving any differently? What have you noticed about other drivers?
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12 responses
@jsitko (1169)
• United States
20 Jul 08
I try to conserve fuel as much as possible as well. If I am approaching a red traffic light, I slow down hoping it will turn green before I have to actually have to come to a complete stop, that helps on the fuel used at acceleration. I also use cruise control while on the highway, that actually saves more than most people realize. Most people use the gas pedal more while driving on the highway while following traffic, if you use cruise it keeps you at one even speed and it saved me 6 mile per gallon used. I try to go the speed limit and not speed and I coast going down the hills. I never let my tank get below 1/2 full, I was told this will have save fuel too, less air in your tank for evaporation of the fuel. I keep my tires at the right level of air and make sure my tune ups are done regularly. Clean fuel filters, air filters, oil, plugs ands wires all help keep you fuel usage down. It helps when your husband is a mechanic like mine, he insists that all these things are properly done. In total I have increased my miles per gallon by 8 miles. I also do not jump in the car to run to the store for little things. I do a lot of driving for my job and I manage to plan ahead on where I am going for the day and what stores are on my way home from work. I also carry a cooler in the back of my car just in case I need to bring home cold or hot items from the store further away from home. No sense in going past where I live to go to the store if I can stop at one on the same road I am driving on in my travels to my home.
• United States
20 Jul 08
All are excellent tips! My husband isn't a mechanic but enjoys working on our vehicles. It's nice having your own personal mechanic, isn't it?!
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@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Yes they are slowing down in my area. The state patrol here said that the number of fatal accidets has really gone down becasue people are slowing down so one good thing has come of the gas prices. I stay at the speed limit I don't go under it though.
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• United States
20 Jul 08
Yes, that is good fatal accidents are down.
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@snowy22315 (186491)
• United States
20 Jul 08
I dont know about other drivers but I do some coasting personally. I want to try to save gas whenever and wherever possible. I live in a rural area so it is easy for me to use these techniques. I want to try to use these strategies to hopefully save alittle bit on gas. The prices are so out of control.
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• United States
20 Jul 08
We live in a rural area too. The 2 lane highway on my way to work has a posted speed limit of 65, but I'll go 55-60 as long as no one else is around. I speed up to the normal speed limit if someone comes up behind me. Nothing wrong with doing things to save gas, but common sense needs to be used! Thanks for your reply!
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@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
20 Jul 08
The only thing I have noticed is that I see a couple of more people walking. That's about it though. Depending on what road you are driving you probably can't slow down anymore where I live. The traffic has gotten terrible where I live in the past couple of years. There is so much traffic here it's unbelievable. I have just got used to it now, but a couple of years ago everyone was complaining about the traffic.
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• United States
20 Jul 08
Traffic there sounds like a mess! When it's like that, there's not much you can do except go with the flow in my experience.
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@aorgaeni (125)
• Singapore
20 Jul 08
me, I reduce mile to drive.If the place is not so far, I just walk there. If not necessary to go, I'll not go and save diesel for this.
• United States
20 Jul 08
If you have places you can walk to instead of driving that's definitely a great way to save gas!
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@cmathias12 (1025)
• Armed Forces Canada, Europe, Middle East
20 Jul 08
I am an American currently residing in Germany. I do not see a change in driving from others here. Everyone tends to drive very fast but a majority of Germans ride their bikes or walk to places. I have only been here a year but I have been told it is like this becuase it cost 2,000 Euro to get a German drivers license. As for me, my American made van is not built to go the speed European cars go so I go as fast as it will allow me regardless of gas prices.
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• United States
20 Jul 08
That's really interesting? Thanks for sharing!
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• United States
20 Jul 08
Yes, they think they are saving gas by driving 10-15 mph under the speed limit on the freakin' highways here. I hope they are still happy with their savings when they cause someone to have an accident. I'm tired of it, personally. If 55 is too fast or too much gas, they need to take a different route, seriously.
• United States
20 Jul 08
Yikes! That's not good? Nothing wrong with saving gas, but it shouldn't be at the expense of others.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Yup. I think drivers everywhere are doing this. Less speed, more steady speed...saves gas. I can't drive yet, so I can't change non-existant driving habits, heh.
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• United States
22 Jul 08
When you do start driving, I hope you take your time and are careful!
@I_LUV_U (2519)
• India
21 Jul 08
In India, people can't afford to drive fast in the city because of the snowballing traffic and population of our nation. We are not far from being the highest populated nation, I'm sure, although China has always been ahead of us. It's true that inflation has hit its highest, but I don't see much change due to it in the driving, as there's no room for it.
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• United States
22 Jul 08
No, it doesn't sound like there's room for speeding. With that much traffic, slowing down is good!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Funny you mention that - I was just listening to the news on Friday and they say they want to (legally) reduce the speed limits back to 55 from 65/75 because the slower speed economizes on gas. But they are saying why bother as no one will adhere to the limit. But those of us that will adhere to the limit to make our gas last longer, dont' get to slow down. I think they should make the limit 55 and anyone going faster can get a ticket or just speed on by and let the rest of us get more gas mileage.
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• United States
21 Jul 08
I heard that on the news too. I remember thinking, good luck on getting that passed! I've heard several times cars are at their most fuel efficient around 50-55 mph.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
22 Jul 08
They said it worked back was it the 80's when they did it the first time cause of the oil embargo. Don't see why they can't just pass it. Save gas, lower the price of gas as it isn't as neededd, save lives from not speeding, so many things could be helped over a few slower miles. They can always raise it back up like they did before. And think of hte revenues the cities and states would get...which could help repave all these pot-holed, beat up roads. At least in a dream world they'd use the money for that. Most likely it'll just go toraise the salaries of those that either fought for it or against it!
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@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
21 Jul 08
I've heard that driving slowly actually takes care of the engine therefore you use your gas more efficiently. Sudden steps on the brakes and gas actually strain the engine and of course because of that it uses more fuel. I think that driving in th9is way could actually help in lessening expenses for fuel
• United States
21 Jul 08
I've heard that too?
• Philippines
21 Jul 08
Yes. here in the philippines people are saving gas. because its too expensive already!!
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• United States
22 Jul 08
I think it's too expensive everywhere?!