What do you think about USA?

July 20, 2008 10:26am CST
Iam a malaysia citizen.When we talk about USA, for me, the first idea i think is USA is a rich country and many country depend on them.The second idea is the USA money is very big for me and USA citizen like to eat pizza hut.IZZit iam true?If iam not true please tell me what is the real life in USA if you are a USA citizen?IF you are not USA citizen please share with what you think about USA?
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5 responses
20 Jul 08
Hi sabahking, I am not an USA citizen I live in the U.K but America is one of the richest countries in the worlld and yes many countries do depend on them including Uniter Kingdom and Americans likes pizza KFC McDonalds and all sorts of bad food not forgetting pan cake and syrup for breakfast. My nephew and my neice been there a few times, and I would like to go there too it sounds a great place to visit, maybe one day you can go? Tamara
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23 Jul 08
Iam malaysia citizen it is hard for us to go to USA because the money usa is 3 times greater than RInggit malaysia.Maybe one day strike lottery i really want go there and see what is USA , whow it look like.So that i will not ask this type of discussion again.
@nova1945 (1612)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I am an American citizen and, yes, the Euro is bigger than the U.S. dollar right now. We are a rich country in some ways and there are people who do like pizza and fast food and some that do not. Many Americans are fat too. But there are a lot of reasons for that. Some because they like the fattening foods and some because they are poor and can only afford to buy foods which are not very healthy but can stretch a meal out to feed more family members or last longer. Many people in America have never been taught how to cook or prepare healthier foods because they are from families who had to spend more time working to pay the bills and feed their families and less time teaching proper nutrition. America is not a perfect country, but it is one where it's citizens are able to speak freely and openly (including to criticise their government) without fear of retaliation. There is no such thing as ethnic cleansing or indentured labor in our country. I am proud to be an American as I am sure many others are proud of their own countries as well. As I said, America is not perfect but what country is? Bottom line is that we are all just people and we all have good points and bad points within our countries. I wish we could all get along and learn from each other instead of trying to force the other to do things our own way. (that goes for both sides) Have a great day.
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23 Jul 08
Yaya iam surprising about your response.First it is long enough and iam happy about that.Second you really tell me what is USA.I agree that Usa citizen can talk freely and critize the governmetn that is why USA is a rich country.I admire USA government .
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@nova1945 (1612)
• United States
23 Jul 08
Thank you, i do get a bit wordy sometimes. Sorry.
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
23 Jul 08
well i live in singapore and am born & bred here. i'm afraid what i am going to post might offend some US citizens. these are my personal opinion which i formed after reading some research and news article. it may not be true but i think it's only good to have an open discussion about it. firstly, i don't like USA. I will never visit USA if i have a choice. the impression of USA is basically a country filled with loud, conceited people. they have no culture and certainly no good food. i can't think of any food representative of the US except the hamburger. it also has one of the highest crime rate in the world. i wouldn't feel safe walking home alone through a dark alley there. secondly, USA is certainly not a rich country. the amount of money they owe other countries is almost as much as the amount owed to them. they like to strong-arm other countries into doing their bidding. this used to work until they started to delay payment on foreign debts. they then wage wars on countries that refused to follow their lead. i find that seriously objectional. thirdly, the USD is not a 'big' currency. in fact, it has lost so much value over the past year that currencies tagged to it is suffering very much. take for example the ringgit, it should have been worth at least S$1.50 instead of the current rate. but because the ringgit is somehow tagged to the USD, it became a 'cheap' currency. same goes for HKD and Thai Baht. so there, my personal opinion of USA.
• Singapore
25 Jul 08
well like i've stated upfront, it's my personal opinion. it may or may not be true, and it certainly does not apply to all americans. sad to say, most of the americans i've met are conceited. just my luck to not have met the rest. what i've written is never meant to be an insult. it is purely an impression formed based on what i've read. i'm sorry that you take it the wrong way but i don't think that will change my impression anytime soon. lastly, typing in capital letters = shouting = loud. cheers ;p
• United States
24 Jul 08
I think it's rude of you to say that we are conceited and have no culture or no good food. The United States of America welcomes people from all countries, so you could be insulting your people as well. And it's not everywhere you go that you couldn't feel safe walking home, America is just like any other country, there is crime everywhere and coceited people everywhere. SO DON'T JUDGE US AMERICANS BASED ON OUR PRESIDENT PLEASE, NOT ALL OF US LIKE HIM!
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• United States
23 Jul 08
Yes, there are many fat americans, and yes we have a lot of fast food here. I live in the U.S.A. and I think that the government sucks, I want Bush out of the White House. I don't think it is as carefree as people may think it is because there are many people who don't have money. I work at Burger King which pays minimum wage and have 2 children to support by myself. I bet it is a country in which people want to see, and we have a lot of great places to see and historical landmarks, but to live here is a whole different story. Housing is too expensive, jobs are not easy to find, and the government totally screwed us over the last several years. I like living in a country where I am free to be me, but I don't think it is all the things that people say it is.
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
23 Jul 08
USA is a dream land for many. A modern and progressive country. The people are carefree and fun loving. A very interesting and rich country. What more could you ask for?