Tell me somethin good, yeah yeah
By novataylor
@novataylor (6570)
United States
July 20, 2008 10:56am CST
Things have been a bit tough for me, as some of you know, what with my friend's cancer and my own back troubles. And I'm certainly not the only one - some of you have been going through some very rough times too, with health or financial issues, with all the curve balls that life throws at us. Frankly, I think you're all incredibly good at fielding those curves and I applaud your courage and strength. And although I've missed the majority of it, there's been yet more nastiness here on the Lot, with people pissed off and threatening to leave. Enough! I've been such a downer, I can't stand it any more. So I'm making today Official Tell Me Something Good Day. Want me to start? Ok, I will. My "good" is this - all of you. I've always been very supportive of my friends here, and have always tried to be there in any way I could for all of you, any time you needed me. And boy oh boy - have I ever gotten that back, in spades!!!!! One thing I can never again do is question whether or not I'm loved. You have held me up, you've stroked me, you've kissed my tears away and told me that everything's gonna be ok. And I believe you. No matter how things work out, they will end up being ok in the end. I offer you my most deeply heartfelt thanks.
So tell me somethin good. Tell me something that has made you smile. Tell me what someone's done for you that's given you a new outlook on things. Or just tell me something funny, if you want. Tell me anything. I've missed all of you so much and I'm going to try to be back more often these days, I promise.
Oh, and p.s. to KM (and she knows who she is) I owe you a poem. I sorta forgot for a while, but I remember now and I will get it done too. I promise. That will be something I'll be working on today.
SO, FOLKS - tell me about your front being balanced now. Tell me about the epidural that's still (hopefully) working. Tell me about a gift you've received. Tell me about how you're so loved at the cathedral. Tell me about the new tiled room. Tell me how well the kids are doing, yeah, those two kids, MsLJ. Tell me something in that inimitable Southern Belle's voice, the voice of a particular angel. Tell me how the xbox is. Tell me the Scoop. Tell me about walking the Plunk. Tell me about the purple heels. Tell me, tell me, tell me............ (and please tell me you know the song I keep singing in my head the whole time I'm writing this)

Don't be sly, I mean shy.......

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16 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Jul 08
OK Nova. I am going to tell you something about someone so good that she's positively inspirational. Now, have you got your big green jug mug and plenty of ice in. Sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin. Once upon a time there was a man who was so down that he couldn't face going out and meeting the World too often. He had been a very confident and positive person but events in his life meant that he had lost almost all his self esteem. He met a woman who lived far away in a different country where people talk in curious accents, eat foods like "grits", "Canadian Bacon" and Chowder; and live in places with names like St Louis that are pronounced Saint Lewis - whoever heard such a thing. The woman befriended the man and spent many hours working on cheering him up. She would laugh and cry with him. Scold him and amuse and entertain him. She told him about her friends, especially her friend the Cossack who she met at her local bar every now and then. They spent many many hours talking and he couldn't help but notice that she had some problems herself. But she played these down such was her determination to make her new friend a more cheerful person. He told her that he liked a particular type of chocolate and she immediately sent him a huge box. As time went by the man began to be more confident and started to see the world more positively. His friend in the foreign land was such an integral part of this that soon he found that he just had to see her every possible day that he could. They both had webcams and soon their conversations took on a new and wonderful dimension. At last they could actually see each other. There on his screen was a flame haired beauty who, like their great heroine, Maude, was always pleased to see her visitor and comforted him making him feel the most important man in the World. She made him laugh as she cannot sit still and is forever disappearing into one room or another shouting "Keep talking Babydoll"! She punctuates their discussions with delicious explosions of expletives as one of her three cats sinks its claws into her or parks himself in front of her webcam. She thinks nothing of suddenly darting off and bringing him a hat, or dress to comment on. Her laughter is infectious and they have both been known to gurgle and giggle like demented children He is so grateful to her for helping him and being one of his closest friends. He knows that he can trust her with any secret and has often confided his hopes and fears to her. Now he goes out and meets people at his local Cathedral, entertaining them with stories of the writing of the Magna Carta. He sees many of his friend's fellow countrymen and women there. They often make him laugh, but when he hears their accents he is immediately transported to a secret place where he and his friend from St Louis go and cheer each other up. This lady is so special that I think that you will agree that she is a true inspiration. The man knows that he's not the only one to think so too. When it comes to good stories, this one is hard to beat.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Dang, p1key. What in the world would I do without you? "Keep talking Babydoll", HA, I just had to laugh at that one! It's too true, I can't sit still, and I do tend to dart off without warning, don't I? Thank you, my darling friend. Thank you for this story, which no one else in the world could have written, thank you for telling our story to our little Mylot world, and thank you for being there for me always, at a moment's notice, any time I need you. You are so special to me. More than I can say. I love you with all of my heart. You know, a lot of people have come into and gone out of my life over the years, and that's how it should be, but you. You will always be in my life, I think. I don't keep very many people, but I'm keeping you. So resign yourself to it, mister.
See, everyone? See what a wonderful world this is, to have someone like P1key in it? Talk about something good!!! Our p1key is ..... well, I don't know that I have the words for it. ok, yes I do. Our p1key is my best friend. And these tears that are running down my face now aren't sad tears. They're tears of such happiness. Happiness to have him in my life. In my heart. You make me want to give a little dance and sing a song. But I'l settle for the song for now.
I love my p1key
oh yes I do
I don't love anyone
as much as you
when you're not near me,
I'm blue!
Oh p1key, I love you.
Ok, that's a direct ripoff of a song from Bye Bye Birdie, as you all know, but it fits. Oh, it fits. Like a freaking glove.
A thousand kisses, p1key. And then a thousand more.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
20 Jul 08
youre in luck as this homefront has been quite happy and peaceable as of late. Shindigery went off without much of a hitch yesterday and a good time was had by all. tons of food, great music, and i managed to get a vid clip of Malliki making a run on the slip & slide we set up for the kids. itll be posted up on my myspace at some point today when i get it off my brothers phone onto my computer, and you can take a gander at it later on
in addition to this, speaking of my brother.. ryan has made the yearly trek here for a weeks visit, and im thrilled as always to see him and spend time. (he put a bokken into mal`s eye yesterday, and there has to be payback for that!) added into the mix, is a visit with my eldest spawn as she came for Shindiggery as well and will be spending the week here too.. so far so good that this MIGHT turn into a pleasant time with her, keep yer fingers crossed
dropping her off was my other brothers (the youngest whom im closest too and simply adore) wife who brought along my neice and nephew along for the ride, so i got to spend time with them as well which was great. all in all.. other than this miserable weather thats like planting yer a55 into a pizza oven.. things here are fantastic and hopefully will remain such. my thoughts are with you often honey, and if you need me for anything, all you have to do is dial.. regardless of the time sweetheart, im here. ..;squishes tight;..

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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Jul 08
See? I ask for something good and here you are!!!! YAY! Wow, tess, the eldest spawn? A pleasant time with her? O my dear, you know that not only my fingers are crossed, but everything else possible too. What a wonderful thing that would be! And yes, I wanna see Mal on the slip n slide, definitely! Slip n slide sounds good too - our weather has been the same pizza oven, darlin - it was 97 yesterday and today doesn't look much better. But the really odd thing is this: I used to hate the heat, and I mean HATE IT, but nowadays, since menopause is over, and my hot flashes are down to "occasional", the heat doesn't bother me NEARLY as much as it used to. It's truly amazing. I was out on my bike yesterday, treking down to the bar to meet the hubs, and it didn't bother me at all. Everyone I saw on the street looked wilted,and none of the sidewalk cafes had anyone sitting in them, and there I was, cool as a cucumber, biking my merry way down the street. Amazing. But I tell you, once you've gone through all that internal fire, the external heat feels small in comparison. Hot flashes made me believe in spontaneous combustion. I still believe in it. But now, it's like I've survived the fires of hell and anything else seems like nothin at all. What a blessing! But I won't do without my air conditioning,no way, not ever. Part of being able to take the heat is knowing that I can go back into the air, ya know?
I think of you too, and btw, expect a call this week. Definitely. I need that voice in my ear. And those powers of yours at work. Better than percocet, I'm sure. It doesn't do much of anything. Ridiculous. If only I could get a high from it, but I can't. I need it too much for pain, so the high doesn't come. Dammit. I could use a good buzz right about now...... Which brings me back to calling you this week. Oh yeah, for sure. Thanks, tess. For what, you already know. Thanks. I love you to pieces. And I love those tight squishes so much. Shite - just felt one. Wow. You're something.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
20 Jul 08
the current temp is 88 with a humidity of close to 70% theres no air.. its stale, still, hot and suffocating.. and i dont have ac, so all i can do is swelter, melt, and wait for nightfall when the temps and humidity dip to a slight more comfortable range. this isnt new england weather to be sure.. my blood is too thick for this sh|t. ..;dissolves;..
have to correct you on one point here baby.. i have no "powers" im just simply granted the borrowing of them. but brace yerself for a decent jolt once i hit post on this.. because i'll be whirling some more yer way to ease yer back to something tolerable
more good news.. my friend tommy, who has been on disability for about 2 years now due to a back injury.. after month of working with me, started back to work last week.. perfectly fine
and with sparX in the clear and i can focus in a single direction.. YOURE next!!

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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Jul 08
o goodness, ok, thank you, I'll take it. And yes, I understand - about the power. But from my perspective, it looks like power, ya know what I mean? As a layperson, I mean. But yes, by all means, send it on! I always feel you when we type together or when we talk together on the phone, always. You know I do. I did from the very start, before I even knew about you and your ways. Remember? You thought I was having it on with you or something, like I was playing a game. But I was most entirely sincere. And you knew right away that I was, after we talked for a moment about it. BUt one thing we have in common is our ability to "feel" people, some people, to really, physically, viscerally, feel someone. I'm so glad to know you, to feel you, and to know that you return the same. You're my tess. I'll share, ok, but you're my tess. XXX ;;squishes;; big ones! But very soft too, very loving squishes.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Yeah now I'm singing it. lol Something good....something good...well I had a fantastic weekend. My mother in law watched my avatar and I got to take the boys out hiking and swimming. We all had a blast! And my youngest son learned how to swim. Took 2 days and now he is swimming like a fish! I'm so proud of my little man.
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
21 Jul 08
I'd be proud of him too, darlin girl. So you've now got a little fishy of your very own. Way to go. I'm so glad you had such a good weekend. But I'll bet that your little avatar was mighty glad to see her mommy when you got home.
All my love is with you, sweetheart. Mama loves you. XXX
@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
Well except for having my feet cemented, the best thing that's happened to me, is that my boobs are now the same size and I can wear a bra again, but refuse to do so. My puppies have been through enough and deserve their freedom! LOL So I'm having a bra burning. Wanna come? I think every woman over 50 should burn her bras! LOL Let it all hang out. Really piss off the younger generation while I laugh in the face of their censure! Are you reading a change of attitude here nova? ROFL Life's just too short, too unpredictable, and too precious to spend any more time wallowing in "oh dear's, oh my's, oh I just couldn't!'s". I'm finally old enough and to do and say what I damn well please! Besides, I'm basically harmless, so not much harm will be done! LOL
So from me to you, here's something good for your soul, your heart, your battered emotions:
"They call the stars novas
And I've one of my own.
The warmth of her friendship
Has brought life to my soul,
Light to my mind
And love to my heart.
My nova soothes me, hugs me,
Keeps my soul safe
And ripples my world in
Understanding, and a special kind of love.
From the first sound of her voice to the
First glimpse of her smiling face
I have been forever changed by a reality
So very rare and wonderful.
She is sister, mother, friend to me.
She is the best part of a giving heart,
The wisest thought in any head,
The tease that reduces me to giggles
And sends my imagination into flight.
They call the stars novas
And I have a one of my own."
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Jul 08
I don't know that I've read anything more beautiful, Sparky, my love. Wow, and wow again. And yes, I'm crying, but how could I not? I'm so damn touched, all the way to my soul. Geez, Spark, this new attitude of your has even changed your poetry, I swear. Something's different about it. This one just is so much freer, maybe, so un-self-censored, you just really let go and said what was in your heart. And you did it so beautifully!!!! I'm copying this one down in my book. I have to keep it for always and forever. I'm framing the thing, for goodness sake. I want the whole world to see it. It's one of the greatest gifts I've EVER received, it's as beautiful as my pearls. I don't know what's ever going to be able to top it. Ever. I just can't imagine.
And yes, I do see the change in attitude. Burn that bra. Life IS too short, and you should damn well know. Personally, my girls need a bit of support, but trust me, I go without whenever possible. I don't have a halter-bra, so when I wear a halter or a halter dress, I have to let the girls swing free. And they love it. A bit too much though - they tend to get awfully bouncy and happy. Ya know? yuk, yuk.
You are an inspiration, as you always have been, and even moreso now, if that's possible. I'm so very glad that you're back, and that you're healthy. Stay. We need you here. I need you here. I just need you period. Thank god you're back.
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Jul 08
All I can add to that is:
Anything else is just words.
Oh and I do know the song - the version by Rufus/Chaka Khan. Love it.
I hope this thread cheers you up nova. You need some lightness about now......Hugs.

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@ellie333 (21016)
20 Jul 08
Hi Nova, Yes it seems we have all been experinecing tough times of late but great stuff hass been happening too and as a positive person in general I always tend to look for the good that will come from a bad situation. Theis week life has been treating me well in fact for the past few weeks really and believe it or not it all changed around the day I met P1key so in less than a month I have had the news that day that my father had won his battle with cancer, I got to meet the most wonderful guy and his wife, I then went on to recieve my third payrise in as many months from work and then my daughter got a placement at Cambridge University, my other daughter starts her new job tomorrow. I won a Wii in a quiz and £75 worth of Amazon vouchers so a big turnaround wouldn't you say. I have truly been blessed of late and I hope that you will be too. Lovely to see you back here and you have been missed too by many. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Sweet Ellie, thank you so much. For the "good stuff" and for telling me I've been missed. That's so great to hear. And I've missed all of you too, believe me, I have. I need to keep my butt here - it always lifts me, always makes me laugh. Not my butt - Mylot. (yuk, yuk) You won a Wii???? Wow, that's way too cool!!!! I want one of those Wii exercisers, do you know what I'm talking about. They just look so fun, as well as being a great way to exercise. And the pay rise, and your daughter's job, and the other daughter's placement at University! Geez, honey, your life is truly filled with blessings these days, isn't it? But meeting p1key and his beautiful wife! Wow, that's one I'd truly like to say I've gotten to do. But I content myself with being able to see him on Skype and talk with him nearly every day. He brightens my days immeasurably! We're very lucky to have him, Ellie. As we're very lucky to have you. You are a treasure. And yes I know that you try to see the positive side of life, as do I. It's just that sometimes that window into life gets a bit cloudy, like it's been lately for me. But still and all, I see things positively, as a rule. I've always been very optimistic, but I've just been so sad recently and I don't see that changing much in the coming days either. But I have all of you and all I need to do when I need a lift is come here and read a bit - I always end up laughing, always. So thank you, Ellie, for your contributions to that laughter. And for just being you. You rock, big time, woman! XXXXX
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@ellie333 (21016)
20 Jul 08
Talking of rocks Nova, P1key was my rock when I was feeling really low and managed to lift me back up as I was feeling overwhelmed by the domino effect of the heavy stuff that was happening. I realise it must be tough for you right now but you said you wanted up chat and good stuff so that what I was sharing eh! Big hugs of love to you though at this hard time.
The Wii, yes I really won one and yeah they are great fun to play and very good exercise too. Had friends round last night and we went 10 pin bowling on it LOL, great night and my arms are aching now, got a few strikes too which was good, can't beat the real thing but close and we created our own atmosphere. I will say a prayer for both you and your friend before I go to bed tonight.
(((((Huggles))))) Ellie :D
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
20 Jul 08
Nova My Luv!
obviously you haven't checked your emails cause i sent you one the day i received your package..guess i should have pm'd you..i love those things you sent me and so is everyone brightened my day and even after we talked about what was going on with you and your friend, you still thought of me..Lovely ME..LOL..when things get a bit back to normal
we can talk about it more ok, but for now we are concentrating on you and your friend getting better.
Now i had a little something arrive in my mailbox yesterday from Our P1key and that was a very nice treat.I'm finding a big box to send him and the
I'm very jealous and i heard what you said to you two better be nice or i'm on my way to break it up..LOL
Love you bunches!

@novataylor (6570)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Come on down, darlin, but don't break it up - join in! I'm about to fall into the arms of morpheus right now, my love, but I'll be back tomorrow. Wow, I'm having to correct almost every word I'm typing. Yup, time for bed. Till the morrow......
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Uh oh, what did I say to Michael that's got you watching out for us?? Hey, I want us to go in together on a bid for him. Don't you think that'd probably win it for us? So how are we gonna get to that date anyway? Are you gonna drive up from way down there? I have no idea how I'm going to get there, but we'll work it out. I have a funny feeling he'd be worth it.......
So what did p1key send you? He's such a love. I don't know what I'd do without him, honestly.
And yes, we can talk about what I sent you in the mail anytime you'd like. We're still pulling orders and sending them out. But everyone's having such a hard time these days financially, so orders are rather scarce. Don't feel any pressure, PLEASE. I just thought that some of our stuff might work in your store. Could be. But you can sell the sample bumper stickers we sent you and see how they go. We suggest from $2.00 to anything the market can bear as retail price. You know what to do.
And yes, I think of you even when I'm not on the Lot. Why wouldn't I? You're a wonderful friend and I think so much of you, Rosekitty. And ooooh, I was so tickled - in a response to someone, myklj said we were two of his best friends here. Maybe I need to get a life, but I was very pleased when I read that. Ack, what do I know!!!!????
Kisses and hugs to you, my love.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
22 Jul 08
The best thing that happened to me lately was potentially getting a job at the Multicultural Independent Living Center of Boston. I would write their newsletter. I am so excited for this opportunity. I've applied for two jobs there, but I've gotten rejected. However, this time I'm much more comfortable dealing with the subject matter they wish me to. I ran into the director at the annual Americans with Disabilities Act celebration picnic that we have in Massachusetts every year and he told me they wanted to start a newsletter. I replied that I could do that, and have spent a few hours today sweating over the mock-up I'm going to send him. I'll let you know how it goes.
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Wow, crip, that's great news! I truly hope it pans out for you. Looks like the 3rd time's the charm in your case, darlin. I sure hope it is. And yes, please do let me know how it goes. I'll be looking forward to even more good news! 

@34momma (13882)
• United States
20 Jul 08
well like you i always love good news. my good news is my son is leaving for college in a couple of weeks and i am so proud of him. After months and months of putting this website together i am finally at the end of the road! I am so happy that.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Jul 08
So good to hear things are going well for you, momma.
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Nova Darlin it is simply wonderful to see a post here in my inbox from you. like you I was not able to be around this past week much. For one the beginning of the week, Jake borrowed Dance Revolution from one of his friends brought it home, showed me how it worked and I got on the phone Buzzed my daughter in law, told her to find a babysitter run grab us a bottle of tequila, for margaritas, come over and dance with me. She brought her best friend with her, my bestest showed up and dang we girls danced, laughed and blended Margaritas until 3AM. We had the best time. Just us girls. Mark came home from work and went to the bedroom and he stayed there :))) took me 2 days to get over all of that fun.... Then mid week I got busy with work.
Right before our little dance party I had a wonderful surprise in the mail. A very dear friend and sister sent me a book. Before I was finished reading the first 10 pages I was both laughing and crying. Laughter through Tears is there a better emotion?

@novataylor (6570)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Pretty good book, huh Angel? I really liked it - it says so much about what we're experiencing here - the friendships women can make, can just conjure up, with so little needed to make them appear. Finish the book, and I'll send you another one. And when you've finished the one you're reading now, send it on, ok? To whomever you choose. Good books are like good friends. I don't exactly know how to elaborate on that right now, I'm so tired, but I think you can derive my meaning, even if I can't.
But laughter through tears? Yup. An amazing thing. That's what y'all do for me. Give me laughter, even though I may be crying at the time. XXX
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@mummymo (23706)
23 Jul 08
Oh Nova sweety i am so sorry that (as usual) I am so , so late. It is great to see you here and you know that you are in my thought and prayers as well as having your very own , personalised place in my heart! I wish I could have been there to help you through everything that is going on!
Anyway as for something good, well the epidural is still helping! Not as much as at first but the pain is definitely not as bad as it was before hand so that is good! Another good thing (or should that be bad?) is that both the kids are coming home tonight! Yep we are off to a party at my sisters soon. More good news - my 2 foster nephews who my sister has had on 'short term' placement for 4 1/2 years have been found a permanent placement and a new mummy and daddy! They move tomorrow and are very excited and love their new parents, so we are having a party tonight! When we leave we will be taking Niamh with us and going straight to the airport to pick up Niall! Woo hoo My kids are coming home - I am in less pain and the world is looking bright! Love you sweetheart and love this post! Smooches! xxx

@mummymo (23706)
31 Jul 08
Nova sweety I love you and I am glad to have helped in any little way!
My sister is coping fine - obviously she misses the boys but she still has 3 children in the house and is keeping herself going - she even says herself it was time and that she was getting really tired with so many to look after. The party was great and everyone kept telling me how good Niamh had been and how she had such wonderful manners and was very thoughtful - then we picked up my gorgeous son. It has been a week now and feels as though they were never away! Hugs and smooches sweety xxx
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
23 Jul 08
You are never late! Whenever you come, it's always exactly the right time. Thank god your pain is better, even though it was even better at first. At least it's some measure of relief and considering what pain you must be in, I think that my 'any relief is good relief' motto works. I just hope it will continue to make a difference for you. How you do it is beyond me! Your life is so full and you have so much to juggle. It awes me that you are able to do what you do. I don't know that I would be near that strong. But I've used you to help myself, mummy. I thought about how you say you sit so much. And I can't seem to stand and do anything in my kitchen, like cook for instance, without immense pain and the need to sit down. SO - I brought a stool into the kitchen, just a small, round stool, about 26" tall or so, I guess, and I use it for doing everything. Chopping, cutting, or even watching something on the stove. It helps so much. And you were my inspiration for doing that, so THANK YOU!
Your foster nephews have been with your sister for 4 and 1/2 years are now leaving for permanent placement and you say they're happy about that. Wow, I would think it would be so hard to leave your sister! I know that having 'permanent' parents is the ultimate goal, of course, but still, it makes me wonder. How is your sister taking this? It must be a bittersweet sort of thing for her. But her life will be much more her own now. In any case - you're celebrating, so it MUST be a wonderful thing! And I will celebrate too, for you! Raise a glass for me, if you would please and toast their happiness.
And now you'll have both your kids home too and I know how much that means to you. So I'm very happy for that particular news too, darlin. Thank you, mummy, for coming here. You've brightened my day by your presence and your news, but you always do. Have a wonderful time at the party! I'll be there in spirit!!! XXXXX
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
20 Jul 08
I'm having a kid free weekend! WOOT!! That's DEFINITELY a GOOD thing!!!
Ironically, much of my free time from MY kids is being spent with friends and THEIR kids. Am I a glutton for punishment or what?? lmao!
Yesterday was a great day.... out with Myrrdin and his daughter for the day on a roadtrip. We never made it to see Annie at the sheep thing, but we did see animals. Mostly horses. At "Mowhawk Raceway" to be precise. lol. It was my first time at the races, and it was a great time! We ate dinner overlooking the track, and stayed around for 6 races. There were a few other pitstops earlier in the day, including lunch in Woodstock, a covered bridge in Guelph, driving by Myrrdin's old art class site, and a park (and my old overnight summer camp) in Eden Mills. (I'm working on getting pics uploaded onto facebook, but it's not liking me much today).
Today is really good so far too.. .I have the house to myself, and plan on getting to more painting (acrylics on canvas).... it's my new-found "release". Once I figure out what I'm in the mood to paint that is.
Tomorrow I am to see some dear friends whom I haven't seen in about a year. We'll spend the day at Fanshawe Conservation area, swimming and relaxing and talking. The boys come home Tuesday, and at some point, perhaps Tues afternoon?, we'll go and see a movie (HellboyII... Oh yeah baby!), Wednesday is a soccer day for my older son, Thursday swimming, and Friday a lunch visit from online friends who are coming all the way from Australia!!!
It's all good.. this summer is busy and a lot of fun... and a major reason why I haven't been around on the Lot much. I just don't have time! 

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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
21 Jul 08
I never got around to doing any painting yesterday... maybe later this week?
In a few minutes I have my friend visiting with her 3yr old twin sons... I don't think we'll get to the conservation area today.. there's a 70% chance of showers this afternoon, so swimming isnt' such a grand idea. lol.
The company from Oz is from an online friendship. Sandi and I were "queens" together in an online chat group (I use past tense b/c I left that site a few months ago). She and her hubby are in Canada for 2 or 3 weeks, and on their way to some camping near me, they're popping in for a late lunch/early dinner. They won't be here too long, b/c they'll want to get their tents set up and such, but I'm thrilled that they are taking the time to visit.
As for the horse pics... you can see them in my most recent facebook album if you like. :) I won't post any here, b/c they have Myrrdin's daughter in them.

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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Ok, your-kid free, other-people's-kids not-free, but that's a bit different. You're not the one they mean when you hear that inevitable 'MOMMMMMMMY' being sung out, hollered, whined, or whispered. That in itself must be a relief. And it sound like so much fun - yesterday, the road trip, the horses, wow the horses, even though you didn't see Annie and her sheep. That would have been the icing on the cake!
And you're painting!!!!! That's extremely great news, CG. But don't wait till you know what you want to paint. Just put brush to canvas and see what happens. I would love to see what comes out. With all that's gone on in your life, you have a lot to express, to say the least. Painting is a wonderful outlet for some of that expression. Any art is. For me, it's sculpture, but it's been a lonnnng time since I've done any. But I'm thinking about it again. And that's something. Funny - for me, it's the worst times in my life that I need to do art. Makes sense though - that's when I have the most "stuff" in me, so that's when it needs a form of expression, usually through art or writing or both.
So who's coming from Australia? Wow! That's a long way to come! Fill us in after the visit and let us know who and how it all went ok? Thanks for coming here CG, so terrific to see you! You've been missed. But time is definitely a factor, isn't it? So, come when you can. We'll be here, waiting for ya. XXX
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@niushuang (265)
• China
29 Jul 08
Hi my friend,my best new is my husband has stopped drinking for losing weight.
You know it's so boring to me that he drinks everyday.

@niushuang (265)
• China
30 Jul 08
Hey there.
I have a bad thing to tell you.He has catchde a cold for 2 days.
You know there is so hot in summer in China.People like to stay at the cold air conditionging room.My husband is too fat and he always feel hot.So he turns on the air conditioning all the night.The result was he catches a cold.
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
30 Jul 08
I'm sorry to hear about his cold, but I'm sure he'll recover soon. And just think - now that he's stopped drinking, he's going to be healthier, and he probably won't get as many colds or other illnesses. Plus, losing weight is healthy and he's going to be so much better off now. It was a very good decision he made to stop the drinking. I just hope he can stick to it. Give him the support he's going to need for this. I think he really needs you now, so try to be patient and in the end, you're going to be happy that you were, and it's going to be so worth the effort. Good luck, darlin.
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
29 Jul 08
That's very good news, niushuang, thank you. I'm sure you become much less bored with his new-found sobriety. I certainly hope so. Thank you for coming here, I appreciate your good news. 

@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
21 Jul 08
I thought my eyes were decieveing me but that is actually my dearest Nova in my inbox. That was good! I have been worried and busy working but money is good right??? I have been working on something special for you- give me a week and check your mailbox. :)
Here's something good- I love you girlfriend! Remember that universe can be nasty sometimes but what are we learning. Even through pain there is something valuable there. I wish I could tell you what but only you will know that when it comes. But you already know this sh1t!!
Really remember you are loved and always have a friend in me no matter what!

@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
21 Jul 08
I forgot something: Miracles do happen. All that good Karma you give off maybe can get cashed in for Rose. :) Keep the faith. I really have missed you just seeing your name makes my day!!
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Darling Skinny, I've been working my way down to you and was so happy to see that you had responded here. And now I'm so excited to see what you've been working on for me!!! Can't wait! I'll be looking in my mailbox for sure, darlin, no doubt about that!
And listen - your something good? I love you too and I know that I always have a friend in you, no matter what. I'm holding that thought very close to my heart these days and relying on it to help get me through. And yes - through pain there is something valuable. I believe that too. It's just that when you're in the thick of it, it can be hard to see, ya know? But I know it's there. It always is. That's the way I've lived my life and I see no reason to stop now. You know the pain of loss. Well, I'm in a grieving process now, and my friend is still alive. But we grieve anyway, when we find out that someone we love is very ill and probably wont' survive. It's just natural, and that's whatI'm doing now. But I'm back on the Lot now, not isolating anymore, and that's exactly what I need to do. I need to be here, among all of you who love me and who offer me the most amazing support I've ever seen. So I'm here and I'm gonna keep coming. I just sorta went off the deep end a little bit, but I never stay there very long. I'll survive - but only if I keep my butt here. Thank you, Skinny, my sweet, darling Skinny. You......... well, I just love you, ok? XXX

@Linda4ualways (2282)
• United States
21 Jul 08
So far the "good" thing that has happened to me today is that my Heavenly Father allowed me to wake up this morning to see the sun and feel the warm breeze on my skin. If any other "good"" things happen to me today I would be more than willing to share with you novataylor. God Bless!

@novataylor (6570)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Linda, thank you for coming here and sharing your blessings with me. I hope that you'll continue to be able to see the sun and feel the warm breeze on your skin and recognize that as a blessing, which is what it is. Every day is. Thanks for reminding me. God bless you too.
@Linda4ualways (2282)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Oh by the way, the song that is in your head was sung by Chaka Khan........Tell Me Something good..............tell me that you love me, yeah yeah!!

@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Ok, my good thing actually happened a few days ago and IT'S REALLY GOOD!!!
As you (and some of my other myLot friends) know, I have multiple sclerosis. I used to run long distance and hurdles; having MS has greatly limited me and my ability to run. I JOGGED AROUND MY DAD'S HOUSE NORMAL--no stumbling and I felt like I was in my old form...THAT is my good news I have to share! 

@novataylor (6570)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Scorp, THAT is AMAZING news!!!! YAAAAAAY! You must feel like a million bucks, darlin. So, how did you do that? Never mind - don't answer that. It really doesn't matter how, it just matters that you DID. I'm very, very happy for you, Scorp. And thank you hugely for sharing it here with me. You've made my day.
Keep it up. You're on a roll. XX

@novataylor (6570)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I gasped when I read this. I'm breathless and speechless. Thank you. XXXXX
p.s. That is the BEST avatar I've EVER seen ANYWHERE.