Will someone please turn down the heat?
By mentalward
@mentalward (14690)
United States
July 20, 2008 2:31pm CST
Whew! It's hot here! Today it reached 97 degrees. Yesterday it was 99 degrees. The day before, 96 degrees. Okay, I've had enough, thank you. I'd like some cool, please!
Has anyone else been experiencing several days above 95 degrees? I can usually handle one day, but day after day is just getting old! My plants are crying. My vegetable garden is crying. All I can do is water them, but the heat is unbearable, even to them. I cut my grass early this morning and was soaking wet from perspiration by the time I had finished.
Who else is going through this terrible heat wave and how are you handling it? Anyone else have a garden that is suffering, too? Do you leave pets outside in this heat?
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17 responses
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
20 Jul 08
It's hot here too. It rained briefly a couple hours ago but then the water dried up immediately as soon as the sun came back out. You wouldn't even know it rained now. My cat is an indoor cat so he doesn't go outside anyway. But even if I let him outdoors, I wouldn't do so in this heat as it's dangerous. I don't have a garden and think you are lucky too.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
21 Jul 08
I came out of church yesterday and it was 98 degrees! It was terrible, with no wind blowing. At 9:30 last night, it was still 95 degrees. My husband went to pick cucumbers and squash. He said there were no squash and only got two cucumbers. The heat with no rain has parched them almost. And usually cucumbers will survive almost anything.
It has been hot like this for over a week here. I worked in my mother's flower bed last week for two 30 minute periods and almost fainted each time. The sweat was pouring from my head and my clothes were ringing wet. This is from a person who hardly ever sweats. I had to go in several times to rest and get a glass of water. Don't know what we are going to do if we don't get any rain. Our grass is growing, but not like it normally does this time of year. Our grandsons mowed the pasture a little low this time and it looks parched!
It is supposed to go up to 98 again today. The sun is out already. Tomorrow it is supposed to be 96 and a 50% chance of rain.

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Ha ha ha! Yep, they sure do! I remember almost turning blue from the cold one winter after it had snowed. My mother had to drag me inside because I was having so much fun outside, I didn't notice how cold it was. Ah, those were the days!
I think their bodies adjust better to cold and heat then ours do. I wish our bodies stayed young and only our minds got older. There ought to be a law! 

@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Now that would be nice to keep a nice looking body and just grow in our mind.
But I remember going without coats when we were young. And now, my grandkids nearly die if they have to wear a big coat during the winter. They will go to a ball game without only short sleeves and sometimes a hoodie. The rest of us will be freezing!! I was told when I was young it would catch up with us, and I guess they had it right.

@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
21 Jul 08
I live in Central Alabama. Instead of it cooling down here, it seems to be rising. But August seems to be our hottest month, and if it holds true this year, we are in from some record temperatures. It shows here where I live it's 96. But my daughter in law took their newborn (7 days) to the pediatrician this morning. She called my son and said it showed 101 there! And the heat index was 105. There is absolutely no wind blowing at all. We walk down to the small garden and coming back, have to climb a hill, and it's so hot, we are give out! It's hard to breath outside in this weather. I don't understand how my grandsons could stay out last week riding their 3 wheeler/4 wheelers for hours in this weather! And, they were out playing ball. I guess youngsters have more stamina in the heat than us older people. 

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
21 Jul 08
I hear you. I live in California and it is so hot here. We have to have the air on almost all day and night in the summer. My cats are never left outside in the heat, and my garden gets plenty of water.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Yes, I drink more water, so my three cats drink more water.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
21 Jul 08
That's good. Sounds like us. The A/C is working overtime. We have fans on in every room and they really do help. We have the A/C set on 79 degrees and, with the fans, it actually feels chilly sometimes!
We have 2 cats who come and go through our 'doggie door' that we installed for our two Maltese dogs. I haven't seen one of our animals going through that door lately! They stay inside. I also make sure that they have plenty of fresh water. I find myself drinking more water than normal on days like this so I'm sure they do, too.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Okay....are you ready? I am blowing you some cool air! It's been very pleasant here in Minnesota.....just in the 80's so not too bad. I have flowers that are doing okay but no garden. The humidity was up yesterday making if feel warmer but in all it hasn't been too bad.

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Ah, what I wouldn't give for 80's!!! I can't believe I'm saying that, either! LOL I find 70 to 75 degrees to be perfect... for me, anyway. But we sure could use some 80-some degree weather! This 90+ stuff sucks!
But you have pretty bad winters up there, don't you? I love snow and that's one reason we moved here to the mountains of VA. My husband loves the snow, too. We just haven't been getting much of it the past few years. Maybe we should move to Minnesota? 

@gantwick (849)
• United States
21 Jul 08
It should hit the triple digits here in the next few days, but that's pretty much normal this time of year. The weeds in my garden seem to be doing okay, but the rest of my plants (except the peppers) are looking kinda wilty. The best thing I did this summer was buy a cheapo sprinkler for the garden. I turn it on once the sun gets behind the trees (about 7:00) and leave it on until sunset or a little after.
Our cats don't go outside. Gracie (my smart, ninja cat) isn't all that interested, and Captain Morgan (the pirate cat) doesn't have a lick of sense and would probably get lost if he went out.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
21 Jul 08
I guess, if you're used to it, triple digit days are not so bad. But I'm way up here in northern Virginia! In the mountains, yet! Surrounded by trees! And a big lake! Dang! I went through about 4 days of triple digits once. I didn't like it much.
Actually, I did exactly like you did... bought a cheapo sprinkler for the garden. I also turn it on when the sun goes behind the trees (about the same time as you) and keep it on until sunset! That's pretty weird!
Weeds ALWAYS do well. I don't understand it. Why is it that the pretty things wilt when you look at them hard and the ugly things grow and multiply out of solid rock??? I don't get it.
Hey, I like your pirate picture! Arrrh!

@twallace (2675)
• United States
21 Jul 08
It hasn't been to hot the last few days we have been getting a little rain here on the east coast. Yet today is one of those day that is heat wave hot. 94 degrees hot with no breeze blowing. The plants look like they can really use some water. The best was to deal with it is stay cool. Ac or under a fan if you have it. We have a dog but I know that he is outside somewhere in the cool and he has plenty of water to drink so I know that he will be fine. Days like this the only thing a person really want is a good rain to cool things down.

@twallace (2675)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Your just one state above me. I'm in North Carolina and it rained today. A good bit of rain that it really cooled things off. It was a storm but it did drop the temp alot right now and that is a good thing. It's cool for now but it might not last long. Have a good one.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Weird... I'm in northern Virginia! Shouldn't it be cooler here than where you are? Hmmm... There's a conspiracy going on!
Actually, it only hit 94 degrees here today, too. We had a freak thunderstorm roll through here yesterday. It was 99 degrees when it suddenly got very dark. I turned on the weather channel on TV and saw that we had a severe thunderstorm warning! Where the heck did that come from??? There was no thunderstorm predicted!
Well, I didn't complain! It cooled us down to 71 degrees in just about a half hour! Of course, it warmed up again after the storm passed, but not as hot as it had been.

@ayumitakashi (4462)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Well I live in an apartment building so I basically stay inside and stay cool by taking cold baths drinking lots of liquids and staying in my mom's room where she has an AC that doesn't work too much but it's good enough to give us some relief. It has been hot here in NYC the past few days and they said that it would rain today but so far it hasn't rained at all. Hopefully it rains tomorrow and it's cooler than these past few days. Stay cool and take care. 

@green4success (80)
• United States
23 Jul 08
It has been really hot here the last few weeks. The temp got up to 101 day before yesterday and yesterday and it is so muggy with the humidity at 75% or more. We are not getting much rain right now but with the hurricane season here, we should get some by this weekend. Our plants are drying up too even though we water them, they need some rain.....bad. My husband has only had to cut our grass 4 times this summer because it isn't growing much without rain. I have 2 cats which are outside cats and they always find a cool spot to lay when it is so hot. I keep plenty of water out there for them and they do fine. I try to say indoors as much as possible when it's this hot, but I do have a friend with a pool so I'll do that sometimes as well. I drink plenty of water and juices when I am out though so I don't dehydrate.
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
20 Jul 08
I know what you mean! It is so hot lately! I am sure that our electric bills will be through the roof next month! I'm lucky that my lawn and garden isn't really drying out, but I am not growing vegetables or gardens right now and my fruit trees are doing just fine.
And no, my poor kitty is staying inside for the most part - it is just too hot right now to be outside long.

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
21 Jul 08
I'm happy to hear that your fruit trees are doing okay. Mine are, too. My garden, though... poor thing!
We have our A/C set on 79 degrees and have a fan in every room. It actually feels chilly right now! My nose is cold. LOL I could probably set the temp up to 80 and still be okay. Hmmm... I'm going to try that!
Your statement about the electric bills has me thinking now! Thank you!!!
Our cats have not ventured outside, either. We have a "doggie door" that we installed mainly for our Maltese dogs and the cats come and go as they please. They've been staying inside!
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Bless your heart. It's been running between 85 and 95 here, I think. But the humidity has also been high. I don't have air conditioning in my car, so I'm avoiding driving as much as possible. 

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Ouch! I remember no air conditioning in my car! Actually, my very first car didn't have it, then I had two cars in a row where the A/C broke after a few years. I know how nasty it is being in a hot car!!! I put a thermometer in my last car with the broken A/C. The thermometer went up to 140 degrees, and the needle had passed that!
I used to freeze plastic water bottles or soda bottles filled with water, wrap them in a towel, and give one to each of my kids whenever we had to go anywhere. They held them on their laps and it really did help to keep them cooler! As the ice thawed, they had cold water to drink!
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
20 Jul 08
It's sweltering here in New Jersey as well. three or four hot hazy and humid days, I've lost count. The air conditioner is tired, the cats are hiding, it's terrible. I can't remember when we had rain last, it may have been July 4th, no I am wrong it was July 14th, my birthday.
I told my husband I was not doing any cooking today. After church, we went to Harold's New york Deli, and got sandwiches, they will last us all day.
Ok, stay cool

@selece (2357)
• Philippines
21 Jul 08
Aww... I am sorry to hear that. But I guess the heat is inevitable, because of global warming. Here in the Philippines, I think it's even hotter. But the good thing is, it's rainy season and it rains quite often during the afternoon. The heat usually exhausts our pets, so I usually give them twice as much of the water I usually give. My mother also waters her plants more often. As for me, I hate the heat too. But I have no choice, so I just have to deal with it. 

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
21 Jul 08
I know global warming exists, but I've actually been through hotter summers. I remember one summer about 20 years ago where it was over 100 degrees for four days in a row! The hottest day was 104 degrees.
I guess I shouldn't be complaining about it being in the 90's then, huh? LOL
I've been planting more trees. More trees = more shade = cooler temps. At least cooler around our house. The trouble is that right now my trees are only about 4 or 5 feet tall! I just planted them last year and this year so it will be awhile before we feel the benefits of the shade they will, hopefully, one day provide.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
21 Jul 08
Want some more? LOL I'd love to send you some of this!
@desertdarlene (8910)
• United States
20 Jul 08
Well, come on out to San Diego, the weather's been great here, in my opinion. I live a little bit inland, so it does get warmer, but as I type this, it's 74 degrees. It's been cool the last few days. People here whine about the weather all the time and I don't know why. It rarely gets warm or humid, but if it gets more than 78 degrees or has a dewpoint higher than 50, they whine so much about how hot and humid it is. I used to drive around in the desert in the summer in a car with no AC and I can say that I was too hot when I did that. But, the weather we're having now is great. But, probably in the next month, you'll hear me complaining about the heat.
@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
20 Jul 08
i know what you mean. we are hitting almost 100 and witht he heat index it is 100 plus. my ac went out too at the beginning of the summer and so we are just laying around like a bunch of lumps in front of fans. it is horriable. we spend alot of time outside in the water. gotta love the water hose. cooing is a no way no how type of a deal in the house. the poor grill has been used alot this year already lol. that an i am sick of sandwhiches and hot dogs. its funny though summer we complain about heat and winter the cold. i just wish it stayed like 80 with a nice breeze all teh time lol.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
20 Jul 08
We've been having our ususal 90+ degree days here in south Florida but we've also had a lot of humidity along with it, which we don't normally have, so it's been pretty uncomfortable. Fortunately, we're still getting those little thunderstorms in the afternoons so it cools off some as the clouds build up and a nice breeze develops. My patio plants try to die every afternoon, even when watered. I don't have a vegetable garden this year and my little dog refuses to go outside in the heat but my two cats still like hanging out under the deck.