This is sad!!!!! And despicable!!!!

United States
July 21, 2008 3:14pm CST
I have been here on the lot for about 4 months or so. In the beginning I would share my faith and beliefs like an open book. Soon, I realized that was not wise, due to the tremendously diverse community this is. So I took a different approach. I refrained from responding to heated religious debates, and from starting them. There were a few times I got sucked in because I felt so strongly on the topic. Now, I look at all the ignorance floating around out here it makes me sick!!!! What is wrong with my fellow Christians here? I have to say, that many of you should be ashamed of yourselves. For one, for claiming to follow and worship a god you may know about, but truly do NOT know on a personal level. For two, for your judgment and ridicule of people who believe differently than you. Then you claim to share the love of Jesus. Its no wonder Christianity is a dying religion. With people such as yourselves as spokespeople to the world, its no wonder we ALL have a bad rep. Three? Your obvious ignorance to what and how the bible teaches. If you are going to go around telling every wiccan, pagan, muslim, and atheist to pick up a bible and read it, you should do the same!! End of rant. Peace and blessings to all. I suppose I should pose a question.....Have you looked back at any of your responses and felt ashamed? Or are you proud of your ignorance? Or, if you are not one of these people I am talking about...How did you handle their ridicule?
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9 responses
• United States
22 Jul 08
I am new to Mylot. I have been baptized, and I belong to a church, and I teach Sunday School. I do Bible study at home, I listen to christian music, I pray as an individual and a family. I try to do what is right as a christian, but unfortunatly, I do fumble. It's human nature. I always appologize, and I pray for forgiveness, and I try not to do it again, but I always do. I'm human. I haven't gotten caught up in heated religion discussions on Mylot,and I don't really intend to start. But I've learned that whatever I do discuss, I will tell the truth as the bible has it written. If I'm wrong, then I might learn something. I'm too shy to go around spreading the Good News of the Gospel, but I do read, pray, and attend, as well try to live a christian life. I would like to think that I'm not one of the people that you've mentioned. I am hoping to use the Christian aspect of Mylot as a learning tool, not a boxing ring. Do people really get into nasty discussions?
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• United States
22 Jul 08
Yes they do, and it is disheartening. I have heard some total garbage coming from the finger tips of many so-called Christians here. And it saddens me. When a person accepts Christ, they make a commitment to follow his teachings. But I hear condemnation and ridicule over and over. Its sick!! I like that you said, If I'm wrong then I might learn something, that is a great point of view, and one that will save you a lot of trouble and grief. That point of view and word choice will earn you a lot of respect here...from people of other religions, but not from your fellow Christians (believe me I know). Peace and blessings, and happy mylotting.
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• United States
22 Jul 08
Thankyou very much!!! I feel that we are on the same page. I just tell the truth as I have been taught. You are very inspiring, thanks again!!!
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@gncd68 (18)
• United States
21 Jul 08
HI, this is my first time on MYLOT in a long time and what you are saying here doesn't surprise me. I have been saved and a christian for a long time, but not truly devoting my life to christ, until the last 5 years and I have a long way to go. I know we will all mess up and sin, because we are born into a sinful world, we should all just try our best not to and rely on Christ to carry us in our time of need, because it's only through him anything at all is possible. I feel sad that our country has become too much of a melting pot where the one true religion-Christianity has been thrown out the window. I believe if it's in the bible it's the truth, I try not to ever go by this worlds beliefs, such as being politically correct, I personally want to be Biblically correct. And also I have been ridculed many times on other discussion boards for telling what my bible,the one and only true bible says is wrong, IE: Homosexuality, abortion, murder, adultery, etc. Anytime as a Christian we pose our beliefs we are prejudice, ignorant, etc. Well the truth is anyone that doesn't know the bible or about Christ, or doesn't want to make an attempt to even listen or read the bible, I believe that is being ignorant and prejudice towards Christ.
• United States
21 Jul 08
I hate to come back on ya, being so new to mylot. But you did say its been a long time, so I imagine you've had a different account here. So... You said... "I feel sad that our country has become too much of a melting pot where the one true religion-Christianity has been thrown out the window." This is an exact sampling of the kinds of ignorant statements and proclimations being spued all over this community. Christianity cannot be lumped into one religion, and not one of the denominations is 100% "true" or "right". So what gives anyone the right to make statements such as these? Furthermore, the fact that this country is a melting pot should excite Christians, not cause them to feel bad for the nation. Isn't Jesus' call to the world to reach all nations, every tribe, every tongue?? America, the melting pot it is, makes this task all that much easier. We can also learn alot from these other cultures and sets of beliefs. Jesus never told us to segregate ourselves from others.
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@gncd68 (18)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Well I guess we are coming from different sides. I am not saying anything bad about other religions, but how come it is that other religions are being so accepted in our country and there aren't a lot of disputes about them, but when it comes to GOD-it's a different story, we can't have GOD in the courthouses, we are not suppost to pray in the schools, but it's ok to introduce all kinds of other religions into our country. Christianity is not suppost to be about being judgemental, but it also doesn't mean you study other religious books and try to understand other religions, I can't force someone to become a christian or should I say saved, but I can speak my mind about what I know the bible says to be true, so you can believe what you want and think that introducing all kinds of other religions into our country is a good thing, I don't think it is, if I am narrow minded or politically incorrect, then so be it. God never said anything in the bible about learning about other religions and their belief, maybe as a warning, but not because we are suppost to try to understand it.
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@gncd68 (18)
• United States
22 Jul 08
By the way that is why there are MISSIONS, to spread the Gospel, the churches in this country that spend millions to send Christians to other countries to spread the Gospel, that's why we are all suppost to Tithe, where do you think the churches get the money from to do this, or have you ever heard of missions? Just because I am a Christian, doesn't mean I have to think immigration is ok. Our country is slowly becoming one of the most overpopulated countries in the world, if you think that's good, I feel sorry for you. That doesn't have anything to do with as a christian I love all people, but I have to care about what is going on in our own country as well, and want them to have opportunities when they become adults, but with the increase in our population, there is going to be less room, less jobs and who knows what else. And sorry religions cannot all be lumped together all religions have different beliefs and some religions worship idols, Have you ever read the bible? It does say God doesn't tolerate those who worship idols, He wants people to come to him and worship him freely. Idols, as I am sure you know can be many things, ie: Money, clothes, jewelry, other people, figurines of other "GODS". I am sorry if I have offended anyone else, but I am not sorry for my belief in the bible. And by the way there are people out there who take the bible and use some of what it says to meet their own needs and desires, not what God truly meant. So you can call me ignorant all you want, you may want to take a good look at yourself in the mirror before you call anyone else ignorant.
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@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
22 Jul 08
Well in my own personal point of view. I really do not share my beliefs in here as I also seen many post in here about religion and it really is hard to have one good point as everybody has to say about your belief. We really cannot preach in here as we do have other religion besides Christianity in here besides that fact that we Christians are as divided as we are. That is why I avoid topics such as religion in here as it becomes very volatile and becomes out of control.
• United States
22 Jul 08
You are wise!!! Thanks for your response.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
22 Jul 08
What we Christians forget is that the Bible doesn't say we should not judge. It says that in whatever way we judge, we will also be judged. So when we ask questions of our fellow believers or of non-believers, when we judge them for things they did or did not do, we're also supposed to judge ourselves in the same way and to allow others to also judge us in that same way. I preached for my pastor on July 13 and spoke of the best ways of getting closer to the Lord - by reading God's word and by praying (which is communication...which includes listening!). Sadly, many people do neither of these. Many Christians have a child's understanding of the Bible - because they have not studied it since children's Sunday school classes. The Bible, to me, is fluid - not because IT changes, but because I do. As I learn and grow, many of the passages that I didn't understand suddenly become more clear. I don't think we should ever stop sharing our faith. But the sharing should be done in the way Jesus would have done. As the Bible tells us, the most important things are loving God and loving our neighbor. If we truly loved God and our neighbor, we'd want to be getting to know them better, to understand them better, and to fellowship with them more and develope better relationships with them. Loving our neighbor means that we will hold our neighbor in high regard, we'll cherish our neighbor, we'll respect and honor our neighbor. If we do those things, then more people will be interested in getting to know the God we love and serve.
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@lynn2457 (500)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Hi edgy, I guess, that the problem is that everyone believes differently, not that it is right or wrong. It is sad, for many do not understand the Word, and they interpret it to their liking. I have been a follower of Christ for a long time, I by no means am perfect or claim to be. I have flaws like everyone else. Yet, I have found on here, that the Other group of believers, have to fight for something, to make them feel good. It is easy to ridicule a Christian, or a do gooder. More than it is to accept them. I feel that fear is a big factor on this, matter. I could be wrong, like I said before, I am still a learner, no matter how long I have followed my Lord. I have found that myLotters, love to argue, and that in itself is sad but interesting, and very closed ears and minds, this too, I have learned in the short time, I have been here. I thank you for the question. I do not feel you are talking about me, arrogance, I pray not, but, I do think that I too am ignorant on many things. But, hey we are all ignorant on something, and this site is a blast, to listen to the people, and find out what this world really is. For the real first time, I believe I understand why God, had the flood and the Israelites roam the desert for 40 years., and still even after that people do not understand. Sad, yes, But, as I also say, I am not of this world, I am in it, to spread the News, and to Love my God with all my heart, soul and mind, and if that bothers others, Than, Praise God for this. For then, I may of done my part, for the world will not love us, Jesus was the example that told us this. So why would this site of people 'not all, but the few' be any different. Take it pure joy, that you can be hated by the world, and loved by your brothers and sisters, and that you are the Example Jesus wanted us to be.
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• United States
22 Jul 08
I was with ya, right up to the end. You said "Take pure jo, that you can be hated by the world, and loved by your brothers and sisters..." This is my biggest issue. The people on here that should be my brothers and sisters are the ones I recieve and witness the most hatred from. What's up with that?? And no, I am not pointing fingers at you or anyone else...
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@lynn2457 (500)
• United States
22 Jul 08
edgy, Not everyone that are Christian or not, are going to believe, each and everyone of us are on different levels of our beliefs. Whether it is right or wrong, in one's eye, you must pray, and seek the answer for you. For where one person is at, does not mean another person is at the same spot. Some times, even Christians 'due to the fact that we are all human' do not have patience with others. No matter who they are. The question you must ask yourself is, am I doing unto God, all that I know I can, and if that is yes, than no matter what anyone else says, that is where you are at. This is a site where we are to ask and find out what others think and feel about questions. Some will give good answers, some not so good, you weed them out and if it applies, use it, if not remove it from your heart and let it be. This is the advice I can only give you. Pray and Ask and you will find. I am told by my elders, to seek myself first, and then pray for the others, this is what I try to do all ways. It helps me. maybe it will help you. Good luck
@gncd68 (18)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Edgy, you can call it hate all you want, it's because not everyone agrees with what you are saying. I don't hate you, I just don't agree with what you do. And peoples post may sound angry, that doesn't mean they are angry. From reading your posts, you are angry and could be considered hateful. You apparently have different beliefs, that is your choice.
• United States
22 Jul 08
Hey, edgy*S* I have known people who are not church goers and, don't even claim to be Christian but, I find more Christian qualities in them than some who claim to be a true follower of Christ. They love people for who they are, what comes from the inside. To me, this is a Christian. Not someone who tries to tell me I am wrong because I do not believe the same as they do and, I will go to hell for it. I believe in the same God they claim to believe in. My mom used to say something about "Ours is not to judge. Ours is to love" or something like that. I truly believe actions speak louder than words. *L* I make it a point to stay away from discussions on religion and politics. I am not really sure why I was compelled to comment on this one except, that I strongly agree with you. How do I handle the ridicule in my beliefs? I simply smile. I say, " We each have our opinions, we each see things differently. We are entitled to those opinions and to those beliefs. That is what America was founded on, freedom to choose the religion we believe in. Thanks for sharing your opinion with me and, have a good day." Then, I walk away.
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• United States
22 Jul 08
I'm glad you stopped by heart!Thanks for sharing. I wish more of our "brothers and sisters" saw things in that light. We are not put here to condemn and ridicule, there's enough of that going around on it own. We are here to live peaceably with one another, and love each other as our selves. Do you ever get that ridicule from fellow Christians??
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• United States
22 Jul 08
You know, I get ridiculed because I believe in a lot of the Wiccan beliefs but, if you look at the Christian faith in general, a lot of Wiccan beliefs are there. Some of our traditions and ceremonies come from those beliefs. I just have to say "God bless and be with you." and, keep going, living my life the way I feel I should live to shine light on those I come in contact with.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I learned a LONG time ago (way before myLot) that there are two discussion topics to avoid - Politics and Religion. These are two things that people take personally and feel very passionate about. There's never a right or wrong answer, but everyone tends to think there is. I have no problem with people interjecting their faith or political affiliation as it relates to a discussion, but when it gets to be preaching or flat out demanding I stop the conversation.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Hi Edgey, I have seen what you speak of time and time again. I honeslty have no idea why those who claim to be religious and following the word act as they do here. See there was a time when I use to avoid these discussions I was young on mylot and wanted to get a footing and feel comfortable with my surroundings before I started answering questions like these. I know around Christmas I put up a discussion about Christmas and Schools and it had nothing what so ever to do with religion yet it turned into a religious debate with me being burned at the stake. I had also been told in that discussion that I have to be one of the most tolerant people religion wise. LOL!! So Yes I have been burned at the stake and I survived. My views are mine and I try not to shove them down anyone's throat. But I will say this Have you ever watched dogma? At one point it's said no one religion has it right I believe that .. It is also said in the movie at one point It doesn't matter in what you have faith in as long as you have faith. I truly believe that no one is right to tell you that your going to hell because of what you have faith in. I have a messed up point of view I guess. Becuase I believe that god comes to people in what they are most receptive to. how are we to know that he doesn't and who are we to say that someoneelse is wrong when we might be wrong. We are here to love and support one another and make this world a better place. Unfortunately people get caught up in this I'm right and your wrong thing and it harms everyone. yes the bible says that you are to spread the word about god but you can only do that to someone who has their heart open otherwise your words fall on deaf ears and the only thing you accomplish is causing a further rift between you and the person your talking to and that person and what they think of your religion. Sorry went off on my own rant thanks for listening and take care.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I know I have been in some heated discussions on here - mainly because I felt the need to "defend" my beliefs when others were busy telling me I would be going to hell. You see I'm not a Christian. But I have no problem with anyone who IS a Christian, or any other religion. My philosophy is believe in whatever makes you feel connected to whatever "higher power" you believe in. But when we get those on here ranting that we are all sinners, and if we don't believe we will all be going to hell, then I feel the need to stand up and say Hey, I don't believe in hell so I won't be there. I guess what it all boils down to is religious tolerance. Its fine to discuss your beliefs, but its not really good to make fun of those who believe differently. I know just recently someone chose to argue with me, and I finally had to say that we would just have to agree to disagree.