How many kids at home??

United States
July 21, 2008 3:50pm CST
How many kids do you have?? How many are still in diapers?? Do you find it is easier with the more that you have , kind of like they keep each other busy or whatever. I have 2 teens and then a 2 year old and I find that I have more patience with this little one.
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5 responses
• United States
21 Jul 08
I have three kids. One is still in diapers. I find that the oldest two (9 and 6) don't get along that often and drive me crazy! :)
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
22 Jul 08
There is only one child in my apartment... and only me to take care of here when we are home... and i take her to my in-laws wheni go to work... she is still using diapers... but i am trying to potty train her now... it can be very difficult taking care of a child alone... but i can manage... i kinda got used to it...
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I have 2 kids. My son is 8 and my daughter is 18 months old going on 18 years old. The baby is actually in pull ups not diapers though. My grandma had 13 kids and she said the more she had the easier it was to raise them because they kept each other busy.
• United States
22 Jul 08
I have three precious girls. They are ages 2, 4, &9. I have a 5 year old step daughter - she visits every other weekend and whenever we want her to. My 2 year old is still in diapers, but she'll use the potty chair, and she'll try changing herself, and she'll tell me when she needs changed, but she just can't get it all together. LOL. I hoping the diaper stage will be over soon. I do find it earsier having more than one child. I am more disaplined as a mom. When I had just the one child, I'd let things go till tomorrow. I can't do that now, there's no time for later. I do have more patience with my 2 year old than I do my older girls. But my older girls just fight like pitbulls. It's ridiculous. My 9 year old tries to act like a teenager. LOL.
@bamakelly (5191)
• United States
21 Jul 08
I have one four year old son. I am a forty year old woman who stays at home during the day. My husband goes to work. The diapers stage is over. It wasn't always easy. Sometimes I actually do miss my son being a baby. Now he can walk and run all over the place. But in the long run, one child is enough for me to handle. It must be a challenge to have the patience you have with yours.