How do you control your frustration?

United States
July 21, 2008 6:09pm CST
When your child does something that completely frustrates you, how do you control your frustration? What sorts of things do your children do that frustrate you? How did you handle the situation?
3 responses
@GreenMoo (11834)
23 Jul 08
I'm going through a period just now where just about everything my eldest does frustrates me. He answers me back, he doesn't listen, he doesn't complete tasks that he's been asked to do. It drives me to distraction. I'm trying very hard not to yell at him, because I know that it's just a little boy being a little boy. However, he's getting to the stage where he's a bigger little boy now and I should be abel to trust him with some responsibilitiy. The day before yesterday for instance I asked him to fill up the chicken's water, and he knew we'd be away for 48 hours. Just as we were leaving I checked the chickens to find that they had just a scrap of water and the floor was all wet. When I tackled him he said that he had filled it, but then he'd spilled it. See, this is what drives me so mad. No-one minds that he spilled it, but he needs to fill it up again otherwise the chickens with dehydrate. He just doesn't seem to take two bit of information and put them together. Rant over! Deep breaths! And relax ....
@GreenMoo (11834)
28 Jul 08
I guess all we can do is keep showing a good example and talk them through what went wrong. I do hate nagging though, and there are days when it feels like that's all I do.
• United States
23 Jul 08
Yes, this sounds very much like my kids. And the frustrating part is at their age you expect them to know better. My oldest is 11 and still does things like this on a daily basis, and it drives me nuts. Now my 5 year old is picking up on it, so I'm facing it 2 fold. Seems the only kids I'm not constantly frustrated at are the babies, because I know they don't know any better.
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@Essie119 (673)
• Canada
22 Jul 08
My three-year-old frustrate me by asking "why" about everything. There are times when at the end of a long day I want to yell "just because". When I start to find myself getting annoyed I put a kids show on the television and then I go play the piano for a while. This gives us both a break.
• United States
22 Jul 08
My daughter is like that, but she doesn't exactly ask why. She just asks a lot of questions "What's that, what are you doing, where does this come from?" etc etc. She will also try to make assumptions that are so off the wall. Sometimes I have to just tell her not now.
• United States
22 Jul 08
I have a book called "Have a new kid by Friday" by Dr. Devin Leman. It's really good and it really works. The rules are no yelling, no lecturing, no attitude. It's harder for us as parents than it the kids. I found the book at a christian book store. I doesn't have anything to do with religion. There aren't any scriptors or Bible readings. It's just a how to book. It is really blunt and bold thou. But I've been doing it for a few months and it does work. Even on the 2 year old. I have three girls ages 2-9. It's great.
• United States
22 Jul 08
I know kids behavior is due to their parents most of the time. My kids aren't brats, they don't throw temper tantrums, and they don't talk back, because I've never stood for it. But they do have issues in other areas, that are my fault for the way I react to their small issues. I will look into this book, I do enjoy the "blunt" attitude. Thanks for the tip.
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