Is there no such thing as freedom of speech anymore?

July 21, 2008 7:03pm CST
Brigitte Bardot, is on a trial for saying some words against muslims. Just stating her opinion, she was fined before already. Is there no such thing as freedom of speech anymore? especially in a country which invented democracy?
1 response
@wyomugs (247)
• United States
22 Jul 08
That does not mean free speech exists in France TODAY!
• Malaysia
22 Jul 08
Well.... Then how about in your country? does it exist?
@wyomugs (247)
• United States
23 Jul 08
In the USA... barely!!! It seems to be constantly under attack by the liberal secular-progressives who feel that no one, but themselves, has any rights except themselves. They attack religion especially, and they use being "Politically Correct" (although they may call it being "sensitive") to squash ANY other points of view other than their own. Sometimes it feels like it's a losing battle.