I was going to write. Now I'm not so sure.

@p1kef1sh (45681)
July 22, 2008 3:22am CST
Like many here I have dabbled with writing from time to time. I don't dream of being a great author but the odd little thing might be fun. I've thought this way for years and it is only recently that I have even tried seriously. I was fortunate that the first piece that I ever wrote was taken up by a magazine and got published. But my enthusiasm waned and other things got in the way. But I have tried again and have decided that I just don't have it in me. Scan the discussion threads on myLot. There are some beautifully crafted words here. Complex issues eloquently explained with imagination and verve. I bought a writing magazine the other day, first time ever, it is full of such..... competition. The whole world seems set on writing their one great work. So I think that I shall give up and just doodle. I'll leave the serious writing to you serious writers. Good luck to you all. Enjoy.
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37 responses
@ellie333 (21016)
22 Jul 08
Hi P1kef1sh, Congratulations on having your article published. I would say don't stop just because so many others are also writing, so what you have your own way, your own style and it would be an unique work from you and I am sure many would read too. I write poetry at times and have done a couple of short stories too and had one published many years ago and I have frineds who are on their second book and also do public performance and they are just so good and I stopped writing myself then as I felt in their shadow, but guess what they dedicated their second book to me and in fact saif that it was I that was an inspiration in many of their works and that I also should keep writing. Every picture painted tells a different story and it is exactly the same with writing. Keep at it P1ke, you have a way with words and a hidden talent there you really have. Ellie :D
2 people like this
@ellie333 (21016)
22 Jul 08
I agree writing should be fun, I posted one of my peoms on here once and one person slated it so much for grammactical errors and my simple use of the English language and quite nastily too that I don't really do that now unless it is to paste into a discussion psot where the wording is relevant and some of mine can help people in some situations. I will send you a copy of the book my friend dedicated to me though. It is lovely wording. I just have fun with anything I write. Ellie :D
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jul 08
You are very sweet to me Ellie. But my "talent" is so well hidden that I cannot see it. LOL. I am impressed by your own experiences. I don't feel in anybody's shadow. Just that I am not up to the mark. I'm probably not competitive enough. I do feel that it has become a competition though. I was so depressed after I read the writing magazine. I found nothing inspirational in it at all. Just hard graft and cynicism. Surely that's not what it is all about?
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jul 08
That's good to hear Ellie. There is constructive criticism and there is rudeness! Thank you for offering the book. I look forward to reading it. I am happy buy it if it is on amazon or similar.
2 people like this
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
22 Jul 08
If it isn't in your heart then you are making the right choice. But if it is, don't give up on it because you think people are better than you are. I have been bummed lately about my writing but I still hammer on. You never know who could be reading and someone may want to publish something that you have written. Your good at it, I have read some stuff. So you should keep hammering on too.
2 people like this
@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jul 08
Thank you Skinny.
• United States
22 Jul 08
Good words of advice and encouragement! :)
@mnksmommy (301)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Oh, I feel your pain! I wrote daily as a teenager and even into my twenties. I just knew I was going to write for a living. It was my passion, it still is but it seems between kids and home there is little time for writing. I am a perfectionist and it makes writing such hard work and I don't feel it should be hard. When I see all the talent out there I just knew I didn't have it in me. Nowadays, I pretty much write for my own enjoyment--NO PRESSURE! I write what I want, when I can and if it's good enough I share it...if not, I file it away. But, I miss it so much just lying there hours on my bed waiting for the right words to come. It was heaven.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
23 Jul 08
Apart from writing at school I had no such ambition. I have lost my desire to write. The imagination is still vivid, my ability to string a sentence together is still there. But I don't want to do it and I feel bad about that because it is the realisation that actually, my writing isn't that good. But I like the idea of lying on my bed waiting for the right words. LOL. Perhaps I'll close my eyes whilst I let them come........zzzzzzz
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@paid2write (5201)
22 Jul 08
I consider myself a writer but I don't plan on publishing my 'great work' or of being a best-selling author. I'm happy writing every day and seeing my work appear on many sites on the internet. It still takes some skill, knowledge and effort to produce it. I'm hoping to get paid more for more of my articles as I gain experience, a reputation and, hopefully, some expertise at crafting good web content. I have previously written a few items which appeared in print but I see my future in writing as being 'on the net'. You too are a writer because you are producing written content for myLot, and there are plenty of other sites you could write for if you want to.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jul 08
That's very kind of you to say so. I don't feel that I have the ability to write in the way that I would like to. My issue is that I am very self critical and compare other peoples work to my own. I consistently see the work of others both on line and in print that I think is streets ahead of anything that I could do. I have tried, but if I don't have faith in my work, why should anyone else? Good luck with your own writing. I confess that I have looked at Helium, AC etc and never felt the urge to go there.
1 person likes this
22 Jul 08
I agree those writing sites are not for everyone, and I am only just getting into Helium after being a member for some time. As long as you carry on posting at myLot, you don't need to write anywhere else.
@GreenMoo (11833)
23 Jul 08
I think that to be a truly impressive writer one must write for the joy of writing, not for the money or the pleasure of seeing your name in print. The world and his wife describes themselves as a 'writer' now that there are so many opportunities opening up on the internet. You say there's so many beautifully crafted words out there. But honestly, isn't there a whole lot of crap too? And those people call themselves writers too! If you want to write, write. Do it for you. If people like it they'll say so. If they don't then you'll still have the pleasure of writing it.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
23 Jul 08
Everything that you say is quite correct. So why don't I feel inspired or energised?
2 people like this
@GreenMoo (11833)
23 Jul 08
Perhaps writing just isn't for you just now. To be honest, if you're not inspired or energised you're not going to write to your full potential anyway and you're not going to enjoy it either. So forget it, and return when you feel more in the mood.
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@buzzmaker (630)
• India
22 Jul 08
I am not a writer. Actually I didn't know how to write or how to explore a subject and compose something about it. But ever since I got into blogging and earning money online, I was pushed into writing. I also had the similar problems. I didn't know where to start, how to start and what to write. But then I started focusing on the real 'motive' I was writing for. I was writing for earning money. With that strong motive in my mind I automatically defined a process of what all needs to be there in whatever I write so that it sells on the internet and earns me good money. I think that was a single trigger it took me to start writing and to become a 'sort of a writer' :) Thanks
2 people like this
@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jul 08
I think that is very interesting. If you have a goal in anything and you pursue that single mindedly then I imagine that you can overcome your fears. A very good point. Thank you Buzzmaker.
1 person likes this
• India
22 Jul 08
Thank you very much!
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@nannacroc (4049)
22 Jul 08
As you know I love writing but I don't think I'll ever have the confidence to send any to a publisher. I think the knockbacks would spoil my enjoyment. Also, as you say, the competition is daunting.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jul 08
You have an excellent talent Nanna. Your poems are original and make for a hugely enjoyable read. Remember the praise you got just last week at the school. I am sure that they weren't just being polite.
@nannacroc (4049)
22 Jul 08
As you know, flattery will get you everywhere. I think that poem was a one off. Most of the others need odd people to enjoy them. Maybe one day I will have the confidence to do something, it's just that I don't want to lose the joy I get from writing.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jul 08
Are you calling me "odd"? LOL.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
24 Jul 08
I think you should join a writing group. Friends in writing groups really motivate you to keep going. They give such positive feedback that it spurs you on to write more. And you make such great friends as well. Of course you have to find the group that works well for you. Our group started at 6 and has expanded about 20 (off and on). People just love our group and we have a couple of published authors in our midst. I am hoping to be one some day but, like you, I have lost something along the way. I think the internet can be a great distraction and so totally addicting that we push things to the back burner that should really be up front. We have to carve out time to write. Please check out my articles on writing. I am sure they will help you. http://www.quazen.com/Arts/Online-Writing/10-Benefits-of-Joining-a-Writing-Group.49881 http://www.writinghood.com/Writing/How-to-Start-and-Manage-a-Writing-Group.80233 And you can always join a writing website. ivillage has a great group over on the Writing Exercise Board. There are tons of others online as well, but I think you get a better feeling when you are with friends and see and hear what they have to say. Besides, I don't like posting my work online for copyright reasons and for the fact that they would be ineligible for contests if I decided I wanted to enter one. Hold your head high and carry on. Good luck!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
24 Jul 08
Thank you I read both your articles about writing groups with a great deal of interest. Until such time as I want to write again I don't see that I would gain much from it. I can see that there is merit in having others spur you on, but they are also competitors, albeit in a very benign way. The first person that wrote something that I perceived to be wonderful would, unintentionally, switch me off again. It's not an idea that I am rejecting at all. But I don't know that my mental state is such that I would gain much from it just yet. But thank you so much for responding and good luck with your own work.
@nengs10 (3180)
• Philippines
22 Jul 08
Don't lose hope my friend. As far as I browse on your posts here, you do have a great potential. Competition is what makes everything in this world better and more promising. Keep on writing. Make your stay here in mylot your milestone in reaching your goals.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jul 08
Thank you Nengs, you're very kind. I'm not sure that I have any goals. Maybe that's the problem.
• Philippines
23 Jul 08
Oh dear. Don't give up something like this. This is your passion and you should be inspired to do it. I for one wants to publish my poems and finish my novel. It's been my frustration for years. I have lots of poems, about the people I love, my Mom, my Dad, my sisters, my ex-boyfriends, my great love and some about my pains. But well, I have a dream that one day I can make a compilation and present it as a gift to my future daughter/son. But my greatest frustration is for my novel to be finished and published. I started writing it years ago and stopped when I got distracted with problems. Start doing it again until I realized I cannot be near as good as my idol Jeffrey Archer and no one would publish it. Again I stopped. Then I got inspired again and wanna finish it. But I've been frustrated for months now. I've finished the Prologue and wasn't contented and did it 3 times. I've been struggling with my first chapter because I ran out of idea what to write. I just went blank like that. Sigh. I wanna give up. But writing's my passion. I'm not giving it up. You shouldn't as well.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
23 Jul 08
Great thoughts and great ideas! I feel impressed.
• Philippines
23 Jul 08
Sigh, I know... Too bad for him. But well, I always pretend not to know the author's personal life and background so that I wouldn't have misgivings/biases/unjust thoughts about his/her book... Archer is a really good author, albeit not of his own story :) Thanks for your words of encouragement.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
23 Jul 08
Writing is not my passion though. I have no passion save my family now. I wish you all the very best. Trust me, you can do an awful lot better than Jeffrey Archer. Although his recent spell in prison has no doubt given him some new experiences to draw on. Sorry. He is not a revered character in the UK.
@isaiah12 (416)
• United States
2 Aug 08
You mentioned that you are very self critical and that you compare others work to your own. First, let someone you trust look at your work and give their honest thoughts. My love for writing began in my early teens. I was very lucky. My grandmother was a writer of poetry, song lyrics and short stories. She had some of her work in newspapers, magazines, a book of her poetry, and she wrote a song and play for her church. When I wrote something I would always show it to her first. She would always give her honest thoughts. And she would give me helpful advice. She would tell me if I was drawing something out too long, or not explaining something enough. I know sometimes I would finish something and not think it was good. Yet after showing it to her she loved it. Sometimes it is better to get someone elses thoughts. Second, never compare yourself to others. There are all types of writers. And just because your work doesn't stand up to another writers does not mean you are no good. For example, I love poetry. I think it is a beautiful way to share feelings, emotions, and ideas. I think poetry should be available to everyone. English majors, everyday adults, teens and young children. To make it available to all we need all types of writers. Writers that can write complex crafted works of poetry for the English majors, and people who can write simple pieces of work that a child would enjoy. If you enjoy writing don't give up on it. You must have something in you if your first piece was published in a magazine. If I had given up on my dream I would not have two published books. I am now working on two new books, while starting a new Robin Gibb blog http://robingibb.today.com/ running my three websites, looking for a new job and spending time with my family.
@isaiah12 (416)
• United States
2 Aug 08
Just a huge Bee Gee and Robin Gibb fan. Would love to go to the Afternoon tea they are having in September. But of course last month I had surgery and lost my job all in the same week. I haven't been able to find a new job since. So am very hard up for money. Don't feel bad about having dry spells. I've raised two daughters by myself for the past 20 years. Working full time to pay the bills and keep food on the table. Sometimes things just seem to flow when I sit down to write. Other times, I think to many worries are distracting me. Because I can't write to save my life. Give it time, something will hit you. I little trick I've picked up from my grandmother. Keep pencil and paper by your bed. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with an idea or a line running through my head. I'll sit up and write it down. Because if I don't, sometimes I don't remember it the next morning. Sometimes it ends up something no good and I trash it. Other times it is the perfect line I was looking for in what I'm working on. Just keep working at it. And I wish you all the luck in the world.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
2 Aug 08
Thank you for clearing that one up for me. I do have a pen and paper beside my bed, and everywhere else too. They keep being pinched by the family because they don't buy their own pens and paper!! Grrrrr. I didn't know that you could have tea with a Bee Gee. Presumably they open the house and gardens to the public. Quite a few Stately Home owners do that sort of thing.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
2 Aug 08
Are you a Bee Gee? I grew up near Thame and know that area very well indeed. Writing is something that I do enjoy, and have been complimented on over the years. I have written short stories for folk on here (of a somewhat adult nature) and am engaged in writing an ongoing silly story about the theft of a consignment of English biscuits to a Canadian pub. Very cryptic I know. I have dried up however. I know how the story will continue, but I'm blowed if I can find the words. LOL. Thank you for your encouragement.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Jul 08
hi pikefish been there and done that. I have several short stories and a novel,all unpublished and now gathering dust, after a zillion rejections, one loses all impetus to keep going although I do love to write.Also I am very critical of my writing and often just crumple it up and toss it in file thirteen that oval wastebasket.So I was told I had talent, oh yeah well I am not that sure any more. I still write some poetry but am stalled on writing more fiction lol.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jul 08
May I join your club please Hatley? LOL.
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@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
22 Jul 08
If you enjoy writing, why not do it? It can be very satisfying for yourself if that's something you yearn to do. Apparently you are a good writer. I have seen your posts here and if you got accepted into a magazine, that's great! Why not post at Associated Content? You can earn some easy cash there. Also, there are lots of freelance jobs on the internet. Why not write and submit to magazines again? If that's what you love to do, then do it! Best wishes!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jul 08
Thank you Bethany. I have looked at AC and Helium but couldn't make head or tail of either. But you've hit the nail n the head. "If that's what you love to do....." the question that I ask myself is "is it?"
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
23 Jul 08
I feel rather the same way, p1ke. Everybody has a novel in them these days, and it's no longer possible to just send things away willy nilly and have them accepted. I've checked out quite a few blogs - some excellent, some not - but it's certainly apparent everyone's a writer these days. My time's running out now anyway - I'm feeling too old to be arsed - so my own novel has come to a grinding halt. Doodling, schnoodling. *sigh*
@p1kef1sh (45681)
23 Jul 08
I find that it's all so earnest Guy. There doesn't seem to be any fun as all the writers are rushing to be bestsellers. I should write for me. But I need the encouragement and all I see is competition.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
23 Jul 08
I haven't been to my blog in a week or so. I just don't have the energy for it. I'm not sure whet I do have the energy for actually!
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@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
24 Jul 08
We should probably both just cheer up and get back to our writing! It would be good for us - better than roaming the neighbourhood raping and pillaging. After all, every lad needs a hobby - and even if we're only doing it for our own pleasure, at least WE think we're good!
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
23 Jul 08
I am sorry to hear that you aren't going to be a writer P1ke. I am sure your full of good stories becaus you have such a great imagination. But just glad you won't be leaving here anytime soon. So what is your real name P1ke? It's not Earl or Walter is it?
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
24 Jul 08
Steve...Okay.Better then Earl or Walter..What happens to be your real name or do I have to guess..?
@p1kef1sh (45681)
23 Jul 08
Earl or Walter. Which shall it be. Earl is not a usual name in the UK as it denotes a rank in the Order of Chivalry, and neither is Walter. I'll call myself "Steve" after Steve McQueen. How's that?
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
23 Jul 08
Please do not under-rate or under-estimate yourself. Who said that you are not a 'good' writer and what made you feel that you cannot be a 'writer' (good or bad). I feel that you have every quality of a good writer. You can express yourself very effectively. You can make others understand your point of view. You have a very good command over the language. You know what to say and when to say. You have all the qualities of a 'writer' and I sincerely hope that if you make an attempt, you will definitely succeed. I assure you that I will be the one, who will read you write-ups. Best of luck!
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
23 Jul 08
Please do not be self-cricical..........leave this job to us.........LOL!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
23 Jul 08
Thank you dpk. That's very kind of you. The only person that has no confidence in me is me. I know that. I am self critical to the point of destruction!
• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 Jul 08
Well be sure! You DO have a unique writing voice and it deserves to be heard. And there are many more venues than books. Write a column, write a blog, write short stories, but write! Not everyone with talent is the next Pulizer Prize winner in the making. That doesn't stop them. Keep journals and when you're ready to leave this mortal coil, send them to me and I'll get them published. Seems to be a new trend in my own life lately! LOL JUST WRITE!
• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 Jul 08
I refuse to accept them until they are FULL of words! Yes tomorrow is another day, and you may feel differently. We live in hope you will. Writing is a hard mistress. Some days you just want to throw her out the door. But then she seduces your thoughts again and the desire works it's way silkily through your blood and you find yourself reaching for pen and paper (or keyboard). Don't give up. Just give it the cold shoulder for awhile until the senuous warmth returns to your blood.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Jul 08
"Keep journals and when you're ready to leave this mortal coil, send them to me and I'll get them published." You can have them tonight! I'm through with them. They only have two words: "Why bother?" You do the writing Sparky. I'll watch you climb the tree of success. You've earned it. Tomorrow's another day!
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@littleowl (7157)
4 Aug 08
I started writing a book when I was at junior school somehow that got lost..now I write poems nothing fantastic but none of mine have been printed mainly cos I haven't bothered sending them off..thing about this is that my daughter has told me that when i'm gone she will get them published!! littleowl
@p1kef1sh (45681)
4 Aug 08
Maybe you should send them off and surprise her. Perhaps that would encourage her to write too and then you will have started a dynasty!
@Jenaisle (14078)
• Philippines
3 Aug 08
Follow your "star" , you'll never know when you'll get the great break. Don't get discouraged, famous writers had rejected articles too before they became what they are now. Keep the candle burning. Good luck.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
3 Aug 08
Thank you Jenaisle.
@Jenaisle (14078)
• Philippines
27 Jul 08
I love writing too and I had never gave up on this dream. Keep dreaming, dreams are free. Dream and eventually your actions will lead you there. Good luck.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
27 Jul 08
Thank you Jenaisle and welcome to myLot.